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Tridentine Mass


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I increasingly feel in my heart that I should go to the latin Tridentine Mass to receive our Lord in the Eucharist. I originally thought I would have to travel 2 hours to Sydney for the Mass .... but just discovered the Tridentine Mass is celebrated closer to my home once every 2 weeks (approx 20 min away). I am so excited!!!! :D:
I have NEVER been to a Tridentine Mass before.
I also had some 'theological' questions about the 'New Mass' .... anyone here a scholar?

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I'm no scholar but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. (sorry, lame Yank joke).

Seriously, I attend an indult Mass every Sunday. You're lucky because mine is an hour away. :) What questions do you have? I'm sure that somebody here will have answers to all of them.

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[quote name='GodChild' post='1040438' date='Aug 9 2006, 07:37 PM']
I increasingly feel in my heart that I should go to the latin Tridentine Mass to receive our Lord in the Eucharist. I originally thought I would have to travel 2 hours to Sydney for the Mass .... but just discovered the Tridentine Mass is celebrated closer to my home once every 2 weeks (approx 20 min away). I am so excited!!!! :D:
I have NEVER been to a Tridentine Mass before.
I also had some 'theological' questions about the 'New Mass' .... anyone here a scholar?
I don't know if I am a "scholar" per se, but I do go to Divinity school (and there are other graduate-theologial folks around these boards). We'd be happy to give a go at your questions. Or you could post it over in the Transmundane Lane. :)

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Guest phatdaddy

[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='1040762' date='Aug 10 2006, 08:16 AM']
I'm no scholar but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. (sorry, lame Yank joke).

Seriously, I attend an indult Mass every Sunday. You're lucky because mine is an hour away. :) What questions do you have? I'm sure that somebody here will have answers to all of them.

:ohno: I am so far from being a scholar that it's amazing that I can even spell it.

But what little I know, I would caution you not to doubt the validity of the Novus Ordo (NO) Mass. That's not to say that there are not abuses that you have to deal with on an individual basis and sometimes search for NO that is celebrated correctly.

The St. Pius X Society (SPXS) is in schism and thus it would be sinful for you to attend a SPXS Tridentine liturgy (TL). However, the Church has allowed for legitimate and approved celebration of the Tridetine litergy as the result of the indult (if I can spell it: Eccelesia Dei) that OLAM Dad speaks of.

The NO Mass is the primary liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. Like it or not. The TL is also allowed with the approval of the Bishop and on the condition that it is not viewed as the only valid liturgy. It is good to have theological questions concerning the abuses in the NO mass but not the mass itself as given by Rome.

I told you I was no scholar and I proved that. :detective:
Mr. Ray

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[quote name='phatdaddy' post='1040799' date='Aug 10 2006, 08:32 AM']
I told you I was no scholar and I proved that. :detective:
Mr. Ray

Yes- because its SSPX* and Tridentine*. :D:

This thread belongs in another location- like Open Mic... or the T. Lane.

Edited by brendan1104
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Guest phatdaddy

[quote name='brendan1104' post='1040932' date='Aug 10 2006, 02:53 PM']
Yes- because its SSPX* and Tridentine*. :D:

This thread belongs in another location- like Open Mic... or the T. Lane.

:P: :surrender: You got me :blush: :graduate:

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[quote name='phatdaddy' post='1040799' date='Aug 10 2006, 08:32 AM']
:ohno: I am so far from being a scholar that it's amazing that I can even spell it.

But what little I know, I would caution you not to doubt the validity of the Novus Ordo (NO) Mass. That's not to say that there are not abuses that you have to deal with on an individual basis and sometimes search for NO that is celebrated correctly.

The St. Pius X Society (SPXS) is in schism and thus it would be sinful for you to attend a SPXS Tridentine liturgy (TL). However, the Church has allowed for legitimate and approved celebration of the Tridetine litergy as the result of the indult (if I can spell it: Eccelesia Dei) that OLAM Dad speaks of.

The NO Mass is the primary liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. Like it or not. The TL is also allowed with the approval of the Bishop and on the condition that it is not viewed as the only valid liturgy. It is good to have theological questions concerning the abuses in the NO mass but not the mass itself as given by Rome.

I told you I was no scholar and I proved that. :detective:
Mr. Ray

It is not a sin to attend Latin Tridentine Masses, no matter who celebrates it. Msgr Perl from the Ecclesia Dei commission wrote someone a letter stating that if someone attends the TLM for the sake of the Mass itself, and not against Rome, then they have not incurred sin. However, if they attend as an act of rebellion against Rome, then sin is incurred.

You can even put a little $$$ in the basket to help pay the electric bill.

I've had many ask me that question.


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No scholar here but at my (Dominican Friars) parish , we sometimes have an early morning(Sunday) Latin Mass and it is called Dominican Old Rite Mass. I find it very beautiful.


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[quote name='Mercy's Child' post='1041025' date='Aug 10 2006, 02:12 PM']
No scholar here but at my (Dominican Friars) parish , we sometimes have an early morning(Sunday) Latin Mass and it is called Dominican Old Rite Mass. I find it very beautiful.

I've heard about your parish!!! My school is run by the Central (St. Albert the Great) Province of Friars. And I forget how it came up, but one of them told us about the Dominican Rite, and how it's only celebrated in a few places in the world (including the west coast). So there you have, you're famous! :topsy:

We now return to your regularly schedule program....


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GodChild, I made the assumption (silly of me) that the Tridentine Rite Mass close to you was a licit Mass and not a schmatic one. Sinful or not, attending an illicit mass is putting your soul on a slippery slope and I would highly recommend that you avoid attending if it is illicit.


OLAM Dad, lover of the Tridentine Rite. :)

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='1041089' date='Aug 10 2006, 04:46 PM']
GodChild, I made the assumption (silly of me) that the Tridentine Rite Mass close to you was a licit Mass and not a schmatic one. Sinful or not, attending an illicit mass is putting your soul on a slippery slope and I would highly recommend that you avoid attending if it is illicit.


OLAM Dad, lover of the Tridentine Rite. :)

I always repeat the warning that Msgr Perl gave about attending "illicit" TLMs--be aware that if you are listening to contra-Rome talk, it can seep in and unconsciously start turning you against the pope.

Even if the SSPX and others are celebrating a TLM in my area, I usually can't go anyway. I would have the nerve to walk up to the priest, shake his hand, smile sweetly, and tell him that I'm a guest in communion with Rome and would appreciate not hearing any anti-Rome talk.

I was working with a discerner from Germany who attended SSPX masses. I found her the Institute of St. Phillip Neri. She said once she made contact with the Institute, the SSPXers started getting rude toward her (they had no idea she'd been talking to the Neri Institute). Sooo, just goes to show. . .


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I am a member of a Traditional Roman Rite "mission" (though we function like a parish): www.materecclesiae.org We are blessed to have an AWESOME priest, Fr. Robert Pasley KHS, who is a diocesan priest. I discovered Mater Ecclesiae a number of years ago while pregnant with my first son, looking for a parish that was orthodox, reverent, etc. Once I went to Mater Ecclesiae I never went back to the Novus Ordo (unless I have to for scheduling reasons or I'm away from home, etc). It's about 20 minutes to a half hour from my house. I would highly, highly recommend that you find an indult or Latin mass community to attend if possible. It's changed my life. Going to one of the three Novus Ordo churches in my lovely, predominantly Catholic towns is usually, well, not the pleasantest of experiences in terms of reverence. Mater Ecclesiae is growing incredibly, primarily with young adults and young families and we have lots of vocations for such a small church. Soon will be our first vocation to the nun-hood (so to speak) and we have several seminarians, and also one priest ordained a year ago in the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. As far as SSPX is concerned, although I've never attended an SSPX mass, my understanding is that if there is no other option in one's area, attending mass at an SSPX chapel does in fact fulfill one's Sunday mass obligation. Straight from the lips of my parish priest. I think that's similar to if one attended a Greek Orthodox church on Sunday, for example. However it is not permitted on a regular basis, as I understand it. One must attend a church in union with Rome on a regular basis. It is my hope and opinion that we will see a full reunion of at least a part of the SSPX with Rome within my lifetime (I'm 30). I really think so. But that probably won't be without a split within the SSPX over the issue. God bless you, and let us know how your attending the beautiful traditional mass goes. Give yourself time to get used to it...those of us who grew up in the Novus Ordo have a tough time adjusting. It took me not a few months to even vaguely understand what was going on, and there's always more to learn. There's no end to the depth and beauty of the traditional mass.

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Guest phatdaddy


Thank you for sharing your experiences. The Tridentine Mass (OK Brendon?) lends itself to so much more reverence and mystery by it's very nature. I also prefer the ruberics of the TM over the normal ruberics of the NO mass as celebrated in practically evey parish Church, all things being equal.

However I must say, I have assisted at Mass at the OLAM Shrine in Hanceville Alabama and I am awestruck at the reverence and the beauty of the NO mass that the MFVA priest say. It is said in english and latin and I believe the way it was intended, with such reverence and majesty. I wish that the OLAM "way" of celebrating the NO was normative....oh well maybe in time, God willing.

Mr. Ray
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[quote name='GodChild' post='1040438' date='Aug 9 2006, 06:37 PM']I also had some 'theological' questions about the 'New Mass' .... anyone here a scholar?

If you still have questions in this area email me at: fryc86ATyahooDOTcom

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Guest JeffCR07

[quote name='Mercy's Child' post='1041025' date='Aug 10 2006, 01:12 PM']
No scholar here but at my (Dominican Friars) parish , we sometimes have an early morning(Sunday) Latin Mass and it is called Dominican Old Rite Mass. I find it very beautiful.


Where is your parish?

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