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" I trust you God"


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is it ok to tell God I Trust him even if I feel at times that I dont?.. I feel like I am lying to him.. or maybe thats scruples?

because when I say "Help me trust you".. I feel like im being picky with my words or something.

Edited by Tony
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Guest JeffCR07

When I have struggles like those, it always helps me to think of the man in the Gospel whose daughter was sick. Christ tells him that if he has faith, his daughter will be healed. The man responds "I believe, Lord. Help my unbelief."

We can have doubts and struggles, and times of spiritual desert. But if we turn to God in those times of need, we will be given the healing that we desire. Asking God to help you trust Him is, in its own way, to trust in God already. To paraphrase Thomas Merton: The desire to please God does in fact please Him.

Your Brother In Christ,


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I second Jeff's Scriptural reference (to be honest, it's one of my favorites...)!

"Lord, I do believe, help my unbelief" you could probably get away with adjusting the prayer for yourself and saying "Lord, I trust in You, cast out my doubt" or something similar.

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Thy Geekdom Come

Feelings are different from will. If you will to trust Him, He's pleased, even if you don't do it perfectly. St. Therese said to tell Jesus you love Him, even if you can't feel it. It goes the same for trust.

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this all makes a lot of sense.. thank you :)

I really want to entrust myself to Jesus and Mary more.. like.. realllllllllly.... so.. a prayer would be great :)

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Guest AluKey

I think I understand. At times, everyone feels like they distance themselves from God because of struggles going through their life. God is there for you no matter what and really knows what's going through your mind even better than you do.

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Also, in many cases, people start believing/doing what they say if they keep repeating it, so if you keep saying, "I trust you, God," even though you may not always feel it, I think you'll probably discover that you truly do.

I hope that makes sense...

Also, in many cases, people start believing/doing what they say if they keep repeating it, so if you keep saying, "I trust you, God," even though you may not always feel it, I think you'll probably discover that you truly do.

I hope that makes sense...

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Had another thought... when I was (/am) struggling with trust, I head for the Divine Mercy Chaplet. It has a good history. ;)

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Domine ut Videam

Jesus I trust in You

be my eyes,
for I am blind and cannot see
be my ears,
for I am deaf and cannot hear
be my lips, my words,
for I am silent and cannot speak
be my legs,
and take me on your paths
be my hands,
and write great works, for I am dumb

Take all of me Lord
craft it as your own
create me anew in your image
for I am weak-but in you strong
Lord, I give you my heart, my mind, my talents, my gifts....
I give you my body
Do with me as you will

Jesus I Trust in You

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I have been there! Jeff is so right. That scripture has helped me quite a bit. I have also found myself praying for faith. I would suggest it.

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