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Time to Introduce Myself?

Sr Mary Catharine OP

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Hi Sister!

:welcome: to the world of posters!

When you get some time it would be really keen if you would tell us more about your community.

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Guest phatdaddy

[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='1039023' date='Aug 7 2006, 12:07 PM']
Hi Sister!

:welcome: to the world of posters!

When you get some time it would be really keen if you would tell us more about your community.

Welcome SMC from e me too.

Yeah tell us more. Oh, and Dominicans are AWESOME....... :yahoo:

Mr. Ray

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And the Superior of the Novitiate strikes one Holy time again!!! :lol: You know Sister Mary Catharine, you'll be A) surprised that you are well known on phatmass and are part of the phamily. B) "Awesome" is just another word for cool, sweet, good, radical (in a good way), but its a little above all those words. Awesome in 21st is not really slang. I've been waiting for you to "give" up and let me teach you .... :evil: :evil: :evil: what I call Slangology :duel: :duel: :duel:

Amanda < You only know who..... :lol:

[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1038744' date='Aug 6 2006, 05:18 PM']
Hello Friends in Christ! I am Sr. Mary Catharine, the novice mistress and vocations directress for the Dominican Nuns in Summit, NJ.

Recently OLAM Dad has been urging me to finally "show my face" on this forum and with the recent posts about Sr. Mariana and people saying I lurk here I thought it would be only polite to say hello and yes, I do come by and see what is happening!

I don't think I will be posting much. Too busy with our novitiate and aspirants which is a nice problem! However, I do want to say hello and most of all to tell ALL OF YOU that I keep you in my prayers, especially during my time of Adoration and Rosary.

Discerning one's vocation is really the GREAT ADVENTURE of our life. It can sometimes seem like we will NEVER figure out where God is leading us. Those of us in religious life have been there...truly! I can vividly remember the times when I would be before Jesus in tears getting angry that He wasn't showing me where He wanted me NOW! Well, to my big surprise it was to the cloistered life and to this wonderful monastery in Summit, NJ. I mean, New Jersey was the LAST PLACE I WOULD EVER LIVE! PERIOD! Ok, all Joiseyites, calm down. The state is growing on me...slowly!

Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have or if you would rather PM me that's fine, too. If I don't answer immediately, don't worry; I do answer!

Please pray for me and for my sisters, too! One of the biggest joys of being a Catholic is the communion of Saints! We need each other to grow in holiness and together we will one day be beholding the Face of God and rejoicing in living in the communion of the Triune God.

Is that awesome or what? :D:

Is "awesome" out as slang? <_<

In Jesus, Mary and St. Dominic,
Sr. Mary Catharine, OP

Edited by AlterDominicus
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What is your apostolate? I know with the Dominicans in Nashville they teach at the University, but what is the cloister's charism?

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:bye: It is good to see you on here! We have quite a few people discerning Dominican life on phatmass too.... :blush: Edited by brandelynmarie
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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[i]When you get some time it would be really keen if you would tell us more about your community.[/i]
There's a lot I could tell you and I will try to answer the questions others have asked about a "typical day" (I'm still hoping I experience one! :P: ) and what our "charism" and apostolate is.

OK, we are Nuns of the Order of Preachers so that might give you a clue as to our role in the Church. We are nuns, so that means we are consecrated to the "one thing necessary." Our constitutions state that St. Dominic gathered together the first nuns to be FREE FOR GOD ALONE! and that he associated the nuns with the friars in their work of the Holy Preaching. In another place it also says this most wonderful sentence that really sums up our life: "[b] By their hidden life they proclaim prophetically that in Christ alone is true happiness, here by grace and afterwards in glory". [/b] So as Dominicans our contemplative lives are both about simply being FOR GOD and the desire that all men and women come to salvation, so we have a special place in the heart of the Order praying for the sucess of the Holy Preaching. We preach too, by our presence, by "wasting our lives" before the Face of God, like Mary at the feet of Jesus.

A typical day? Hmm. Well, first the Holy Sacrifice is the the most important part of our day. Then, flowing from this is our chanting the Divine Office. And then for our monastery and most OP nuns' monasteries we have the privelege of Perpetual Adoration. Our community also has Perpetual Rosary: we pray the Rosary before the exposed monstrance contemplating the mysteries of salvation.

Our work is mainly simple things: living the life of Mary at Nazareth. Cooking, cleaning, sewing, computer work, limited printing, rosary making, library work, gardening, weaving (more a hobby).

Then as Dominicans we have a special emphasis on study. Not study that is merely an acquiring of knowledge for its sake but theological study so that we can know God better so that we can love Him better. Study that also helps the entire human person to flourish.

We have recreation of course and tomorrow for the feast of St. Dominic it will be a whole day of recreation. We have our prayer, etc. of course, but the free time will be recreation and snacks. Let me tell you, by the end of the day, we are tired and can't wait to get back to the usual silence!

There is a good balance between solitude and silence in a Dominican monastery. We have a retreat day every month and each sister can take a private "hermit day." Sundays are like retreat days. We love Sundays!

OK. Did that answer all the questions posed. I hope so!

Happy Feast of St. Dominic to all! :)

In Christ's love,
Sr. Mary Catharine

Edited by Sr. Mary Catharine
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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1039276' date='Aug 7 2006, 04:59 PM']
Our work is mainly simple things: living the life of Mary at Nazareth. Cooking, cleaning, sewing, computer work, limited printing, rosary making, library work, gardening, weaving (more a hobby).
Mary of Nazareth did computer work? Wow, she must have been a Dominican... much smarter than those around her. :P:

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^I was thinking the same thing! :lol:

I love your Order Sr. Mary Catharine (and you're so close to where I live), it's good to have your here.

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