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Entrance Day Graces


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For all of you entering--or will be sometime in the future, God willing--don't forget to take prayer petitions with you on your entrance day, and remember such during the course of the day. Mother Mary gives great graces on that day, so your prayers will be very, very strong.

Just a thought.


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I've always thought- and heard- that graces asked for won't be refused at profession...

[quote name='Gemma' post='1036111' date='Aug 2 2006, 05:25 AM']
For all of you entering--or will be sometime in the future, God willing--don't forget to take prayer petitions with you on your entrance day, and remember such during the course of the day. Mother Mary gives great graces on that day, so your prayers will be very, very strong.

Just a thought.


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[quote name='brendan1104' post='1036212' date='Aug 2 2006, 09:54 AM']
I've always thought- and heard- that graces asked for won't be refused at profession...

Jesus told Sr. Mary of the Holy Trinity, Poor Clare of Jerusalem, that if a postulant died on the day of her entrance, she'd go straight to Heaven because her heart was so far removed from the world.

Profession days, too, carry weight.



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I have read both books about her, and she looks kinda like me on the bookcover. :saint:

I have a notepad right next to the computer to write down prayer requests.
and please know that as soon as I able once there, I will fly to our Lord in chapel and pray for them.

Please continue to pray for many more vocations! :saint:

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One thing I didn't know was that a child who enters as a religious gains special graces for his or her family. Now that's neat! ^_^

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wow, thats wonderful! I was never aware of that! Hey gemma the sister that you mentioned did she ever publish any books?

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Her writtings were puvlished, and there is a a bio of sorts written by a priest friend of hers I think. I know TAN publishes both books and the Rockford Poor Clares have kinda taken her on as their own for her cause for canonization.

[b]Spiritual Legacy of Sr. Mary of the Holy Trinity[/b]. Our Lord's revelations to a Poor Clare nun about His love for us and how we should live to please Him. Similar to Way of Divine Love, but reveals yet another side of Our Lord's Heart. Explains the "Vow of Victim" and the delicate nuances of fraternal charity--especially the fruitful effects of kindness, which enables souls to open themselves to the love God asks of them. Includes a brief life story of Sr. Mary of the Holy Trinity. Profoundly moving.

[b]Life & Message of Sr. Mary of The Holy Trinity[/b]. Life story of Louisa Jaques (1901-1942), author of Spiritual Legacy of Sr. Mary of the Holy Trinity, a Poor Clare of Jerusalem, to whom Our Lord gave messages about the love of His Heart for souls. Her Protestant childhood and youth in Switzerland, religious and philosophical yearnings, great love for her family, guilty friendship with a young married doctor, conversion, vocation and early death. 22 pictures. Plus messages from Our Lord (from The Spiritual Legacy), arranged by topic. Includes an article on the Poor Clares of Rockford, Illinois, with 31 photographs of the nuns.

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When I was 27 I visited the Rockford Poor Clares, they are a very nice order. They are very traditional and go barefoot almost all the time! They are vegitrains(sp?) also.

I have always enjoyed reading those books, they are two of the five books that I have for reading at the convent.

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well any of you out there who will be entering this year, if you wouldn't mind praying for the conversion of my parents and that they can desire what the Lord desires for me that would be great.
they continue to not be happy about the whole religious life thing and that I won't give them grandchildren that are flesh and blood. It's been and continues to be very difficult on me.

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