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The "Israel" you don't see on TV


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[quote name='stephen' post='1037109' date='Aug 3 2006, 02:53 PM']
I know what this means: more innocent civilians must be killed, especially children, and the infrastructure of more sovereign nations must be reduced to rubble. It's the only way "we" can "rid the world of terrorism" (and coincidentally, Arabs).

But more innocent civilians, especially children wouldnt have to die if terrorist didnt use them as sheilds, and start these wars in the first place, like Hezbollah, and Al-Qaeda. Coincidentally, Mr. Stephen, Iranians are not Arab, they are mostly persian. Not all terrorist are arabs, and not all arabs are terrorist, but as long as terrorist are there, terrorist will use the innocent for the religion of "[color="#FF0000"]death.[/color]"

[color="#FF0000"]"We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the big difference between us." --Osama bin Laden[/color]

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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1037238' date='Aug 3 2006, 09:13 PM']

Palestinians and Lebanese wish to have (Hezboullah & Hamas) terrorist in their governments, then they are counted with them and bring down the punishment on themselves. [/quote]

NOT true. Hezbollah has only parliamentary power in the government. It's not even a very significant amount either. Hezbollah went around with guns telling people to vote for them haha. Also, the government is afraid of Hezbollah. The Anti-Syrian force (including the prime minister) is against Hezbollah. They can't really get them to disarm. That's what annoys me about the Israeli population, I guess they don't see that? I mean isn't it obvious? They don't understand the very complex politics of our country.

[quote]The muslims lie to their children and raise their children to hate Jews, calling them monsters and saying that they live to kill muslim children... "Isalm" is the submission of one's enemies. Islam is evil and teaches evil... it is NOT a religion of peace.[/quote]
This should be translated, "the Shi'ites raise their children to hate Jews". I don't even think all the Shi'ites do this. The Sunni are more intellectual and open minded for the most part in Lebanon.

This is a matter of discipline. I know full well that the Pope has pleaded for a cease fire... but terrorists and those that support them must not be allowed to get away with terrorism.... Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Iran are begging to be destroyed. [/quote]
Hezbollah is a terrorist group in Lebanon. The prime minister does not agree with Hezbollah. Many politicians don't. Lebanon's not begging to be destroyed. I don't think that's a very correct statement. Hezbollah's begging to be destroyed. Iran and Syria control Hezbollah and the politicians who support Hezbollah.

[quote]When Syria, Egypt, and the other countries attacked Israel back in the 70's, Israel should have destroyed their governments and expanded... then the middle east wouldn't be so bad now. The terrorist will keep attacking until they are destroyed.
I don't agree with Israel as a state starting. It's history is almost as bad as America with the Native Americans. Israel isn't innocent at all and I despise it when people defend it blindly for religious reasons. However, it currently should be seen as the Country of Israel and it is justified in defending itself.

God Bless Israel and I pray for their swift victory with low casualties.
I hope Israel destroys Hezbollah. I don't think a ceasefire would work. Especially since Hassan will declare victory if there is one.

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[quote name='ruso' post='1037298' date='Aug 3 2006, 11:15 PM']
Israel is our enenmy,,. sorry.

lol Who is our?

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[quote name='ruso' post='1037298' date='Aug 3 2006, 10:15 PM']
Israel is our enenmy,,. sorry.

I greatly disagree, and to be serious I dont think you really mean that, if you had a choice to be drop into ethier Israel, or a part of Hezbollah controlled Lebanon. Which would you choose? Which would you feel safer? Who is more likey to kill you because your Christain?



You have good points as always, no nation is completely innocent, even Israel.

I did hear that "pro-Syrian" Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, praised Hezbollah, what do you know of this?[/color]

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Emile Lahoud is not liked by the majority of people in Lebanon. He is a Syrian puppet. In September 2004 the parliament allowed him to serve an extra half term . They later admitted that the Syrians forced them to do this. It was obviously done by Syria. Now that Syria left, he practically has no power. The Prime Minister(an anti Syrian Muslim) has practically all the power since people follow his orders. No one supports Lahoud besides practically Hezbollah and the Syrian Socialists. The March 14 group (consisting of members of the LF, the Future Movement, and the PSP) tried to get him out of office. The problem is there is a politician who gained many seats in the parliament as well. His name is Aoun. He is a Christian who recently allied with Hezbollah. He refused to vote Lahoud out and without him and his members of the parliament supporting the act, it wasn't able to be passed. They needed 2/3 of the parliament to vote on it.

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[quote name='musturde' post='1037302' date='Aug 3 2006, 10:44 PM']
Emile Lahoud is not liked by the majority of people in Lebanon. He is a Syrian puppet. In September 2004 the parliament allowed him to serve an extra half term . They later admitted that the Syrians forced them to do this. It was obviously done by Syria. After Syria left, he practically has no power. The Prime Minister(an anti Syrian Muslim) has practically all the power since people follow his orders. No one supports Lahoud besides practically Hezbollah and the Syrian Socialists. The March 14 group (consisting of members of the LF, the Future Movement, and the PSP) tried to get him out of office. The problem is there is a politician who gained many seats in the parliament as well. His name is Aoun. He is a Christian who recently allied with Hezbollah. He refused to vote Lahoud out and without him and his members of the parliament supporting the act, it wasn't able to be passed. They needed 2/3 of the parliament to vote on it.

Whenever Lahoud is on tv, most people don't listen to what he says.

It is good that the majority do not support Lahoud. When is his term up? It is also good that Lebanon's PM is level headed enuff to see Hezbollah is a bad deal.

I know Hezbollah has few seats but how many does "The Syrian Socialists" have, and how Christian is Aoun? We have many politicans here in the US that claim to be "christian" but well are not, is Aoun like this, I cant see how a true christian would aline theirself with Hezbollah, it sounds weird to me.

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Toledo Jesus and Musturde, me a Sefardi- Maronite.
I live i n Sefarat whit my family.

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Mateo el Feo

Here's Michel Aoun's wiki page. It's got a little info about the whole Hezbollah thing:

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1037312' date='Aug 4 2006, 08:39 AM']
Here's Michel Aoun's wiki page. It's got a little info about the whole Hezbollah thing:
Michel Aoun is my general.
I was live in Libano.

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[quote name='ruso' post='1037311' date='Aug 4 2006, 12:37 AM']
Toledo Jesus and Musturde, me a Sefardi- Maronite.
I live i n Sefarat whit my family.

[quote name='ruso' post='1037313' date='Aug 4 2006, 12:54 AM']
Michel Aoun is my general.
I'm live in Libano.

Do I understand you correctly you are Sefardi Maronite Christian and you live in Sefarat, Lebanon? I read on your profile you are from Spain? Did you moved from Spain to Sefarat?

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1037315' date='Aug 4 2006, 09:14 AM']
Do I understand you correctly you are Sefardi Maronite Christian and you live in Sefarat, Lebanon? I read on your profile you are from Spain? Did you moved from Spain to Sefarat?
Sefarat is Spain for a Sefardi

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1037315' date='Aug 4 2006, 09:14 AM']
Do I understand you correctly you are Sefardi Maronite Christian and you live in Sefarat, Lebanon? I read on your profile you are from Spain? Did you moved from Spain to Sefarat?
i'm, no was, sorry. my English is bad.

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[quote name='ruso' post='1037311' date='Aug 4 2006, 01:37 AM']
Toledo Jesus and Musturde, me a Sefardi- Maronite.
I live i n Sefarat whit my family.

Close to where is Sefarat? Is it north or south? You're in Lebanon right now or Spain?

[quote name='ruso' post='1037313' date='Aug 4 2006, 01:54 AM']
Michel Aoun is my general.
I was live in Libano.

Most Lebanese know english pretty well... How long have you been in Spain? Did you live through the Aoun/Geagea conflict? Also how old are you? I'm still confused, you're a sephardi Jordanian Lebanese Maronite?

Edited by musturde
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