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The "Israel" you don't see on TV


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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1036905' date='Aug 3 2006, 12:21 PM']
Nah man you tried to apply what Christ said, to the current war and events now, in 2006, because now is 2006. [/quote]

You're too intellectually dishonest to actually quote wrote I wrote.

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1036905' date='Aug 3 2006, 12:21 PM']
But yeah man what about Bard? Can you prove anything what I posted from him wrong? Doesnt seem as if you can, can yah buddy?

You really seem to think you have something here, even though it's been clearly addressed already.

You chose a Zionist propagandist as a source of information on JPII and posted his work without crediting the author. I have not accused Bard of lying in that article.

Now stop your lying accusations.

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='stephen' post='1035318' date='Aug 1 2006, 04:37 AM']
And I think Hezbollah is motivated by the harsh injustices that the Israeli state commits against it's neighbors.

[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1035320' date='Aug 1 2006, 04:41 AM']
2 – Why do you type Israel as “Israel” ?

[quote name='stephen' post='1035326' date='Aug 1 2006, 05:13 AM']
Because the Church is true Israel. The gangster state in the Middle East that calls itself "Israel" is a fake.

[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1035328' date='Aug 1 2006, 05:25 AM']
so you are saying Israel has no right to exist?

[quote name='stephen' post='1035587' date='Aug 1 2006, 02:23 PM']
That's exactly what I'm saying. It may shock you and others to witness this heresy against the sacred dogmas of Zionism promulgated by the ministers of the holy Zionist religion through the sacrament of holy ...

it's sad that people like "Stephen" are real in the USA

um... do you save from blame for the USA, like other bottom feeders, “Stephen”?
Or is it all on Israel?

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1036952' date='Aug 3 2006, 01:39 PM']

People like this jerk "Stephen" support Islamofascists who cut off the heads of school girls on their way to school … [/quote]

Wow, these powerful words would be really effective if I actually did support Islamic terrorists. But since I don't support Islamic terrorists in any way, your words only serve as evidence of your own shortcomings.

Bearing false witness against one's neighbor is a sin, "Lounge Daddy."

And attacking straw men is a cowardly, intellectually dishonest practice.

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And "Lounge Daddy," I would respond to your appeal to the beheadings of Islamic terrorists by stating that according to rabbinic "Jewish" law, in ideal conditions when Judaic authority is absolute, the world would be subject to rabbinic "Noahide Law" and Christian "idolaters" would be subject to capitol punishment by decapitation. In fact, any violation of the "Noahide Laws" by a non-"Jew" would be punished by decapitation. And a non-"Jew" could be found guilty and subject to execution based upon the testimony of [i]one witness[/i] and the ruling of [i]one judge[/i] (there is no jury in Noahide law).

[quote]The Seven Noachide laws are general commandments with many details. Transgressing any one of them is considered such a breach in the natural order that the offender incurs the death penalty. Apart from a few exceptions, the death sentence for a Ben Noach is Sayif, death by the sword / decapitation, the least painful of the four modes of execution of criminals (see the Rambam's Hilchos Melachim 9:14). (The four methods of capital punishment in Torah are: S’kilah - Stoning; S’rifah - Burning; Hereg - Decapitation; Henek - Strangulation.) The many formalities of procedure essential when the accused is an Israelite need not be observed in the case of the Noachite. The latter may be convicted on the testimony of one witness, even on that of relatives, but not on that of a woman. He need have had no warning from the witnesses; and a single judge may pass sentence on him (Sanhedrin 57a, b; Rambam, Hilchos Melakim 9:14).

... A gentile who worships false gods [ie. the Trinity] is liable to the death penalty, provided he worships them in the regular form in which that particular deity is usually worshiped [the Catholic Mass]. A gentile is executed for every type of foreign worship which a Jewish court would consider worthy of capital punishment.


Hopefully people are gaining an understanding of how rabbinic Judaism is absolutely not the "root" of Christian faith.

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='stephen' post='1036986' date='Aug 3 2006, 01:55 PM']
Wow, these powerful words would be really effective if I actually did support Islamic terrorists. But since I don't support Islamic terrorists in any way, your words only serve as evidence of your own shortcomings.

Bearing false witness against one's neighbor is a sin, "Lounge Daddy."

And attacking straw men is a cowardly, intellectually dishonest practice.

Oh, sure thing, Mr. Strawman. “Stephen”
Your own words align your views with the global Jihadistan, tuff guy

[quote]And I think Hezbollah is motivated by the harsh injustices that the Israeli state commits against it's neighbors.
- Stephen

so you are saying Israel has no right to exist?
- Lounge Daddy

That's exactly what I'm saying.
- Stephen[/quote]

The same as the anti-Semitic axis-of-appeasers supported the wrong side of history during the time of WWII, Mr Anti-Semite “Stephen.” You are doomed to be on the wrong side of everything… you dare sympathize with Islamofascists… with pure evil, “Stephen.”

Don’t talk to me about false witness and friggin’ sin, Mr. Anti-Semite. And don’t call me a neighbor, [mod]no name calling please -777[/mod]…And don’t talk to me about bearing false witness when in fact you do agree with Jihadistan, including Hezbollah. You say that Israel has no right to exist – as I have quoted you.
I am not bearing false witness at all. I am, in fact seeing the America of WWII play out in front of my eyes- but in a much more acute and amplified and dangerous way… “Stephen,” Mr. Anti-Semite.

I am also saying you are on the wrong side, “Stephen” you [mod]no name calling please -777[/mod]…… you are currently on the loosing side… you are doomed
think about that, Mr. Strawman.

you may have little time left - the war has begun
Rethink your position.

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1037016' date='Aug 3 2006, 02:44 PM']

Your own words align your views with the global Jihadistan

[quote]And I think Hezbollah is motivated by the harsh injustices that the Israeli state commits against it's neighbors.[/quote]

I stand behind this statement 100%. You probably prefer to believe that groups like Hezbollah oppose the Israelis simply because they "hate the Jews" and that it has nothing at all to do with the Israelis' theft and military occupation of their land, demolition of their homes, slaughter of their people, racist, oppresive, unjust policies, etc., etc., ad nauseam ad infinitum. But I think my perspective is the reasonable one, and it does not in any way equate advocacy of terrorism, despite your intellectually bankrupt attempts to spin it that way.

[quote]so you are saying Israel has no right to exist?
- Lounge Daddy

That's exactly what I'm saying.
- Stephen[/quote]

Don't be so surprised that I don't submit to the sacred dogma of Zionism which declares "Israel's right to exist" when Pope St. Pius X also denied their "right" in the most clear and direct terms. This isn't Fox News. It's a Catholic discussion board.

You can't tar and feather me without also doing the same to Pope St. Pius X.

So I'll let you sort that one out with yourself.

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[quote][size=4]OSAMA'S EVIL SPAWN IN LEB[/size]

August 3, 2006 -- A son of Osama bin Laden has gone from Iran to Lebanon with the mission to organize terror attacks against Israel, it was reported yesterday.
Saad bin Laden, 27, one of the terror mastermind's eldest sons, was released by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard last Friday, according to the German daily Die Welt.

"From the Lebanese border, he has the task of building Islamist terror cells and preparing them to fight with Hezbollah," the paper said, quoting intelligence sources.

"Apparently, Tehran is counting on recruiting Lebanese refugees in Syria for the fight against Israel, using bin Laden's help," it added.

The young bin Laden was supposedly under house arrest in Iran.

In 2004, Iranian former foreign minister Kamal Kharrazi said the country had jailed about a dozen al Qaeda suspects and would put them on trial. Among them were bin Laden and Saif al-Adel, the terror network's security chief.

Up until this latest move, intelligence officials believed that Saad, who speaks fluent English, was part of a small cadre running al Qaeda from Iran.

"Our general view is Iran certainly does have a few al Qaeda-related figures," said a counter-terrorism official when asked about the Die Welt report. "The general perception is Iran keeps these people as a bargaining chip."

According to that official, Shiite Muslim Iran is not sympathetic to members of the Sunni-dominated al Qaeda but "they protect them as long as they think they can make use of them."

Al Qaeda's No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, issued a video message last week in which, while not mentioning Hezbollah by name, he urged Muslims everywhere to "fight and become martyrs" in response to the conflict in Lebanon.

Israel accuses Iran of providing Hezbollah with missiles to use against civilian and military targets. Tehran, which funded Hezbollah in the 1980s, insists it now provides only moral support to the group.

Officials don't know if Saad played a role in the 9/11 attacks, but he has allegedly provided support for other al Qaeda missions - and he is thought to be very close to Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the chief planner of the atrocities against the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Saad is also believed to have a part in the April 11, 2002, bombing of a synagogue in Tunisia that left 19 dead, most of them German tourists.

Experts also say he may have direct involvement with operatives in Riyad, Saudi Arabia, who carried out a suicide bombing on May 12, 2003, which killed 35, including eight Americans.

He's also suspected of being involved in bombings less than a week later in Morocco that killed 45 people. Saudi security officials have said they believe Saad was in touch with the killer cell and ordered and planned the bombings from Iran.

In October 2003, Osama himself named Saad as the heir to his terror kingdom. In an audiotape meant to inspire the overthrow of Israel, the elder bin Laden said, "When that day comes, our son Saad will ride in triumph at the head of our great cause."

That message was directed to "The Jerusalem Force," which is said to be an elite private army dedicated to protecting Saad and other top al Qaeda thugs.

Saad grew up at his father's side in Afghanistan and supposedly fought the Soviets with him as soon as he was old enough to hold an AK-47.

He was reportedly smuggled into Iran from Afghanistan sometime in 2002.

A CIA profile reportedly describes Saad, a founding member of al Qaeda as just a teenager, as "the mirror image of his father, physically and mentally."

It says "his readiness to kill was a prerequisite for him to be groomed for leadership."

The terror leader-in-training was born in Saudi Arabia in 1979 and is one of 11 children of bin Laden and his first wife, Najwa Ghanem, a Syrian. Osama has at least 23 children from his harem of wives.

Saad and his mother first went to Afghanistan in the '80s to be with Osama, then returned to Saudi Arabia in 1989. They were forced to move to Sudan when the Saudi government objected to bin Laden's extremist version of Islam.

Saad learned English and received most of his formal education in Sudan, then moved with his father back to Afghanistan in 1996, when he was 17. They fought British and U.S. troops side by side when the war on terror began, then fled into Pakistan.

Osama reportedly sent Saad to Iran because it became too difficult for him to direct operations from the mountains of Afghanistan.

With Post Wire Services [/quote]

[quote][size=4]Lebanese hospital: Number of casualties from Qana air strike is 28, not 52 [/size]

By The Associated Press and Haaretz Service

A Tyre hospital on Thursday revised the number of casualties resulting from Israel's air strike on the south Lebanese village of Qana from 52 down to 28.

On Wednesday, Human Rights Watch questioned the death toll in the Qana attack. The international group listed the names of 28 known dead from the attack and said that 13 others were missing and might still be buried under the rubble. The discrepancy was attributed to an assumption that only nine of the people who took shelter in the basement of the building survived, but it emerged that at least 22 escaped, the group said.

An Israel Defense Forces' inquiry on the bombing of a building in Qana that killed the 28 civilians admits a mistake but charges that Hezbollah guerrillas used civilians as shields for their rocket attacks, according to a statement released early Thursday.

Israel Air Force planes attacked an apartment house in Qana in the early hours of Sunday. The house collapsed, and rescue workers pulled the bodies of civilians, most of them women and children, out of the rubble. An international outcry led Israel to call a halt to its airstrikes in Lebanon for 48 hours and increased pressure on Israel to agree to a cease-fire in its three-week offensive against Hezbollah.

In a statement summarizing the inquiry report, the Israeli military said Israel did not know there were civilians in the building. "Had the information indicated that civilians were present ... the attack would not have been carried out," the statement said.

The bombing followed guidelines regarding attacking "suspicious structures" in villages where civilians have been warned to evacuate, the statement said, adding that Hezbollah forces "use civilian structures inside villages to store weaponry and hide in after launching rocket attacks." The statement said more than 150 rockets have been launched from Qana and the area around it since July 12, when the current conflict erupted.

As a result of the incident, the statement said, the guidelines would be evaluated and updated.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz apologized for the loss of civilian life but charged that Hezbollah "uses civilians as human shields and intentionally operates from within civilian villages and infrastructure."

Human Rights Watch called for an impartial international investigation of the incident.[/quote]

[quote][size=4]Hezbollah reports becoming less and less believable [/size]

By Yoav Stern

If Hezbollah-run media are to be believed, then 35 Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed or wounded in Aita Shaab, militants downed an Israeli helicopter and destroyed a house in which IDF soldiers were hiding, and IDF troops are always hit in the back because they are running away.

All these statements are baseless because - despite the impression Hezbollah has made for straight talk - credibility is not its strong suit.

Hezbollah's reports have become less and less believable in recent days. On Monday, Al-Manar television - the central component of Hezbollah's well-oiled media empire - reported that the organization had destroyed an Israeli ship off the coast of Tyre, which had some 50 sailors aboard - a charge the IDF dismissed completely.

It's not clear what incident, if any, the report was referring to, and the Arab world has been asking questions. Al-Arabiya television asked Mahmoud Kamati, a member of the Hezbollah political bureau, about the Hezbollah claim and he repeated that an Israeli ship had been hit, but said no pictures were broadcast because visibility was poor.

Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, is a superb tool for the propaganda machine. Nasrallah, 46, is one of the most impressive speakers in the entire Middle East. He is a virtuoso of the Arabic language, although he doesn't forget to spice his comments with a few words in the Lebanese dialect. It nearly always seems as though he is speaking about the most important matters in an offhand way, but he is really getting his listeners to follow his thought process.

"I sometimes take the tape of his comments and watch it, for pleasure," said a Haifa resident who has been forced to go down to the nearest bomb shelter every few hours over the last few weeks. "He is simply an excellent speaker."

Hezbollah's media empire - which includes the Al-Nur radio station and the Web site moqawama.net - has been an inseparable part of the psychological war. Sometimes, Hezbollah also transmits its messages through other media, such as the Iranian television station Al-Alam. The crown jewel of the empire, Al-Manar, is broadcast in Lebanon and throughout the Arab world, by satellite.

Al-Manar, all the time

At every stage of the fighting, Al-Manar was the station that broadcast Hezbollah's messages. Its role in the war began the morning of July 12, when Hezbollah abducted IDF soldiers Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser. Al-Manar was the first station to report the kidnapping, about two hours after it took place. Since the fighting began, the pronouncements of Al-Manar have had a major influence on other media.

"Al-Manar has had an enormous impact on all the Arab press, and in effect on the Hebrew press as well," said Amir Levy from Satlink Communications, which monitors Arab-language media.

Although there were a few slight technical glitches in Al-Manar's broadcasting after its south Beirut offices were destroyed, overall it continued broadcasting normally and showcasing its high technical standards. "It is very high-quality work," said Levy.

"They always broadcast new clips, update the subtitles in real time, broadcast from the field via satellites. It's a very impressive broadcasting quality."[/quote]

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1036134' date='Aug 2 2006, 06:51 AM']
So what is your opinion on the fighting - you are the only one here qualified to have an opinion :)

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I know what this means: more innocent civilians must be killed, especially children, and the infrastructure of more sovereign nations must be reduced to rubble. It's the only way "we" can "rid the world of terrorism" (and coincidentally, Arabs).

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[quote]So what is your opinion on the fighting - you are the only one here qualified to have an opinion [/quote]

Is this a dismissal of the opinion, or should I say, [i]demand[/i] from the Vatican that the bombing stop IMMEDIATELY?

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[quote name='stephen' post='1036954' date='Aug 3 2006, 11:39 AM']
You're too intellectually dishonest to actually quote wrote I wrote.

:smokey: Oh ok honey hold on...

[quote name='stephen' post='1035661' date='Aug 1 2006, 02:42 PM']
Dear Knight,
You wouldn't happen to be attempting to take credit for someone else's work, would you?

I'm referring to this essay, "Pope John Paul II and the Jews" written by Mitchell G. Bard, the director of the Jewish Virtual Library, the source of the essay you copied and posted here without crediting the author of the work.

Never mind then, I've sorted it our for you. And as long as I'm at it [color="#FF0000"]I'll point out that the decidedly Zionist slant of the essay reflects the decidedly Zionist agenda of it's author who serves as the Executive Director of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AIEC), and has also served as the editor of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) weekly newsletter on US Middle East policy and who can be regularly seen on US news broadcasts peddling his apologia for the criminal Zionist state.


It doesn't surprise me at this point that you would choose a case hardened Zionist like Mitchell G. Bard as a source of information (propaganda) on a Catholic pope. It doesn't surprise me at all. I'm learning quite a bit about your "knighthood."

Wow you called me Knight with out the "", I'm all teared up :sadder:, but guess you just forgot to wrap that in a quote huh? But tisk tisk if I forget to wrap something in a quote... oh dang! Now as I've stated before all you can do is whine and cry "Zionist." But you cant actually prove what I did quote from Mitchell G. Bard to be incorrect.

[quote name='stephen' post='1035661' date='Aug 1 2006, 02:42 PM']
You really seem to think you have something here, even though it's been clearly addressed already.

You chose a [color="#FF0000"]Zionist propagandist[/color] as a source of information on JPII and posted his work without crediting the author. I have not accused Bard of lying in that article.
Now stop your lying accusations.

I do indeed, and fairly weak addressing by you, Mr. Stephen. Now see, even now all you can do is whine and cry "Zionist", to the level headed person, that means nothing. So if Bard was not lying then you admit Bard was telling the truth. Good. I'm glad you see it that way.

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I'm not reading through 5 pages of this debate but I'll say this:

How is it that you turn a shoulder to the evil of islamic facism and their instigation of this conflict by violating ISrael's boarders, capturing its soldiers and reigning down thousands of rockets into Israeli cities killing many inocent Israelis. Israel has a right to defend itself and the hezbo's must be wiped out. Qana is on the hands of the hezbo's. They set up their missles right next to the appartment building knowing full well the ISraelis would target it. They did the same thing with the UN observation post.

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[quote name='stephen' post='1034802' date='Jul 31 2006, 12:36 PM']
The religion which provides the rationalizations for the killing of innocent civilians on the lips of so many Americans today is not Catholicism. It is rabbinic Judaism. The Israeli newspapers admit this. Why don't you?
You people must admit the fact, as the Israelis do, that your concept of morality is not Catholic. It is founded in Talmudic Judaism.

This is a video documenting the massacre that took place in Qana, Lebanon yesterday, the second Israeli perpetrated massacre of civilians in Qana in 10 years. The first was the bombing of a UN camp in Qana in 1996 in which 102 refugees were killed and 600 wounded:


Hezboullah is part of the Lebanon government.
Hezboullah's soul purpose since it came to be was to destroy Israel.
Hezboullah stated that they attacked and kidnapped the soilders to get their terrorists out of jail in Israel, they thought they'd get away with it like they have before... Israel has had enough.
Hezboullah are the Nazi's of the arab world.

Israel drops leaflets warning civilians well before they bomb an area. <- This is quite charitable.

"Cease fires" DO NOT work, if they worked, then there would be peace in the middle east. Everytime some muslim breaks the ceasefire. The only way the wicked have been stopped in the past was to annihilate them.

Palestinians and Lebanese wish to have (Hezboullah & Hamas) terrorist in their governments, then they are counted with them and bring down the punishment on themselves.

The muslims lie to their children and raise their children to hate Jews, calling them monsters and saying that they live to kill muslim children... "Isalm" is the submission of one's enemies. Islam is evil and teaches evil... it is NOT a religion of peace.

As long as their are muslims, there will be war with Israel in the middle east... there will be terrorist strikes on America... They hate the fact that we are allowed to think what we want and do not have to worship the way they do... we are infidels.

There are a few good muslims who have wised up and taken what good teachings are in islam and tossed the bad... but there are far many more who would just see us dead along with Israel.

The time has come to open our eyes and see the truth that has been going on for over a thousand years because of the power philosophy of "islam". The warping of the teachings of the Almighty God, and Mohammed is not his profit. Mohammed was just trying to make a profit... Just like John Smith... Just like L Ron Hubbard. When you are poor and don't believe in God, then start your own church, it'll be very profitable.

Unjust aggressors must be stopped. The arab world is the unjust aggressor. The time has come for Israel to be allowed to defend itself.

This is a matter of discipline. I know full well that the Pope has pleaded for a cease fire... but terrorists and those that support them must not be allowed to get away with terrorism.... Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Iran are begging to be destroyed. When Syria, Egypt, and the other countries attacked Israel back in the 70's, Israel should have destroyed their governments and expanded... then the middle east wouldn't be so bad now. The terrorist will keep attacking until they are destroyed.

God Bless Israel and I pray for their swift victory with low casualties.

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In case anyone hasnt noticed. They've been trying cease fires for the last 40 years or whatever it is. The UN IS USELESS. This problem needs to be wiped out.

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From Catholic News Agency -

[quote][size=4]Hezbollah uses Christian villages as shields in missile attacks[/size]

Washington DC, Aug. 03, 2006 (CNA) - Recent reports indicate that Hezbollah is using Christian villages to shield its attacks against Israel.

According to Christian Solidarity International, Hezbollah is hiding among civilian populations, mostly in southern Lebanese towns, such as Ain Ebel, Rmeish, Alma Alshaab.

Launching attacks behind human shields is in violation of the Geneva Convention's provision for the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts, which prohibits the use of civilians as military shields.

This is not a new strategy for Hezbollah. Col. Charbel Barka, a former South Lebanese Army commander, says Hezbollah is repeating what it did in attacks against Israel in 1996.

A Christian from the village of Ain Ebel, who requested to remain nameless for fear of a reprisal from Hezbollah, reported that he found Hezbollah fighters setting up a launcher on his rooftop. Hezbollah fighters ignored his pleas to stop and fired the missiles. He immediately gathered his family and fled his home, which was bombed 15 minutes later by an Israeli air strike.

Hezbollah has also attempted to stop Christians from fleeing their villages. According to Christian Solidarity International, on July 28, Hezbollah fighters fired upon several Christians fleeing Rmeish with their families, wounding two.

Sami El-Khoury, president of the World Maronite Union, adds that media reports about Christian support for Hezbollah are inaccurate.

"Contrary to Western press reports, indicating high percentages of Christian support for Hezbollah, 90 percent of Christians, 80 percent of Sunni and 40 percent of Shiites in Lebanon oppose Hezbollah," El-Khoury told Christian Solidarity International.

Christian Solidarity International has called for the United Nations to establish a politically independent commission to investigate Hezbollah's contravention of international law. The group has also urged the UN Security Council to deploy immediately an international force in Lebanon to facilitate a ceasefire, to stop the flow of arms from Syria to Hezbollah, and to assist the Lebanese government in fulfilling its obligation to disarm Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has been the ruling power in the south since Israel withdrew from Lebanon six years ago. Christian villages suffer from extensive neglect of infrastructure under Hezbollah rule. Once the majority, the Christian population in Lebanon has declined to under 40 percent due to pressures by Islamic militias supported by Iran and Syria.


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