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[quote][size=3][b]News agencies stand by Lebanon photos[/b] [/size]

By DAVID BAUDER, Associated Press Writer
Tue Aug 1, 4:26 PM ET

NEW YORK - Three news agencies on Tuesday rejected challenges to the veracity of photographs of bodies taken in the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon, strongly denying that the images were staged.

Photographers from The Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse all covered rescue operations Sunday in Qana, where 56 Lebanese were killed. Many of their photos depicted rescue workers carrying dead children.

A British Web site, the EU Referendum blog, built an argument that chicanery may have been involved by citing time stamps that went with captions of the photographs.

For example, the Web site draws attention to a photo by AP's Lefteris Pitarakis time stamped 7:21 a.m., showing a dead girl in an ambulance. Another picture, stamped 10:25 a.m. and taken by AP's Mohammed Zaatari, shows the same girl being loaded onto the ambulance. In a third, by AP photographer Nasser Nasser and stamped 10:44 a.m., a rescue worker carries the girl with no ambulance nearby.

The site suggests these events were staged for effect, a criticism echoed by talk show host Rush Limbaugh when he directed listeners to the blog on Monday.

"These photographers are obviously willing to participate in propaganda," Limbaugh said. "They know exactly what's being done, all these photos, bringing the bodies out of the rubble, posing them for the cameras, it's all staged. Every bit of it is staged and the still photographers know it."

The AP said information from its photo editors showed the events were not staged, and that the time stamps could be misleading for several reasons, including that web sites can use such stamps to show when pictures are posted, not taken. An AFP executive said he was stunned to be questioned about it. Reuters, in a statement, said it categorically rejects any such suggestion.

"It's hard to imagine how someone sitting in an air-conditioned office or broadcast studio many thousands of miles from the scene can decide what occurred on the ground with any degree of accuracy," said Kathleen Carroll, AP's senior vice president and executive editor.

Carroll said in addition to personally speaking with photo editors, "I also know from 30 years of experience in this business that you can't get competitive journalists to participate in the kind of (staging) experience that is being described."

Photographers are experienced in recognizing when someone is trying to stage something for their benefit, she said.

"Do you really think these people would risk their lives under Israeli shelling to set up a digging ceremony for dead Lebanese kids?" asked Patrick Baz, Mideast photo director for AFP. "I'm totally stunned by first the question, and I can't imagine that somebody would think something like that would have happened."

The AP had three different photographers there who weren't always aware of what the others were doing, and filed their images to editors separately, said Santiago Lyon, director of photography.

There are also several reasons not to draw conclusions from time stamps, Lyon said. Following a news event like this, the AP does not distribute pictures sequentially; photos are moved based on news value and how quickly they are available for an editor to transmit.

The AP indicates to its members when they are sent on the wire, and member Web sites sometimes use a different time stamp to show when they are posted.


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[quote name='stephen' post='1036517' date='Aug 2 2006, 03:21 PM']
And the rabbinic apologetics continue.

We can see what a great antiseptic saliva makes from the baby that died from herpes last year as a result of the sick rabbinic ritual.
This is 2006, "knight." There are far better antiseptics available than saliva applied by the mouth. Furthermore, the rabbis in New York had to report to a committee that investigated their sick practice which came to the conclusion that [i]they could continue using their mouth to smell of elderberries blood from the circumcised penises of baby boys as long as they used an antiseptic mouthwash beforehand![/i][/quote]

So the weak twisting of truth by you continues, you lump "all" rabbis and jews together, because of one man, one. Stephen are you circumcised? By your logic, if you have had a circumcision the person that performed your circumcision is also guilty of sexual abuse like you claim are all rabbis, the same kind of sexual abuse, perhaps not, but sexual abuse even still. You see, by your failed logic, all circumcisions would be sexual abuse, after all by your logic, even touching the babys boys penis and then cutting it would be consider sexual abuse. This is 2006 all circumcisions are seen by some as "out of date" and un-needed in todays secintific world.

[i](Speaking of 2006, where again did Christ say the Israeli goverment in 2006 would be hypocrites? Well? Oh, again what about Bard guess you can prove anything wrong he said I posted can yah? All you can do is what you always do whine and cry "Zionist" or "Rabbinic.")[/i]

I had a circumcision when I was a baby, not like one you have a problem with but still I was not "sexually abuse", and by your twisted logic I would have been, and nethier has the jewish children that have had these kinds circumcisions. You just hate the jews so much that the truth just doesnt make and difference to you.

[quote name='stephen' post='1036517' date='Aug 2 2006, 03:21 PM']
It's a sick practice of a sick religion.

I hope now there is no doubt for those that did doubt, that Mr. Stephen is very much anti-semitic, it is twisted hateful views like his that caused WWII, the wars in the middle east, and prevents peace in The Holy Land. May God have mercy on his poor soul.

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From EU Referendum

[quote]It seems to me that the MSM is about as accurate and incisive in its critiques of this blog as it is in reporting the news.

It starts with the AP "rebuttal" which homes in on the "date stamp" issue, but addresses none of the other points raised and then, curiously, does not actually say that the timing attributed to the photographs were wrong.

Several readers have written to me, however, saying look at the shadows, some offering their own analyses, which are very plausible. If you look particularly at the "Green Helmet" sequences which I have posted, there definitely seem to be indications that the shows are longer on some shots than others, suggesting a longer time-frame than the context would indicate.

The photographs are up and posted for all to see and from which to draw their own conclusions. You do not want any more gruesome pictures from me, so I have posted a picture of one of those vile, blood-thirsty Israeli soldiers that so many have written to tell me about.

As to the MSM, second into the fray was Roy Greenslade of The Guardian, who plays the typical left-wing trick of dismissing me as a "right winger" and there fore not worth listening to. He also puts us down as "churning out anti-EU rants", which means he cannot have read this sequence. But then, stereotyping is so much easier when you ignore the facts.

And into that frame comes Jefferson Morely at the Washington Post, who rushes to brand me as a conspiracy theorist, that being his comfort blanket which allows him to ignore the central message of the sequence of posts we have been running.

Morely's great claim to fame is that I have branded "Green Helmet" as a Hezbollah official, without a shred of evidence, going only on "gut instinct". What Morely does not want to address though is that this man is clearly more than a "rescue workers" which the media so decorously brand him. He behaviour on site, and the reaction of others to him – as well as the media – clearly demonstrate him to be in a position of authority. Yet none of the British or US media want to name him, or describe his function. Why is that I wonder.

Perhaps, Morely, like many of his colleagues, want to admit that there is plenty of evidence (see [url="http://newsbusters.org/node/6552"]here[/url] and [url="http://newsbusters.org/node/6574"]here[/url]) that Hezbollah actually control media access and proceedings at disaster sites in Lebanon. If they did, in the context of "Green Helmet" being demonstrably "in charge" at the Qana site, the likes of Morely might have to admit that my "gut feeling" was not too wide of the mark.

But the real issue that Morely avoids is that my postings are primarily directed at the conduct of the media. He writes that North says he is just trying to "raise questions", which he kindly agrees is "certainly a legitimate goal". But he doesn't answer any of mine. Instead, he asks his own: "What is it about the photos from Qana that made Israel's supporters prefer fantasy to fact?"

Well, Mr Morely, in return, another question. "What is it about the photos from Qana that make you so confident – apparently – that they were all an absolutely genuine record of the events during the rescue efforts?"

It is unlikely, however, that Mr Morely will answer my question. In truth, he and the others are not really interested in an obscure blog written in a back street of Bradford. What really worries him is Rush Limbaugh and all the other "right wing" sites that have really put this issue on the map.

So, until we get some answers, we will continue what we have been doing… asking questions.[/quote]

For more on this continuing story go to [url="http://eureferendum.blogspot.com/"]The EU Referendum.[/url]

Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote][size=4]CNN's Robertson Now Admits: Hezbollah 'Had Control' of His Anti-Israel Piece[/size]
Posted by Rich Noyes on July 24, 2006 - 15:32.

Better late than never? On CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday, CNN’s senior international correspondent Nic Robertson added all of the caveats and disclaimers that he should have included in his story last week that amounted to his giving an uncritical forum for the terrorist group Hezbollah to spout unverifiable anti-Israeli propaganda.

Back on July 18, Hezbollah took Robertson and his crew on a tour of a heavily damaged south Beirut neighborhood. The Hezbollah “press officer” even instructed the CNN camera: “Just look. Shoot. Look at this building. Is it a military base? Is it a military base, or just civilians living in this building?”

In his original story, Robertson had no complaints about the journalistic limitations of a story put together under such tight controls, and Robertson himself at one point seemed to agree with the Hezbollah propaganda claim that Israeli jets had targeted a civilian area: “As we run past the rubble, we see much that points to civilian life, no evidence apparent of military equipment.”

Challenged by Reliable Sources host (and Washington Post media writer) Howard Kurtz on Sunday, Robertson suggested Hezbollah has “very, very sophisticated and slick media operations,” that the terrorist group “had control of the situation. They designated the places that we went to, and we certainly didn't have time to go into the houses or lift up the rubble to see what was underneath,” and he even contradicted Hezbollah’s self-serving spin: “There's no doubt that the [Israeli] bombs there are hitting Hezbollah facilities.”

But the closest Robertson came to making any of these points in the taped package that aired last week was admitting that “we [he and his CNN crew] didn’t go burrowing into all the houses,” after pointing out (for the second time) that “we didn’t see any military type of equipment” in the area Hezbollah chose to let them tour.

Five days later, Robertson argued that “journalistic integrity” required skepticism: “When you hear their [Hezbollah’s] claims, they have to come with more than a grain of salt, that you have to put in some journalistic integrity. That you have to point out to the audience and let them know that this was a guided tour by Hezbollah press officials along with their security, that it was a very rushed affair.”

While some viewers undoubtedly deduced out that it was “a guided tour” from the numerous sound bites from the Hezbollah press officer, it’s not as if Robertson ever complained about his limitations or explicitly warned viewers that there was no way he could confirm any of the claims.

Nic Robertson, of course, isn’t the only correspondent going on these Hezbollah-arranged tours, as CNN’s Reliable Sources noted yesterday. In a set-up to his interview with Robertson, Kurtz played clips of NBC’s Richard Engel and CBS’s Elizabeth Palmer relating their trips into the damaged areas, with Palmer providing the sort of disclaimer that Robertson failed to include last week: “This morning, Hezbollah showed journalists around the ruins of its former stronghold, but Hezbollah is also determined that outsiders will only see what it wants them to see.”

Now, more of Robertson’s live interview (10:15am EDT) on the [url="http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0607/23/rs.01.html"]July 23 Reliable Sources[/url] (transcript corrected against the actual broadcast):

Howard Kurtz: “I want to go now to CNN's Nic Robertson, who joins us live from Beirut. Nic Robertson, we were speaking a moment ago about the way journalists cover Hezbollah and some of these tours that Hezbollah officials have arranged of the bomb damage in the areas of Southern Lebanon. You, I believe, got one of those tours. Isn't it difficult for you as a journalist to independently verify any claims made by Hezbollah, because you're not able to go into the buildings and see whether or not there is any military activity or any weapons being hidden there?”

Nic Robertson: “Well, Howard, there’s no doubt about it: Hezbollah has a very, very sophisticated and slick media operations. In fact, beyond that, it has very, very good control over its areas in the south of Beirut. They deny journalists access into those areas. They can turn on and off access to hospitals in those areas. They have a lot of power and influence. You don't get in there without their permission. And when I went in, we were given about 10 or 15 minutes, quite literally running through a number of neighborhoods that they directed and they took us to."

"What I would say at that time was, it was very clear to me that the Hezbollah press official who took us on that guided tour — and there were Hezbollah security officials around us at the time with walkie-talkie radios — that he felt a great deal of anxiety about the situation....But there’s no doubt about it. They had control of the situation. They designated the places that we went to, and we certainly didn’t have time to go into the houses or lift up the rubble to see what was underneath.”

“So what we did see today in a similar excursion, and Hezbollah is now running a number of these every day, taking journalists into this area. They realize that this is a good way for them to get their message out, taking journalists on a regular basis. This particular press officer came across his press office today, what was left of it in the rubble. He pointed out business cards that he said were from his office that was a Hezbollah press office in that area.”

“So there's no doubt that the bombs there are hitting Hezbollah facilities. But from what we can see, there appear to be a lot of civilian damage, a lot of civilian properties. But again, as you say, we didn't have enough time to go in, root through those houses, see if perhaps there was somebody there who was, you know, a taxi driver by day, and a Hezbollah fighter by night....”

Kurtz: “To what extent do you feel like you're being used to put up the pictures that they want — obviously, it’s terrible that so many civilians have been killed — without any ability, as you just outlined, to verify, because — to verify Hezbollah’s role, because this is a fighting force that is known to blend in among the civilian population and keep some of its weapons there?”

Robertson: “Absolutely. And I think as we try and do our job, which is go out and see what's happened to the best of our ability, clearly, in that environment, in the southern suburbs of Beirut that Hezbollah controls, the only way we can get into those areas is with a Hezbollah escort. And absolutely, when you hear their claims they have to come with more than a grain of salt, that you have to put in some journalistic integrity. That you have to point out to the audience and let them know that this was a guided tour by Hezbollah press officials along with their security, that it was a very rushed affair, that there wasn't time to go and look through those buildings.”

“The audience has to know the conditions of that tour. But again, if we didn't get all — or we could not get access to those areas without Hezbollah compliance, they control those areas.”


[quote][size=4]CNN's Anderson Cooper Exposes Hezbollah's Media Manipulations[/size]
Posted by Rich Noyes on July 25, 2006 - 17:54.

On Monday’s "Anderson Cooper 360," CNN’s Anderson Cooper related his visit to a Hezbollah-controlled section of Beirut where he was supposed to photograph certain damaged buildings, part of the terrorist group’s strategy of generating news stories about Lebanese civilian casualities caused by Israeli bombs.

But instead of merely transmitting Hezbollah’s unverified and unverifiable claims to the outside world, Cooper — to his credit — exposed the efforts by Hezbollah to manipulate CNN and other Western reporters. It’s quite a contrast from the much more accommodating approach taken by his colleague, Nic Robertson, in a report that aired on a variety of CNN programs (including AC360) back on July 18, a report that Robertson himself has now conceded was put together under Hezbollah's control.

Unlike Robertson, Cooper was explicit about how Hezbollah’s operatives had set all of the rules: “Young men on motor scooters followed our every movement. They only allowed us to videotape certain streets, certain buildings,” he explained. He countered Hezbollah claims that Israel targets civilians by pointing out that the group based itself in civilian areas and that Israel's air force drops leaflets warning of attacks.

Cooper exposed for CNN viewers that the sight of speeding ambulances, sirens blaring, was just a phony play staged by Hezbollah: “One by one, they’ve been told to turn on their sirens and zoom off so that all the photographers here can get shots of ambulances rushing off to treat civilians....These ambulances aren’t responding to any new bombings. The sirens are strictly for effect.”

CNN showed cameramen from other news organizations dutifully photographing the ambulances as they went by.

Cooper had left Lebanon and was stationed in Haifa, Israel for Monday’s broadcast. His report on his trip “Inside Hezbollah” appeared at about 10:40pm EDT Monday (6:40am Tuesday, local time), the first hour of his two-hour program.

“We'd come to get a look at the damage and had hoped to talk with a Hezbollah representative. Instead, we found ourselves with other foreign reporters taken on a guided tour by Hezbollah. Young men on motor scooters followed our every movement. They only allowed us to videotape certain streets, certain buildings. Once, when they thought we'd videotaped them, they asked us to erase the tape. These men are called al-Shabab, Hezbollah volunteers who are the organization's eyes and ears.”

Gesturing to racks of music CDs in a building that had lost at least one of its walls, Cooper remarked, “You see their CDs on the wall still.”

He continued: “Hezbollah representatives are with us now but don't want to be photographed. They'll point to something like that and they'll say, ‘Well, look, this is a store.’ The civilians lived in this building. This is a residential complex.

“And while that may be true, what the Israelis will say is that Hezbollah has their offices, their leadership has offices and bunkers even in residential neighborhoods. And if you're trying to knock out the Hezbollah leadership with air strikes, it's very difficult to do that without killing civilians.

“As bad as this damage is, it certainly could have been much worse in terms of civilian casualties. Before they started heavily bombing this area, Israeli warplanes did drop leaflets in this area, telling people to get out. The civilian death toll, though, has angered many Lebanese. Even those who do not support Hezbollah are outraged by the pictures they've seen on television of civilian casualties.”

As the video showed a group reporters and photographers interviewing a single woman on a blanket, Cooper explained, “Civilian casualties are clearly what Hezbollah wants foreign reporters to focus on. It keeps the attention off them — and questions about why Hezbollah should still be allowed to have weapons when all the other militias in Lebanon have already disarmed.

“After letting us take pictures of a few damaged buildings, they take us to another location, where there are ambulances waiting.

[color="#FF0000"]“This is a heavily orchestrated Hezbollah media event. When we got here, all the ambulances were lined up. We were allowed a few minutes to talk to the ambulance drivers. Then one by one, they've been told to turn on their sirens and zoom off so that all the photographers here can get shots of ambulances rushing off to treat civilians. That's the story that Hezbollah wants people to know about.

“These ambulances aren't responding to any new bombings. The sirens are strictly for effect.”[/color]

Cooper concluded: “Hezbollah may not be terribly subtle about spinning a story, but it is telling perhaps that they try. Even after all this bombing, Hezbollah is still organized enough to have a public relations strategy, still in control enough to try and get its message out.”


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Lounge Daddy

I guess I have a lot of trouble believing that a man who calls himself a Catholic could be so blindly hateful and psychotic to blame Jews and blame Israel, but defend the Islamofascists because he thinks they are not so bad as Judaism.

This is a war that Jihadistan has declared on the non-Islamic world, but Israel is the bad guy?
Does Stephen also blame the U.S.? And why wouldn’t he?

I’m going to guess Stephen thinks we should just be more understanding, if only we were more understanding …and if only Israel “understood?” Then everything would be better?
Or maybe he wouldn’t even go that far because he agrees with the Islamofascists that Israel shouldn’t exist…

[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1035328' date='Aug 1 2006, 05:25 AM']
so you are saying Israel has no right to exist?
[quote name='stephen' post='1035587' date='Aug 1 2006, 02:23 PM']
That's exactly what I'm saying. It may shock you and others to witness this heresy against the sacred dogmas of Zionism promulgated by the ministers of the holy Zionist religion...
blah blah zionism zionism...

That lunatic Iran’s President: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would applaud that speech.

*EDIT: i shouldn't be calling Ahmadinejad a "lunatic" ...he is not driven by any lunacy, he is driven by evil ...they all are, pure and simple

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"And God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism."
-- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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How do you reason with a person who defends the sick rabbinic practice of sucking blood from the circumcision wounds on babies' penises and attempts to conflate that disgusting practice with normal circumcision?

And what kind of Catholic would do such a thing?

"Knight of Christ" is the most inappropriate name there could be for a person who fights so determinedly in defense of the rabbis who uphold the tradition of the Pharisees who executed Christ.

The rabbis are enemies of Christ, "knight." Why don't you do what your name implies and defend Christ instead of defending His enemies?

[quote]Speaking of 2006, where again did Christ say the Israeli goverment in 2006 would be hypocrites? Well?[/quote]

I didn't say that. It hasn't stopped you from repeatedly making the false accusation, however.

What I did say is that the Israelis, who's state religion is rabbinic Judaism--the tradition of the Pharisees--uphold the Pharisaic tradition which Christ condemned throughout the Gospel calling it's adherents, "hypocrites." All "Jews" who practice rabbinic Judaism perpetuate a tradition which was explicitly condemned by Christ and which consequently was responsible for His execution.

And here is a person who calls himself "KnightofChrist" rabidly fighting in defense of their anti-Christ, Pharisaic tradition.

Pure insanity.[mod]the above.. borderline attack on a religon -777[/mod]

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[quote name='stephen' post='1036881' date='Aug 3 2006, 09:36 AM']
How do you reason with a person who defends the sick rabbinic practice of sucking blood from the circumcision wounds on babies' penises and attempts to conflate that disgusting practice with normal circumcision?

And what kind of Catholic would do such a thing?

"Knight of Christ" is the most inappropriate name there could be for a person who fights so determinedly in defense of the rabbis who uphold the tradition of the Pharisees who executed Christ.

The rabbis are enemies of Christ, "knight." Why don't you do what your name implies and defend Christ instead of defending His enemies?

:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Another weak and racist reply... All you can do is whine Zionist this and Rabbi that... and play silly games like a child with my nickname :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1036892' date='Aug 3 2006, 11:57 AM']
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Another weak and racist reply... [/quote]

How is it racist to criticise a sick [i]practice[/i] of a sick [i]religion[/i]? It has nothing to do with race.

And if you want to see real racism it is found in abundance in the Talmud and Kabbalah of rabbinic Judaism, and subsequently, in the laws and policies of the Israeli state which has racist rabbinic Judaism as it's state religion.

Above: The Jewish-only Walled-in Road number 80.

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1036892' date='Aug 3 2006, 11:57 AM']All you can do is whine Zionist this and Rabbi that... [/quote]

I've documented the indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians by the Israelis as a matter of policy. I've documented one of the many sick practices of the religion of rabbinic Judaism which is the continuation of the tradition of the Pharisees which Christ condemned throughout the Gospel and was subsequently executed for doing so.

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1036892' date='Aug 3 2006, 11:57 AM']and play silly games like a child with my nickname :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

How is it a "silly game" to point out the insane contradiction that exists where a person who calls himself "KinghtofChrist" fights to the death in defense of the enemies of Christ? [mod]preceding statement contains personal attack and attack of a religon -777[/mod]

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[quote name='stephen' post='1036881' date='Aug 3 2006, 09:36 AM']
I didn't say that. It hasn't stopped you from repeatedly making the false accusation, however.

What I did say is that the Israelis, who's state religion is rabbinic Judaism--the tradition of the Pharisees--uphold the Pharisaic tradition which Christ condemned throughout the Gospel calling it's adherents, "hypocrites." All "Jews" who practice rabbinic Judaism perpetuate a tradition which was explicitly condemned by Christ and which consequently was responsible for His execution.

And here is a person who calls himself "KnightofChrist" rabidly fighting in defense of their anti-Christ, Pharisaic tradition.

Pure insanity.

Nah man you tried to apply what Christ said, to the current war and events now, in 2006, because now is 2006. But yeah man what about Bard? Can you prove anything what I posted from him wrong? Doesnt seem as if you can, can yah buddy?

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Lounge Daddy

Stephen ...I still wish to know - do you, yourself claim to be a Catholic?

or are you a Muslim?

or what?

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1036915' date='Aug 3 2006, 12:56 PM']
Stephen ...I still wish to know - do you, yourself claim to be a Catholic?

or are you a Muslim?

or what?

I've stated clearly that I'm Catholic and that I believe Islam to be a false religion.

Now, unless you have a valid point to make [i]on the issues[/i], I'll be ignoring you and your mudslinging.

I'm not here to discuss myself or defend myself against absurd accusations, as much as you would like to make me the topic of discussion in order to keep the focus away from the Israelis' killing of civilians, which is impossible to defend.

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Lounge Daddy

oh... ok

Ok- then…
Here is some mud for you, you backward Islamic-supporting [mod]no name calling please -777[/mod]…

I was always amazed at how people could have possibly opposed the USA from engaging Germany militarily in WWII
It is sick how many appeasers actually supported Nazi Germany…
And it is happening again before our very eyes today

We see right before our eyes today’s “blame America” and “blame Israel” seem to be just like the “America First” group of my grandfather’s time.
They felt that Hitler’s Germany had “legitimate grievances” and we should let them alone…
Hitler is “a welcome solution to world problems of communism and Judaism in Europe.”
--- America’s ambassador to the Court of St. James, Joseph Kennedy Sr. who also added that Franklin Roosevelt was “the victim of Jewish influence”[/quote]

Germany reported that Kennedy was “Germany’s best friend in London…”
(Btw - Joseph Kennedy Sr. also claimed he was Catholic)

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Lounge Daddy

now here are some issues, "Stephen"
how do people like Hitler and Ahmadinejad gain world influence, "Stephen"?

There have been many sick minded geniuses insist on siding with evil and insist on remaining on the wrong side of history
Even people like "Stephen" who side with people who shoot children in the back, chop off heads with rusty blades, fire rockets into civilian areas where there are no combatants at all – the rockets are full of ball bearings so they will do the maximum damage to innocent people.
People like "Stephen" support the same Islamofascists who use UN Peacekeepers as shields, and fire from their outposts so that either A) they can fire on Israelis at will… or B) UN Peacekeeper deaths will be great anti-Israeli press

People like this jerk "Stephen" support Islamofascists who cut off the heads of school girls on their way to school …just because they are Christian and are achieving an education – but Stephen will also tell us that Jewish people are the threat and Islamic radicals have a “legitimate grievance”

Some would say insane …I believe in evil.
And I am pretty sure people like "Stephen" are insane...

I hope you are getting this "Stephen" you so-called-Catholic

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