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The "Israel" you don't see on TV


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Lounge Daddy

oh look... the "blame Israel" thread is still here

"Stephen" ...do you claim to be a Christian or a Muslim?
Or maybe none-of-the-above?

...but maybe i'll have to catch him tonight
the world of night owls is an elite world, sigh

:cool: lol

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As for the title...It's funny because the media here is mostly pro israel and the media in Middle East is mostly anti Israel.

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1036121' date='Aug 2 2006, 06:50 AM']
Glad you brought that up, stephen.

I agree that Isreal does not have the moral athority to be pursuing the war with the scope of violence it's using.[/quote]

Well I'm quite encouraged to see at least one person here with the ability to think contrary to what the television tells them.

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1036121' date='Aug 2 2006, 06:50 AM']I am also of the opinion that Hezbollah does not have the moral athority to be pursuing the war with the scope of violence it's using. [/quote]

I hope that you realize that in this present conflict Hezbollah didn't start launching rockets into the Israeli state until after the Israeli bombing of Lebanon began.

And there's no parallel between the level of Hezbollah's aggression and the Israeli's aggression. There's no proportion there whatsoever.

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1036121' date='Aug 2 2006, 06:50 AM']It is YOUR intelectual dishonesty and YOUR application of "Talmudic" philosophy that supports your defending Hezbollah's vilence by claiming it is the solely the consequence of Isreal that Hezbollah retaliates for violence with violence.[/quote]

Since I haven't defended Hezbollah's actions at all, I wonder what this statement is based upon. What I have done is expose the hypocrisy of the Israelis who are every bit the terrorists that they accuse others of being and then some.

I also have brought attention to some of the crushing injustices that the Israelis force upon their neighbors which are not spoken about by the media in the US. I've pointed out that the Israelis' brutality is likely to create recruits for Hezbollah rather than make them unpopular, and I've stated that the Israeli's destruction of Lebanon and killing of Lebanese civilians will not cause the disarmament of Hezbollah, much less it's defeat. Hezbollah has outlasted 18 years of Israeli occupation already.

All that will be accomplished by this present Israeli aggression is killing of civilians, the conversion of Lebanon to wasteland, and more recruitment for Hezbollah. If you understand the thinking behind the Zionist "War on Terror" (a concept that was formulated by Binyamin Netanyahu in 1982 long before 9-11) then you will understand why what seems like a contradiction is really the intended goal.

What good is a "war on terror" if there is no terror? The Israelis are creating terrorists at this very moment through their harsh injustice. They're perpetuating their "war on terror" and moving towards the goals that the "war on terror" is only a pretext for. When one of the newly created terrorists straps on a bomb and blows up an Israeli bus or marketplace, the Israelis will have their excuse to kill more Arabs and steal more land and impose their will upon neighboring nations and territories, always in a manner that is massively out of proportion and which will cause more Arabs to want to give their lives fighting against the Israeli's injustices, perhaps through terrorist means, continuing the cycle. The casualties caused by a suicide bombing or Hezbollah rocket may be a small step back for the Israelis, but they always react by taking 10 or 20 steps forward towards their goal. The game always works in their favor.

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1036121' date='Aug 2 2006, 06:50 AM']Hezbollah is equally (not more, not less) culpable as Isreal for the coninuation of the violence. Note, it's the 'continuation', I'm not assigning cuplability for who started it, but who is contributing to it's continuation that sees more civillian deaths than military deaths on both sides.

I don't agree with this statement, but I'll leave it at that for now.

Edited by stephen
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All your posts communicate is justification and defense of Hezbollah as a direct result of Isreal action. If that is not your intent, then re-read the comments made by others and come up with ideas that promote peace instead of incite resentment and propagate violent reaction by either the Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Syrians, Isrealites, Americans, Jordanians, Lebanese, etc.

Or you can contine to attempt to fan the flames of hate and resentment instead of a desire for peace.

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1036340' date='Aug 2 2006, 01:25 PM']
All your posts communicate is justification and defense of Hezbollah as a direct result of Isreal action. If that is not your intent, then re-read the comments made by others and come up with ideas that promote peace instead of incite resentment and propagate violent reaction by either the Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Syrians, Isrealites, Americans, Jordanians, Lebanese, etc.

Or you can contine to attempt to fan the flames of hate and resentment instead of a desire for peace.

Explaining why groups like Hezbollah come into existence does not equate justifying their actions.

It's really very simple. If the Israelis' harsh injustices continue, there will be no peace. History is my witness.

What I'm doing is calling attention to the Israelis' injustices which are the root cause of the conflicts.

If the violence stopped, that would certainly be a positive development, but the illegal Israeli settlements would still exist; the illegal occupation of Arab land would still exist; the denial of the right of return for Arabs to their land would still exist; thousands of unjustly held Arabs would still be in Israeli prisons being tortured; the racial preferential laws and policies would still exist; the apartheid wall would still exist; the Israelis would still be imposing their will on neighboring nations; and rabbinic Judaism--the source of these and countless other injustices--the state religion of "Israel," would still exist.

As long as the Israelis' perpetuate their Pharisaic racial supremacist ideology of double standards there will be injustice. As long as there is injustice there will be no peace. I guarantee it.

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='stephen' post='1036365' date='Aug 2 2006, 01:58 PM']As long as the Israelis' perpetuate their Pharisaic racial supremacist ideology of double standards there will be injustice. As long as there is injustice there will be no peace. I guarantee it.[/quote]I'm glad the Muslims aren't pushing a racial supremacist ideology of double standards. Muslim countries are just pictures of utopia and freedom.

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1036369' date='Aug 2 2006, 02:04 PM']
I'm glad the Muslims aren't pushing a racial supremacist ideology of double standards. Muslim countries are just pictures of utopia and freedom.

Islam has no racial component to it whatsoever. And as false a religion as it may be, it is certainly more just than rabbinic Judaism.

Edited by stephen
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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='stephen' post='1036373' date='Aug 2 2006, 02:11 PM']
Islam has no racial component to it whatsoever. And as false a religion as it may be, it is certainly more just than rabbinic Judaism.
Arab Muslims are "more equal" than non-Arabs.

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I'm not so sure. Islam is what made Malcom X stop being racist when he made a pilgrimage to Mecca and saw all races standing side by side. As long as you completely submit to their religion, muslims do not have anything religious holding up the arab race over any other race.

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Aloysius' post='1036403' date='Aug 2 2006, 02:38 PM']
I'm not so sure. Islam is what made Malcom X stop being racist when he made a pilgrimage to Mecca and saw all races standing side by side. As long as you completely submit to their religion, muslims do not have anything religious holding up the arab race over any other race.[/quote]Among Muslims, it is commonly thought that the racial unity seen during the annual Hajj seldom exists outside of Mecca. Muslims themselves lament the truth of racial segregation in the Muslim communities around the world. This is actually consistent with the story of Malcolm X, because apparently he didn't witness this racial harmony until he got to Mecca (note: he was in the racist Nation of Islam before then, and mainstream Islam was/is not as racist as NOI).

Muslim apologists may want to present a facade of racial equality to non-Muslims, but they are honest enough to admit to it among themselves.

A full discussion of racism and other prejudices in the Muslim world would fill its own thread, and we've already gotten off this thread's topic, so I'll leave it at that.

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[quote name='stephen' post='1036101' date='Aug 2 2006, 12:02 AM']
Dear "Knight,"

Your apologia for the disgusting and perverse rabbinic bris (circumcision) ritual--in which the rabbi smells of elderberries blood from the infant's circumcision wound on it's penis with his mouth--has placed the last piece of the puzzle in place.

I understand your "knighthood" completely now.

Thanks for playing.

For the information of everyone else, the Old Testament Patriarchs [i]did not[/i] engage in this disgusting practice. This is just one of the many examples of how rabbinic Judaism is a perverted twisting of the Old Testament religion, and how blasphemous it is to claim that Christianity is rooted in the depraved rabbinic tradition.

It is funny how you love to leave out little details and facts like the rabbi spits out the blood after, and the reason why this is done is because saliva helps clot the blood, to stop the bleeding. It was done in the past for the lack of antiseptics. It was done to prevent discease, as was circumcision itself. And it is now done with a tube.

Stephen your the only one playing games. You dont like my name Knight of Christ... so what :yawn:

Edited by KnightofChrist
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Again, guess you have no more to say about Bard, and how he was wrong about JPII from the part I quoted? You still wish to stand by your weak response? How very lame...

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1036490' date='Aug 2 2006, 04:27 PM']
It is funny how you love to leave out little details and facts like the rabbi spits out the blood after, and the reason why this is done is because saliva helps clot the blood, to stop the bleeding. It was done in the past for the lack of antiseptics. It was done to prevent discease, as was circumcision itself. And it is now done with a tube.


And the rabbinic apologetics continue.

We can see what a great antiseptic saliva makes from the baby that died from herpes last year as a result of the sick rabbinic ritual.

[quote][size=3][b]Rabbi probed for circumcised infants' herpes[/b][/size]
[b]Baby died from disease after undergoing procedure[/b]


This is 2006, "knight." There are far better antiseptics available than saliva applied by the mouth. Furthermore, the rabbis in New York had to report to a committee that investigated their sick practice which came to the conclusion that [i]they could continue using their mouth to smell of elderberries blood from the circumcised penises of baby boys as long as they used an antiseptic mouthwash beforehand![/i]

[quote][size=3][b]Rabbis, state sign health rules

Safety protocols agreed to for ultra-Orthodox Jewish circumcision ritual[/b] [/size]

By Anne Miller
Albany (NY) Times-Union | June 13, 2006

" ... The protocols are aimed at preventing the spread of herpes through the
practice of metzizah b'peh, in which the circumcision wound is ritually
cleaned by sucking out the blood and spitting it out. The policies stem
from seven cases of neonatal herpes connected to the ritual. They
included one child who suffered severe brain injury from the virus and
another who died.

"... The new state guidelines require mohels, or anyone performing metzizah b'peh, to
sanitize their hands like a surgeon, removing all jewelry, cleaning
their nails under running water and washing their hands for up to six
minutes with antimicrobial soap or an alcohol-based hand scrub. The
person performing metzizah b'peh also must clean his mouth with a
sterile alcohol wipe and, no more than five minutes before it, rinse for
at least 30 seconds with a mouthwash that contains 25 percent alcohol.

"The circumcised area must be covered with antibiotic ointment and
sterile gauze after the procedure. In addition to the rabbinical
policies, the state Health Department also added neonatal herpes to the
list of diseases health care workers are required to report to state
officials. In adults, herpes is common -- almost 80 percent carry the
oral form of the disease, according to the state Health Department ..." [/quote]

It's a sick practice of a sick religion.

Edited by stephen
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Lounge Daddy

[quote]"Islam has no racial component to it whatsoever. And as false a religion as it may be, it is certainly more just than rabbinic Judaism."[/quote]

hmmmm, "stephen"
.... You are not crossing the religious, philosophical, and religious board are you?
Maybe you are struggling to make your anti-Semitic connections?

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Lounge Daddy

this goes back to my older post:
"Stephen" ...do you claim to be a Christian or a Muslim?
Or maybe none-of-the-above?

I am curious as to your honest religious and political angle

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