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The "Israel" you don't see on TV


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I do support them as far as they represent a resistance against Israeli aggression against their homeland and families. Why shouldn't I? If you think that means that I support whatever other political or religious agenda they're pushing then you'd be incorrect. Let's try to make distinctions.[/quote]
Hezbollah is the one who started the war though. If they had stopped and just given up instead of continuing knowing they would lose, then less people would have died. The fact they even went in to kidnap/kill soldiers was plain dumb.

[quote]No, I've claimed that 80% of Lebanese Christians support Hezbollah in the most recent struggle. I've seen that figure from many different sources. [/quote]
In Lebanon that's the same thing. If a Christian is Aouni, he supports hezbollah. haha. I still don't think its that high. It's kinda hard to determine that. There's really no way they could find out the percentage, it depends on the area.

Now that Hezbollah is going around handing cash to the people who's homes were destroyed by the Israelis, I'm certain that they will be even more popular. President Bush, who has completely abandoned the homeless people of New Orleans could learn a lot about humanitarianism from Hezbollah.[/quote]
The government is now offering 30 thou for each house. This is as of today :).

[quote]I appreciate your insight into the politics of your nation, but my original point was that I don't believe that Hezbollah intends to "destroy all the Jews and infidels" so all of these things are neither here nor there.[/quote]
Thanks and I agree.

[quote]I've seen no evidence that this is true. But there's overwhelming evidence that the Israelis' have treated Lebanon with utter barbarity.[/quote]
This is true, but who hasn't? So have the Palestinians, so has Syria. What I don't understand is that there are about 500 innocent Lebanese people in Syrian jails. Why didn't Hezbollah attack Syria? In the words of Michel Aoun about half a year ago: Lebanon shouldn't be the only nation to still be fighting Israel. Practically everyone has made peace treaties with Israel.

It doesn't benefit Lebanon to keep fighting Israel.

[quote]This may be true, and if so then I don't support that agenda. But you must also recognize that the Israelis intend for Lebanon to be an Israeli/US proxy just like Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The people of Lebanon have a right to sovereignty and a right to oppose the Israelis' efforts to control their government.[/quote]
Israel just wants Lebanon to be stable. This is why resolution 1559 was passed. It was by the influence of the Jewish Lobby. Israel doesn't want Hezbollah to be on the border attacking them every 5 minutes. The people of Lebanon do have a right to sovereignty but honestly, I don't believe Hezbollah should be the one to help with this. Why doesn't Hezbollah become part of the Lebanese army? Honestly, I'm fine with Hezbollah as a political party but they should disarm their weapons, just as the Lebanese Forces did long ago.

[quote]Well we disagree here. If the Israelis have no opposition they'll roll right over everyone. I'm not a fan of Hezbollah's politics or Iran's for that matter, but someone has to stand up to Israeli/US tyranny. Who else is there?
Thank you again for your insight. I wish you and your family the best in this horrible situation.
Israel will only use force against people opposing them. If Lebanon is stable, then Israel will be stable. If Lebanon has a lot of terrorists/a weak government, it has a direct effect on Israel. Thank you for your kind words. I understand your viewpoint more now. I'm suprised you know so much about what's going on. Do you usually keep track of Middle Eastern politics?

Edited by musturde
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