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The "Israel" you don't see on TV


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[quote][size=3][b]"Look What You've Done!"[/b] [/size]

[b]AIPAC Congratulates Itself on the Slaughter in Lebanon[/b]


"My fellow Americans," Howard Friedman, President of AIPAC [Zionist lobby organization in Washington DC], begins his letter of July 30 to friends and supporters of AIPAC, "Look what you've done"! After warning that "Israel is fighting a pivotal war for its life," by which he means Israel's wanton slaughter and all-out destruction in Lebanon, Freiedman condemns "the expected chorus of international condemnation of Israel's actions" and Europe's call for "a cease-fire immediately." Then he exults: "only ONE nation in the world came out and flatly declared: Let Israel finish the job... That nation is the United States of America--and the reason it had such a clear, unambiguous view of the situation is YOU and the rest of American Jewry." (All emphases in the original here and below.) Here I must take issue with President Friedman since I bet that most Jewish Americans, in contrast to the AIPAC crowd, were horrified by the slaughter in Lebanon. In fact if anyone other than President Friedman wrote this, he would be accused of fabricating a Jewish plot and labeled a nutty conspiracy theorist and scurrilous anti-semite.)

"How do we do it"? President Friedman asks a little further on. The answer is "decades of long hard work which never ends." Not only is it hard work--but it's eternal. However, President Friedman is not content with generalities and gives us some of AIPAC's trade secrets. Here are two notables:

"AIPAC meets with every candidate running for Congress. These candidates receive in-depth briefings to help them completely understand the complexities of Israel's predicament and that of the Middle East as a whole. We even ask each candidate to author a 'position paper' on their views of the U.S.-Israel relationship--so it's clear where they stand on the subject." (Would it not be great to see these "position papers"? I wonder how many candidates would release them? And what do the candidates get for all this effort? A pat on the back?)

"Members of Congress, staffers and administration officials have come to rely on AIPACs memos. They are VERY busy people and they know that they can count on AIPAC for clear-eyed analysis.. We present this information in concise form to elected officials. The information and analyses are impeccable--after all our reputation is at stake. This results in policy and legislation that make up Israel's lifeline." (Another way to read this is that the pea-brained hillbillies who make up most of the Congress can be led by the nose if the memos are simple enough. Testimony to this fact enters my mailbox, as I write, in the form of a must-read interview with Noam Chomsky, which details just how distorted the discussion of Israel and the war on Lebanon has become in the U.S.)

President Friedman's letter continues with more headliners: "Unfortunately, our work has just begun"! "Hizballah must be defeated." And finally, "The war is a diversion"!!!! This last section argues that the war in Lebanon is a "distraction," to "divert attention away from Iran's nuclear weapons program"! (In case you haven't noticed President Friedman loves exclamation points, which leads one to wonder whether a good dose of lithium might not be in order.) But this "analysis' is hopelessly confused since Israel started the war on Lebanon using a minor border skirmish as an excuse - as Chomsky points out in the interview alluded to above. It leaves one wondering about AIPAC's analyses. Are they "clear-eyed" as Friedman claims, or wild-eyed?

President Friedman closes with the exhortation: "Now is the time for us, American Jews, to stand up and tell our elected officials that they must demand Iran halt its pursuit of atomic arms." In other words, next stop Iran if AIPAC can swing it. And in that lies a great danger. The Bush administration is losing ever more of its base and only the neocon establishment and AIPAC remain securely in its camp. (Even some of the born-agains are deserting.) With the November elections coming, Rove and Bush desperately need AIPAC support, and so they may be even more susceptible than usual to its demands for going after Iran. Indeed this is a dangerous time.

John Walsh can be reached at john.endwar@gmail.com.

He thanks President Friedman for much of the material in this article, which is taken directly from his latest fundraising letter to AIPAC supporters and members.

[url="http://www.counterpunch.org/walsh08162006.html"]http://www.counterpunch.org/walsh08162006.html[/url] [/quote]

Edited by stephen
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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='stephen' post='1045157' date='Aug 16 2006, 11:28 PM']While everyone has been focused on Lebanon and the "terror plot" to blow up planes with shampoo, a humanitarian disaster has been created by the Israelis in Gaza in near secrecy:[/quote]Just out of curiousity, are you saying that the arrests in the UK and Pakistan was just something staged by the government, and resulted in false charges being made against innocent men?

Just trying to figure out why you use quotes around "terror plot."

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1045338' date='Aug 17 2006, 10:30 AM']
Just out of curiousity, are you saying that the arrests in the UK and Pakistan was just something staged by the government, and resulted in false charges being made against innocent men?


I have reasons to believe that it's not what we've been told.

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[quote name='musturde' post='1045564' date='Aug 17 2006, 04:46 PM']
Steven, you seem to love conspiracies...

I love Truth.

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[quote][size=3][b]Israel cluster-bombed 170 sites in Lebanon-U.N.[/b] [/size]

Tue 22 Aug 2006 12:57 PM ET

By Alistair Lyon, Special Correspondent

TYRE, Lebanon, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Israel dropped cluster bombs on at least 170 villages and other places in south Lebanon during its 34-day war with Hizbollah guerrillas, a senior United Nations demining official said on Tuesday.

The bomblets that failed to explode are now a deadly trap for civilians who stayed in the south or who fled and are now returning, some to find their homes or workplaces pounded to rubble by Israeli air strikes and artillery. The devices are known to have killed eight people and wounded at least 25, including several children, since a truce took hold on Aug. 14, said Tekimiti Gilbert, operations chief of the U.N. Mine Action Coordination Centre in Lebanon.

"Up to now there are 170 confirmed cluster bomb strikes in south Lebanon," he told Reuters in the southern port of Tyre.

"It's a huge problem. There are obvious dangers with children, people, cars. People are tripping over these things."

Gilbert said he had "no doubt" that Israel had deliberately hit built-up areas with cluster bombs, in violation of international law which states that such munitions must not be used in areas where there are civilians.

"These cluster bombs were dropped in the middle of villages," he said.

Israel denies using the weapons illegally and accuses Hizbollah of firing rockets into Israel from civilian areas.


Gilbert said six assessment teams had been finding 30 new cluster bomb sites a day, mostly south of the Litani river, about 20 km (13 miles) from Israel's border. Large numbers had also been found further north, around Nabatiyeh and Hasbaya.

Gilbert said it could take "up to 12 months or more" to rid the south of the Israeli bomblets, some of which are designed to knock out tanks, others to kill or maim people over a wide area.

Some are small, black and cylindrical, easy to overlook and to detonate. Others are round and can look like dusty rocks.

Gilbert said four clearance teams from Mines Advisory Group (MAG), a British non-governmental organisation, had already found and made safe more than 1,000 cluster bombs in the past six days -- usually with controlled explosions.

Another 13 clearance teams from MAG and a British firm will start work soon, along with two from Sweden. Lebanese army teams are also in action, as are Hizbollah members, Gilbert said.

"Hizbollah have picked up a large number of these bombs and put them into boxes and got them away from the children."

"It's not the approved method, but the risk is such that if something is not done, people will die," Gilbert said.

"You can't fault them, they are putting their lives at risk," he said, but added that while such unsystematic collection methods could clear the most visible cluster bombs, they could make it harder to find the less obvious ones.

Comparing the use of cluster bombs in other conflicts, Gilbert said that Iraq and Afghanistan were huge countries, so most bomblets had fallen in deserts or unoccupied areas.

"But Lebanon is small and the south is even smaller. To have these cluster bombs dropped in such a small, confined space and in the numbers they have been used is lethal."


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I'm not sure who to believe, the known terrorist entity that kidnaps and kills civilians or the legitimate nation that is apparently responding to attacks from said terrorist organization.

Maybe the Jews are masquerading as Jihadist maniacs, all the while using this distortion of the peaceful Hezbollah to garner the world's sympathy!

I bet they faked the Holocaust, those tricksy Jews. All those pictures were Photoshopped because the Zionists already had the technology, and they propped up Bill Gates and the inferior Windows to cripple the world, so they could take it over and force everyone to eat only Kosher foods. Right now, they are taking over refrigerator, oven and stove manufacturers, so they'll make a mint when we have to be Kosher!

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1050327' date='Aug 25 2006, 12:05 PM']
I'm not sure who to believe, the known terrorist entity that kidnaps and kills civilians ... [/quote]

That's "Israel" you speak of, right?

If not you should be aware that "Israel" routinely kidnaps civilians and holds them for years without charge. They presently hold at least 9000 Palestinians in their dungeons where they are routinely tortured.



[quote name='Winchester' post='1050327' date='Aug 25 2006, 12:05 PM']... or the legitimate nation that is apparently responding to attacks from said terrorist organization.


What is so legitimate about a nation founded on racial supremacy, terrorism and ethnic cleansing which would collapse the moment US funding were cut off?

And this terrorist state which calls itself "Isreal" has unjustly invaded and destroyed the very legitimate nation of Lebanon once again.

Edited by stephen
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[quote name='Winchester' post='1050327' date='Aug 25 2006, 11:05 AM']
I'm not sure who to believe, the known terrorist entity that kidnaps and kills civilians or the legitimate nation that is apparently responding to attacks from said terrorist organization.

Maybe the Jews are masquerading as Jihadist maniacs, all the while using this distortion of the peaceful Hezbollah to garner the world's sympathy!

I bet they faked the Holocaust, those tricksy Jews. All those pictures were Photoshopped because the Zionists already had the technology, and they propped up Bill Gates and the inferior Windows to cripple the world, so they could take it over and force everyone to eat only Kosher foods. Right now, they are taking over refrigerator, oven and stove manufacturers, so they'll make a mint when we have to be Kosher!
:lol: :lol: :clap:

I have to applaud Winchester (the Microsoft theory makes COMPLETE sense, lol). Everyone knows that every country has a side that it hides. In no way to I applaud Israel for what they are doing, however, when the people they are fighting have sworn away peace for the ultimate ending of Jews and all infidels, I tend to side with Israel. My second cents worth: Israel should have taken care of the other tribes in the Middle East when God told them to, lol. Look at the situation we have now. Well, they are paying for that mistake.

[quote name='stephen' post='1050564' date='Aug 25 2006, 04:50 PM']
What is so legitimate about a nation founded on racial supremacy, terrorism and ethnic cleansing which would collapse the moment US funding were cut off?

And this terrorist state which calls itself "Isreal" has unjustly invaded and destroyed the very legitimate nation of Lebanon once again.

Hahaha. I would actually say that Israel was founded on a theocratic supremecy, and not so much race (as there are many non-Jews there). Terrorism-your opinion. Ethnic cleansing-When will people understand-and this covers terrorism as well-sadly, a war will always include innocent lives being lost, however, Israel sought peace, and all it got was more violence. It offered land that hasn't been given since the six-days war, and yet people resort to violence to get more.

Oh, and the invasion-hello, Lebanon asked for it, cause it won't even stop its own terrorists. In my mind, Lebanon is as much at fault until they stop the guys firing the missiles into Israel and capturing soldiers. When will people realize that Israel can take care of itself and kick the other countries butts?? I mean, how many times do you have to make a mistake to learn?

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[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050600' date='Aug 25 2006, 07:23 PM']

I would actually say that Israel was founded on a theocratic supremacy, and not so much race (as there are many non-Jews there) . [/quote]

There are a lot less Arabs, particularly Christians, in the holy land than there were before they were driven off by the Zionists.

And you can say that the [i]"Jewish" state[/i] has nothing to do with race if you like, but that's a pretty absurd argument.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050600' date='Aug 25 2006, 07:23 PM'] Terrorism-your opinion. [/quote]

No, I'm afaid that the Deir Yassin massacre, the bombing of the King David hotel, the Sabra and Shatilla massacre, the 1982 terror bombing of Beirut, and countless other instances of Israeli terror are not at all a matter of opinion, but of plain fact.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050600' date='Aug 25 2006, 07:23 PM'] Ethnic cleansing-When will people understand-and this covers terrorism as well-sadly, a war will always include innocent lives being lost, however, Israel sought peace, and all it got was more violence. [/quote]

That's a novel thesis, but the reality is that you can't have a "Jewish" state on land populated by Arabs. And the land [i]was[/i] populated nearly exclusively by Arabs prior to 1948. They were pushed and killed off the land by the Zionists--plain ethnic cleansing. The Zionist forefathers admitted it. Why don't you?

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050600' date='Aug 25 2006, 07:23 PM'] It offered land that hasn't been given since the six-days war, and yet people resort to violence to get more. [/quote]

The Zionists offered a "deal" that no Palestinian should accept: no right of return to the land stolen from them. And since the occupied territories are held by the Zionists unjustly and illegally, they have no right to make demands in exchange for the land in the first place.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050600' date='Aug 25 2006, 07:23 PM']Oh, and the invasion-hello, Lebanon asked for it, cause it won't even stop its own terrorists. [/quote]

Hezbollah are a militia made up of Lebanese citizens which was formed in response to Zionists' terrorism and occupation of their nation which the useless Lebanese military could not defend against. The Israelis could not disarm Hezbollah in 20 years of occupation of Lebanon, yet you expect that the practically helpless Lebanese military should do so?

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050600' date='Aug 25 2006, 07:23 PM'] In my mind, Lebanon is as much at fault until they stop the guys firing the missiles into Israel and capturing soldiers. [/quote]

The soldiers were captured in an effort to exchange them for some of the over 9000 Palestinians held as prisoners without charge or trial by the Israelis. Yet, somehow I imagine you wouldn't see the 9000 Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis as justification for a bombing campaign on "Israel" where the entire infrastructure would be destroyed and thousands of civilians killed.

And Hezbollah fired rockets into "Israel" in response to the Israeli bombing of Lebanese infrastructure.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050600' date='Aug 25 2006, 07:23 PM']When will people realize that Israel can take care of itself and kick the other countries butts?? [/quote]

[i]Might makes right.[/i] How very "Catholic" of you.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050600' date='Aug 25 2006, 07:23 PM'] I mean, how many times do you have to make a mistake to learn?

When will the Zionists learn that they will never have peace until they treat others justly?

If you want to promote your rabid Zionism and love of "preemptive" war to others, that's your business. But everyone should be perfectly clear that it has no place in the Catholic tradition and no support in the Catholic canon. Your [i]might-makes-right[/i] ideology and [i]law of the jungle [/i] ethics is founded in the anti-Catholic Talmud of rabbinic Judaism.

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[quote name='stephen' post='1050622' date='Aug 25 2006, 06:15 PM']
There are a lot less Arabs, particularly Christians, in the holy land than there were before they were driven off by the Zionists.

And you can say that the [i]"Jewish" state[/i] has nothing to do with race if you like, but that's a pretty absurd argument.
No, I'm afaid that the Deir Yassin massacre, the bombing of the King David hotel, the Sabra and Shatilla massacre, the 1982 terror bombing of Beirut, and countless other instances of Israeli terror are not at all a matter of opinion, but of plain fact.
That's a novel thesis, but the reality is that you can't have a "Jewish" state on land populated by Arabs. And the land [i]was[/i] populated nearly exclusively by Arabs prior to 1948. They were pushed and killed off the land by the Zionists--plain ethnic cleansing. The Zionist forefathers admitted it. Why don't you?
The Zionists offered a "deal" that no Palestinian should accept: no right of return to the land stolen from them. And since the occupied territories are held by the Zionists unjustly and illegally, they have no right to make demands in exchange for the land in the first place.
Hezbollah are a militia made up of Lebanese citizens which was formed in response to Zionists' terrorism and occupation of their nation which the useless Lebanese military could not defend against. The Israelis could not disarm Hezbollah in 20 years of occupation of Lebanon, yet you expect that the practically helpless Lebanese military should do so?
The soldiers were captured in an effort to exchange them for some of the over 9000 Palestinians held as prisoners without charge or trial by the Israelis. Yet, somehow I imagine you wouldn't see the 9000 Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis as justification for a bombing campaign on "Israel" where the entire infrastructure would be destroyed and thousands of civilians killed.

And Hezbollah fired rockets into "Israel" in response to the Israeli bombing of Lebanese infrastructure.
[i]Might makes right.[/i] How very "Catholic" of you.
When will the Zionists learn that they will never have peace until they treat others justly?

If you want to promote your rabid Zionism and love of "preemptive" war to others, that's your business. But everyone should be perfectly clear that it has no place in the Catholic tradition and no support in the Catholic canon. Your [i]might-makes-right[/i] ideology and [i]law of the jungle [/i] ethics is founded in the anti-Catholic Talmud of rabbinic Judaism.
Catholic Tradition and their 'Just War Theory' makes a clear point to not pick a war or continue a war when there is no chance of overcoming the enemy. Hezzbollays need to come up with a different plan.

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[quote name='stephen' post='1050622' date='Aug 25 2006, 07:15 PM']
There are a lot less Arabs, particularly Christians, in the holy land than there were before they were driven off by the Zionists.

And you can say that the [i]"Jewish" state[/i] has nothing to do with race if you like, but that's a pretty absurd argument.
No, I'm afaid that the Deir Yassin massacre, the bombing of the King David hotel, the Sabra and Shatilla massacre, the 1982 terror bombing of Beirut, and countless other instances of Israeli terror are not at all a matter of opinion, but of plain fact.
That's a novel thesis, but the reality is that you can't have a "Jewish" state on land populated by Arabs. And the land [i]was[/i] populated nearly exclusively by Arabs prior to 1948. They were pushed and killed off the land by the Zionists--plain ethnic cleansing. The Zionist forefathers admitted it. Why don't you?
The Zionists offered a "deal" that no Palestinian should accept: no right of return to the land stolen from them. And since the occupied territories are held by the Zionists unjustly and illegally, they have no right to make demands in exchange for the land in the first place.
Hezbollah are a militia made up of Lebanese citizens which was formed in response to Zionists' terrorism and occupation of their nation which the useless Lebanese military could not defend against. The Israelis could not disarm Hezbollah in 20 years of occupation of Lebanon, yet you expect that the practically helpless Lebanese military should do so?
The soldiers were captured in an effort to exchange them for some of the over 9000 Palestinians held as prisoners without charge or trial by the Israelis. Yet, somehow I imagine you wouldn't see the 9000 Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis as justification for a bombing campaign on "Israel" where the entire infrastructure would be destroyed and thousands of civilians killed.

And Hezbollah fired rockets into "Israel" in response to the Israeli bombing of Lebanese infrastructure.
[i]Might makes right.[/i] How very "Catholic" of you.
When will the Zionists learn that they will never have peace until they treat others justly?

If you want to promote your rabid Zionism and love of "preemptive" war to others, that's your business. But everyone should be perfectly clear that it has no place in the Catholic tradition and no support in the Catholic canon. Your [i]might-makes-right[/i] ideology and [i]law of the jungle [/i] ethics is founded in the anti-Catholic Talmud of rabbinic Judaism.

You know, you have several decent points. However, you lose credibility when you make the absurd claim that Hezbollah is a millitia set to protect Lebanon? Here's my thing: you get mad at all of us "zionists" for allowing Israel to blow up innocents, yet Hezbollah (which, by the way, capture the soldiers and demanded the release of known TERRORISTS, not innocent palestinians) started the fighting in the first place. They captured the soldiers and fired the rockets, and put INNOCENT civilians in the way to make everyone else look like the bad guy. My point about Israel's might was no so much to excuse them of anything, but to make people realize just how powerful Israel is on their own (and if I remember correctly, Israel was British land given to them to do with want they want, or is that our "zionist" textbooks speaking?). Hezbollah has sworn the destruction of all Jews, as well as all infidels (which i suppose might include you, but i don't know, i haven't been on this site for long), as well as Iran, Palestine, and other middle eastern nations. Not because the Jews "stole" their land (good excuse though), but because they must eliminate all, convert all, or be martyred. You know, I would imagine you should be championing the cause of our Native American brethren right now as well, who were unjustly treated by our "Christian" forefathers. All I can say is just wait until Hezbollah or Iran or whoever pushes Israel over the edge. Israel will take everything out before we know it, and then we will have bloody world war three on our hands (it's not here just yet, but it's close).

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1050709' date='Aug 25 2006, 10:25 PM']
Catholic Tradition and their 'Just War Theory' makes a clear point to not pick a war or continue a war when there is no chance of overcoming the enemy. Hezzbollays need to come up with a different plan.


You call what happened in Lebanon a [i]war[/i]? My friend, that was a massacre. Just war doctrine doesn't apply to virtual one-sided aggression by a military superpower against a defenseless nation.

The Israeli brutality against Lebanon itself is completely unjust.

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[i]You know, you have several decent points. However, you lose credibility ... [/i]

according to who, you?

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM'] ... when you make the absurd claim that Hezbollah is a millitia set to protect Lebanon? [/quote]

That's exactly why Hezbollah were formed--in response to the Israeli terror bombing of Beirut in 1982 in which 17,500 innocent people were killed, and the subsequent 20 year occupation. It's absurd to deny this.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM'] Here's my thing: you get mad at all of us "zionists" for allowing Israel to blow up innocents ... [/quote]

That's right. What Catholic wouldn't oppose killing innocent people?

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM']... yet Hezbollah (which, by the way, capture the soldiers and demanded the release of known TERRORISTS, not innocent palestinians) [/quote]

The Israelis hold scores of Lebanese prisoners as well, without charge or trial, which begs the question, if these Lebanese prisoners are [i]known[/i] terrorists as you claim, why aren't they charged with a crime and given a fair trial?

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM'] ... started the fighting in the first place. They captured the soldiers and fired the rockets, and put INNOCENT civilians in the way to make everyone else look like the bad guy. [/quote]

This is false. Hezbollah fired rockets in response to the Israeli bombing of the infrastructure of Lebanon. But even if it were true, it would not justify a full scale invasion and bombing campaign which caused over 1 million refugees, 1300 civilian deaths, tens of thousands injured, billions of dollars in damage to infrastructure, a natural disaster due to an oil spill, etc., etc.

There is no proportion here whatsoever. Just plain barbarity

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM'] My point about Israel's might was no so much to excuse them of anything, but to make people realize just how powerful Israel is on their own [/quote]

I don't think anyone needs any reminder of that, certainly not the people of Lebanon or the Palestinian territories.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM'] (and if I remember correctly, Israel was British land given to them to do with want they want, or is that our "zionist" textbooks speaking?). [/quote]

It was Palestinian land occupied by the British who had no right to give it to anyone.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM'] Hezbollah has sworn the destruction of all Jews, as well as all infidels (which i suppose might include you, but i don't know, i haven't been on this site for long), as well as Iran, Palestine, and other middle eastern nations. [/quote]

Funny how they haven't destroyed the Christian members of their political party.

This nonsense can only be foisted upon the credulous.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM'] Not because the Jews "stole" their land (good excuse though), but because they must eliminate all, convert all, or be martyred. [/quote]

That's a bold faced lie. Hezbollah has Christian members and they have the support of most Lebanese Christians. Even more so since the latest Israeli aggression.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM'] You know, I would imagine you should be championing the cause of our Native American brethren right now as well, who were unjustly treated by our "Christian" forefathers. [/quote]

I would champion their cause, but it seems that they've nearly been eradicated. I'm attempting to prevent the same from happening to Arabs.

And two wrongs don't make a right, not that you'd try such a thing.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1050838' date='Aug 26 2006, 01:53 AM'] All I can say is just wait until Hezbollah or Iran or whoever pushes Israel over the edge. Israel will take everything out before we know it, and then we will have bloody world war three on our hands (it's not here just yet, but it's close).

I'm not cowering in fear of the "mad dog" Israelis. They're dangerous whether they're challenged or whether they're left alone. It makes no difference. Their injustices are the cause of the never ending conflict in the Middle East. The Israeli injustices must stop.

Edited by stephen
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