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March for Life


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Is any one going next year? :bounce: If you are, where are you from, how long will it take you to get there, where will you stay, ect. ect? I am thinking about going and want all sorts of info. So anything you think might help, please post. :cool:
Oh yeah, by the way, how long do you have to be a member before you get promoted from 'lurker'? I would find out for myself, but I'm lucky if I can turn my laptop on. :blush:

Edited by HeavenlyCalling
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I'm going with my future-sisters!!

Graduating from lurker depends on how many posts you've made. There's a thread in Open Mike about this... let's see...

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If I remember rightly, the you-are-no-longer-a-lurker barrier is fifty posts.

Love and prayers,


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"The ranking underneath your avatar changes as your post count increases:

Lurker- Under 50 posts
Newbie- 50 posts
Peep- 250 posts
Alien- 450 posts
Super Alien- 750 posts
PM Pham- 1550 posts
Once you reach 3150 posts, you can change your own title"

Edited by FutureSoror
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I'm going to the March for Life in DC. It will take me about 45 min to get there and I'll be staying in my dorm room. :topsy: Last year was my first year and it was so much fun..even though I could only find one pro-life friend to drag along with me. >:(

There were so many nuns in habits... People who are discerning should go just so they can see all the different orders.

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1032809' date='Jul 28 2006, 09:43 AM']
Is any one going next year? :bounce: If you are, where are you from, how long will it take you to get there, where will you stay, ect. ect? I am thinking about going and want all sorts of info. So anything you think might help, please post. :cool:
Oh yeah, by the way, how long do you have to be a member before you get promoted from 'lurker'? I would find out for myself, but I'm lucky if I can turn my laptop on. :blush:

I'll be going with my future-sisters, too!!! :taco: And well, I wouldn't have to go very far as the novitiate house is only 20 miles south of D.C. :yahoo:

However, I did go the past two years -- I currently live in Kentucky. The first year I went, I flew with students from my university -- we flew from Louisville to Baltimore. It was approximately 45 minutes flight time. Then we had to ride a shuttle bus (another 45 minutes or so) to get to the metro station and finally to D.C.

Last year, I rode on tour buses with my diocese. I think it was a 13 hr bus ride. :bugeyes: :snore:

Also, as TrueImage had said, there are numerous religious there!! :photo: It's AMAZING! That's where I first saw my order. They were singing the Salve Regina outside the Supreme Court and our group happened to be walking past them... it was as though they were calling my name. :cloud9: :hehe:

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='1032830' date='Jul 28 2006, 09:13 AM']
I'm going to the :texas: Walk for Life. It takes me about two and a half hours to get there. :)

me too :) when we take the bus I thought it took about 4 hours? :idontknow:

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We'll be driving to DC in a bus (edit: BIG van) from Ann Arbor, MI... who knows how long that will take. I'm excited for it!!

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I'm hoping to be able to go, God willing. With school and living halfway across the country, I'll have to see...but I'd really like to as I've never gone before!

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I have never gone to either, which is why I am posting. I heard some people talking about it and it sounds like a great thing to do. :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I went to the first SanFransico one. IT was an amazing expieriance but Very frightening because even though there were thousands of us and only hundreds of protesters they were very volital screaming horrible things from all sides.

I mean it is sanfransico so maybe we shouldn't be surprised.

any way I hope I can go agian this year.

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I am going to go!! I went last year for my first time....it was amazing. The best part was definitely the Mass the night before....But anyway if any of you go my group is really easy to find because we always wear bright yellow sweatshirts and we have a big banner that says "St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Kan."....Well I guess everyone has a banner....but at the Mass we are really visible because of our shirts....

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