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How long do I have to be off meds and be doing well


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I know this may vary by community, but I figure there's probably a general across-the-board time span for this.

Right now I am on an anti-depressant and am battling a mental illness...and all the struggles that currently are going along with it. I know there are like no communities that will accept you if you are on an anti-depressant and that I have to be emotionally/mentally stable and off medication for "a while" before I could enter. But how long is "a while"?

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A few years, at least. That's what they told me! (I have been off of mine for 2 and a half years.)

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A friend of mine who was discerning stated that she has been told by some communities that it depends on what the medication is and what it is for (mild depression as opposed to manic depressive, etc) that she could possibly still enter while on it. She said that she has been told by others that you must be off of any type of anti-depressant for at least 2 years. And still others said that they would not consider anyone who has been treated for mental illness. She said these were a couple of communities that dealt with the care of children (which might be the reason). She said the cloister orders seem a little easier on it but she was hoping to enter an active order which she felt was more strict on their rules regarding the anti-depressants.

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I have a close friend who applied to a "hotspot" community (one well known, loved, and entered by several phatmassers). She had been on meds for anxiety/mild depression for several years. As the symptoms hadn't presented themselves for a couple years and her psychological evaluation was clear -she was accepted (even though she's still on the medication)! I think if God wants you, it will work. But don't force it if you aren't honesty emotionally stable and haven't been for several years yet, as she was. Remeber, communities aren't going anywhere if you aren't quite mentally ready yet.

I'm glad you are feeling better.
God Bless you!

Edited by Veritas
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Thanks to those who have replied so far. This has been on my mind a lot lately, as I have been going from anti-depressant to anti-depressant for almost six years now and am still struggling with mental illnesses (depression and borderline personality disorder) and am still trying to overcome the struggles that have come along with them (cutting and anorexia). While it has been just over a year and eight months since the last time I cut and I am no longer anorexic, I still struggle a lot with both of these things. God has made it very clear to me that I am called to the religious life, but sometimes I just can't see that and wonder if there was some miscommunication somewhere or something, because I have been struggling with these problems for such a long time and it does not seem as though there is a resolution to it all in the near future. And the communities that I have an interest in all have an age limit of 35. I know that gives me 15 years, which technically is quite a bit of time, but to me it doesn't seem like things could get better in just 15 years. However, this is probably mostly a trust issue...I've never been all too good at trusting God....

Thanks once again,

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I totally understand where you are coming from. Just remember that God makes straight crooked paths!
Prayers for you!

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I don't really know the answer to the original question, but I think that God will grant you the graces you need as you need them. And out of all situations, God is able to use it for His glory if you let Him....even if it's hard to see how or why right now. Hang in there and follow your doctor's/parents' advice about dealing with the issues. It might be helpful to get a spiritual director too in terms of discerning your vocation (if you don't already have one), esp. as it might be a little bit since you can enter a community.

God bless!

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Guest Perpetualove

Dear Allison,
This really does depend upon the community. Some communities have very specific guidelines as to what they are willing to accept as a community (one community I know had a group of mental health specialists as well as doctors help them come up with their guidelines at their annual retreat), others take it case by case, and still others have a "zero-tolerance" for lack of a better term.
I would like to suggest that you seriously discuss your condition with your therapist and/or doctor. As I know you know by now, there are many different forms of depression and treatment methods. Some people clearly experience clinical depression that is based on a chemical imbalance; which is something that can be managed throughout life with proper medication. This sort of situation would be comparable to diabetes...not pleasant, not without serious consequences, but treatable with proper attention and medication. Some communities are able to accept this and others not. Some kinds of depression are more fleeting and are a one time episode which can be handled through medication and theraoy; never to appear again. As for BPD, that particular disorder can obviously hamper a person's integration into community life. In talking with your doctor honestly and getting a thorough evaluation, you might be better equipped to make a decision about your future in a communal setting. It might also help you figure out what sort of community would be open to your background and whatever needs you might have - should that be an issue.
I would like to encourage you to really move forward with an honest evaluation from your doctor and then go from there. There are so many communities out there, and while I realize that the more "progressive" communties (as in not formal habits) are not always the most popular choice on this website, it has been my observation that these communities sometimes are more open to these particular issues. These communities also sometimes offer a more relaxed form of formation, and individual living space, which might be the healthiest for you regarding BPD. Since you are on this site, I certainly don't want to put words into your mouth, or assume you are thinking of one kind of community over another. Your dream might be a very traditional order with a full habit, and I don't want to discourage that dream. I know of one that is very lovely and educated regarding depression. However, as you explore your choices, and begin to discover what God is calling to you, and how you are able to respond, keep an open heart. God's plans and ways are often mysterious, and don't give up! I will keep you very much in prayer and in my heart.
In Him,

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Thanks very much for the replies.

I do have a spiritual director. However there is no need for us to focus on discernment of my vocation, since--as I mentioned earlier--God has made it quite clear (to put it lightly) that He wants me to enter the religious life. And obviously there is no need to focus on discerning a community at this point, as that is quite a ways off. Right now we just need to concentrate on where I am in my walk with God and such things.

And I am in the majority of those on this website who would only enter a community who wears the habit. I will spare you my rant. ;)

Thanks also for the prayers. I appreciate them more than you could know.


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You got my PM....

Also, there is no way to put a time limit on this topic. If you are truly called to the Religious Life, then you and the Community will know when the time is right.

[b]Jesus, I Trust in You![/b]

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[quote name='srmarymichael' post='1034706' date='Jul 31 2006, 08:55 AM']
If you are truly called to the Religious Life, then you and the Community will know when the time is right.
Yeah, you're right. I guess I just worry a lot....

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Peace chica! :sign:...I'm gonna say 15 years is a loooong time for discernment & patience with God & His timing is key...So much will change in your life in that time & God will continue to lead you...Please pm me if you want to talk....(I can only receive & give pm's from a friend's computer...so it may take some time for me to respond to you!)

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