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No Vocation?


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[quote name='HollyDolly' post='1033004' date='Jul 28 2006, 01:49 PM']
:saint: Sister Mary Michael thank you for the articles on this fine man.No matter how hard we think we have it,there is always someone who has it worse.
WE should offer up our sorrows and trials to Jesus and trust in Him completely more than we do.
By the way,aren't you also in the San Antonio Archdioce as well,your order I mean?
The photo from your newsletter with our Archbishop Gomez is why i asked.

Yes, the Amarillo Diocese is under the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

[b]Jesus, I Trust in You! [/b] No matter how bad things look.... :blush:

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Thankyou for the artciles on Mathew Billa ... they were very nice. I also thank everyone who has taken the time to respond. I am feeling better about things and am resolved to step out again under the inspiration of 'Jesus I trust in you'. I didn't intend to .. well I dont know what I didnt intend but at times my morale gets low - and then I get tired and then the depression starts to set in. Its amazing how a few words or a friendly gesture can revive someone when their about to give up. So I thank you all for this. :) :blowkiss:

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We all get down and we need to be affirmed. God has gathered us as a community to help each along the road which ultimately helps each other get closer to Him. Believe me, I don't know where I would be without the MadonnaHouse community.

My friend, I have the book "Personal Vocation: God Calls Everyone by Name" by Germain Grisez and Russell Shaw. If you trust me, I can send down to you just PM with your details. Don't worry I won't need the book back because I have been accepted into religious life and I do need to thin out some of my stuff so to speak.

For what it is worth, I thought didn't have a vocation either. I believed that happiness was only for a few and I wasn't on the list. I tried so hard to please God and all I hit was dead ends and tears. I thought God didn't want me. Well, I was wrong.

Keeping praying and don't lose hope!!

Edited by passionheart
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:blink: still praying! I must admit this is taking a long time :( I honestly have to conclude that I DO NOT have a vocation. End of story.

I feel like I am in a spiritual void. I have NO religious vocation. This is for certain. I know it is certain as I am sick and religious communities do not accept the mentally ill.
I feel immense desire to 'do' something for God but at every moment I am reminded of my helplessness and my inability to do nothing. This is a martyrdom. I think it is exactly what St Therese Lisiuex experienced - a desire to do everything for God - be a saint, martyr, missionary, convert the world, etc etc ... yet in a stark paradox, God especially limits you so that you can do nothing :mellow:
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