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Good luck St. Benedict... that's all I'm going to say. :pinch:

Edited by brendan1104
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[quote name='brendan1104' post='1037737' date='Aug 4 2006, 09:33 PM']
Good luck St. Benedict... that's all I'm going to say. :pinch:

What is that supposed to mean, exactly?

Congratulations, St. Benedict!!

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That's awesome, SB!

I suspect Brendan was alluding to the fact that diocesan seminaries are not always very friendly toward those with a traditional bent. I can't comment as I know nothing about the seminary that SB has chosen. Regardless, it's a topic for another thread, not this one.

Congrats SB!

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[quote name='St. Benedict' post='1037516' date='Aug 4 2006, 02:04 PM']
I could be as traditional as I wanted[/quote]

St. Benedict... I'm really sorry to ask you this- but are you joking? I'm not schismatic, but any traditional Catholic- or chancery official- can realize that what you expect is not going to come to pass. I'm sorry, but I feel that you should know this:

Could this be being traditional?

- Expecting to offer Mass ad orientem?
While perfectly licit, your pastor/bishop will privately threaten you with illicit suspension, or discourage you- it's been known to happen.

- Expecting to refuse Communion-in-the-hand?
You'll definitely be suspended and removed, if you refuse to do so.

- Expecting to offer the Tridentine Mass publicly- e.g. at a regularly scheduled Mass, non-indult etc.?
Again, suspended, your faculties revoked, etc.

- Expecting to disband the Eucharistic Ministers, altar girls, folk group at your parish?
You'll be labelled among your fellow priests as a young arrogant idiot who's stuck in a 1950's time warp and will be ridiculed again, by your bishop, pastor, etc.

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[quote]I'm sorry, but I feel that you should know this: [/quote]

Let's all assume that SB:
1. Did his homework
2. Knows what personal preferences he is/is not going to have to sacrafice in this particular diocese
3. Is willing to make those sacrafices to follow the path the Lord is calling him to.

No need for discouragement or second-guessing here!

I can't get over how awesome it will be to have another holy orthodox diocesan priest coming up. There is a young, very orthodox associate pastor at my local parish. He was ordained in 2003 and his presence has made all the difference in the otherwise "non traditional" leadership of the parish.

He took over the youth ministry... and since he arrived, 7 young men from that program have signed up to enter the seminary, Praise God!!

Edited by Lilllabettt
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[quote name='St. Benedict' post='1029425' date='Jul 23 2006, 09:21 AM']
As for the Society of St. John Cantius, I can't get ahold of anyone for information.Thank you

If this is still in the back of your head, here is the website for St. John Cantius:


And even though some diocesan seminaries may have a reputation for being liberal, word on the street is that things are getting better.

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