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I need advise


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I have since the death of Our beloved Pope John Paul ll realized that I want nothing more than to serve Our Lord as a priest. But, I am getting more and more confused on where I should join. I am a very orthodox and traditional person, so I want to join an orthodox and traditional community.

I've been planning on joining my diocese, and I would study at Conception Seminary in Missouri. It is a very nice place, but the dorms are small and they don't allow students to wear cassocks. I also would almost certainly not be able to offer the Tridentine Rite.

I don't want to join the Institute of Christ the King because I would have to study in Italy. I like the FSSP but I would have to go to college first, and that would be very costly. As for the Society of St. John Cantius, I can't get ahold of anyone for information.

I recently visited Conception Seminary, which is run by Benedictines. There is a monastery on the campus, and I, for the first time, began to feel that perhaps I should join a religious community. I absolutely loved praying the Divine Office each day. I am looking for a religious order that has a monastery in Illinois. I am thinking about getting more information from the Benedictine Monks of Chicago.

What communities do you think would be good for me as a traditional person? If I join a monastery as a priest, would I still get an education (a degree) from somewhere?

I'm very confused. :( Could someone explain different orders.

Thank you

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Domine ut Videam

PLEASE check out the Brothers of St. John. They have a monastery in Princeville Illinois and are an awesome orthodox order. The Brothers are awesome and pray the Divine office. I would classify them as contemplative-active....but that is just me. [url="http://www.stjean.com"]HERE[/url] is their website. And [url="http://www.communityofstjohn.com/"]HERE[/url] is the site for the monastery in the US. On the community site click on the community button and keep searching eventually there will be lots of info about the brothers.....it is jsut hidden within the site. They are an awesome order....with lots of holy brothers. Some become deacons, and many, even priests. But they are all such examples of Christ. Please checkk them out. :D:

-Yours in Christ

P.S. My signature is a quote from their founder and my avatar is a picture of one of their contemplative sisters................ ^_^

Edited by Domine ut Videam
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God be praised that the death of John Paul the Great has stirred your vocation within you!

A strong attraction to praying the Office in common is often an indication of a monastic vocation. Consider what is also involved in monastic life (especially with the Benedictines): living in community with people you [i]haven't[/i] chosen, renouncement of personal belongings, and complete obedience to your superior.

You may be interested in the [url="http://www.clearcreekmonks.org/"]Clear Creek Benedictines[/url]. I believe they celebrate Mass according to the Tridentine Rite. I'm also going to throw in a plug for [url="http://www.buckfast.org.uk/"]Buckfast Abbey[/url] in the UK. I know the monks there well and can testify that they're a lovely community (for a bunch of blokes :P:), and they're worth checking out if you're open to considering going transatlantic.

Love and prayers,


Edited by puellapaschalis
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Hey...since you seem to be from Missouri, have you ever checked out the Benedictine monks at St. Louis Abbey? I am a big fan, and they educate you as well.

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I don't know. But stay away from the Jesuits. Not all of them are bad, but in general they have gotten to be pretty liberal (and sometimes worse).

Oh actually I think there is an order I think based from Massachuttes called the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, or something like that. I'll look for their website for you. I think it's their novitiate house is located in Steubenville, OH, so I've gotten a pretty good idea of what they're like. They're pretty cool. If you've ever heard of Fr. Don Calloway, MIC, that's the order he's from. He's got quite the testimony. (He was in the Japanese mafia, was kicked out of Japan...all sorts of stuff. And now he's a wicked amazing priest!!) And I've heard that the Marians are awesome confessors too. And I think they do Tridentine Masses.

Okay sorry that was a lot of rambling. I'll find the website for you and get back to you on that.

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[quote name='fearundercontrol' post='1029501' date='Jul 23 2006, 01:32 PM']
I don't know. But stay away from the Jesuits. Not all of them are bad, but in general they have gotten to be pretty liberal (and sometimes worse).

Oh actually I think there is an order I think based from Massachuttes called the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, or something like that. I'll look for their website for you. I think it's their novitiate house is located in Steubenville, OH, so I've gotten a pretty good idea of what they're like. They're pretty cool. If you've ever heard of Fr. Don Calloway, MIC, that's the order he's from. He's got quite the testimony. (He was in the Japanese mafia, was kicked out of Japan...all sorts of stuff. And now he's a wicked amazing priest!!) And I've heard that the Marians are awesome confessors too. And I think they do Tridentine Masses.

Okay sorry that was a lot of rambling. I'll find the website for you and get back to you on that.

The website for the MIC is here are at [url="http://www.religiouslife.com/"]http://www.religiouslife.com/[/url]

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The Fathers of Mercy are amazing. However, I don't know if you feel called to them.

Remember though, don't expect God to fit into your geographical expectations. Simply say "Yes!" and He will lead you.

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[quote name='St. Benedict' post='1029425' date='Jul 23 2006, 10:21 AM']
I've been planning on joining my diocese, and I would study at Conception Seminary in Missouri. It is a very nice place, but the dorms are small and they don't allow students to wear cassocks. I also would almost certainly not be able to offer the Tridentine Rite.

I am currently studying for my diocese. I just wanted to say that I don't think things like the size of the dorms or the dress code of the seminary should be a factor in a decision to study for a religious community instead of your diocese. I also wanted to say that no matter what diocese you live in ever diocese needs more holy and orthodox priest. I attended a seminary where we are allowed to wear a cassock but I quickly realized that the dress code is not as important as a first thought. Makes sure the decision to serve in a religious community instead of as a diocesan priest is based on the ministry God is calling you to not on the seminary you would attend or your personal preferences. You discernment will be in my prayers.
God Bless

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We need holy and orthodox diocesan priests and we need good holy priests in the orders that have been mentioned in this thread. Let God decide. Pray and you will know. God bless.

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Umm yeah... but if you are drawn to the Diocesan priesthood look at the Diocese of Lincoln Nebraska, or Phoenix, Arizona. Those are quite good, and quite Orthodox.

About college, I would say if you feel attracted to a religious order that wants you to have a degree first, then don't worry too much about paying for it. God will make it work out.

But yeah, definitely look at the Missionary Franciscans of the Eternal Word. They are so awesome. I think the Fathers of Mercy are good too.

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I have finally made my decision - I will be studying for my diocese. This way I will have a lot of freedom. I could be as traditional as I wanted and I would be in the world helping people. I feel called first and foremost to be a shepherd of souls, so I want to be in the world to proclaim the Gospel. I also want to get a good education, and my diocese has several very good schools.

So, please keep me in your prayers as I apply for my diocese's sponsorship this fall!

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