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One of the great myths of our times is that there is a shortage of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

There is NOT.

There is a shortage of [b]responses[/b] to vocations.

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If this is for girls, one thing that helped me was the 139 Psalm, especally line 14.

"I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works."

This helped me to focus that I was not junk (I was going through some self confidence issues at the time) and that God wanted me to be happy beyond anything I could dream. Also

"Be not afraid" JPII

God bless-

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1027358' date='Jul 19 2006, 06:24 PM']
reading Vita Consecrata was and continues to be very helpful. Also the more time spent goingto daily Mass, praying in Eucharistic Adoration and praying the Rosary. Right now, at the suggestion of my spiritual director, i've started reading Fire Within by Fr. Thomas Dubay and that has been helpful as far as praying goes and trying to diver deeper into contemplative prayer.
I hope that's helpful.

i will agree that Daily Mass Helps discernment even if i am not far i new here too like Call2theCross and too have time i'm almost 15

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I've put this passage on a couple other threads so chatbox and a couple other people may have already read it, but I really think it helps put trust in God into perspective. Here it is:
"SOme had lost their way in a barren desert; found no path toward a city to live in. They were hungry and thirsty; their life was ebbing away. In their distress, they cried to the Lord, who rescued them in their peril, guided them by a direct path so they reached a city to live in. Let them thank the Lord for such kindnes, such wondrous deeds for mere mortals. For he satisfied the thirsty, filled the hungry with good things."
-Psalm 107:4-9
Mucho Love,


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Mary's servant

I haven't read it yet, but there is a new book from TAN called "Religious Vocation: An Unnecessary Mystery." It has been highly recommended to me, and one of my friends who is 18 and discerning the priesethood has recently read it. Also, True Devotion to Mary really helped/ is helping me through my discernment. I know it isn't specifically a discernment text, but it leads you to Mary, who leads you straight to Christ, who will show you where He wants you and give you the strength to go there. Like the others said, daily Mass, Holy Hour and Rosaries are a tremendous help.

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I second that ...That book Religious vocation: an unnecessary mystery is a great book. I highly recommend that book for anyone discerning

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' post='1027260' date='Jul 19 2006, 05:01 PM']
When you were discerning (or as you discern if you are still discerning), what has been the most helpful information for you? What books have you read that you really enjoyed? What quote meant something to you? What have you done to discern?

I'm looking for discernment material in general. I'm putting together a sheet for some girls and I have some material but I thought it would be a good idea (and kinda fun) to ask for input here. So give me whatever you've got!

Thanks ahead of time! ;)

I found this quote especially profound and helpful:

[i]There are very few people who realize what God would make of them if they abandoned themselves into his hands, and let themselves be formed by his grace.[/i] - St. Ignatius of Loyola

Also, I know this is probably the most "obvious" answer, but in all honesty, the most helpful thing for discerning was the "information" received in hours of Adoration. Ignatius' [i]Spiritual Exercises[/i] are absolutely brilliant, too!

Oh!! -- There's a book on Vocations (for both Religious and Married) with excerpts from Pope John Paul II's various speeches/talks throghout his pontificate. Beautiful, beautiful book! I just wish I could remember what it was called.... I read it at a Sisters of Life "Come & See".

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Oo thanks Sadora! I really like that first quote!

[quote name='Sadora' post='1031329' date='Jul 26 2006, 01:40 PM']
Oh!! -- There's a book on Vocations (for both Religious and Married) with excerpts from Pope John Paul II's various speeches/talks throghout his pontificate. Beautiful, beautiful book! I just wish I could remember what it was called.... I read it at a Sisters of Life "Come & See".
There wouldn't be a way for you to maybe find out before tomorrow at like... 1, is there?

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' post='1031467' date='Jul 26 2006, 05:51 PM']
Oo thanks Sadora! I really like that first quote!
There wouldn't be a way for you to maybe find out before tomorrow at like... 1, is there?


It's called "The Meaning of Vocation: In the Words of John Paul II". It is my "Number #1 Pick" for vocational reading (short form, that is). Here's a link so you can see the cover: [url="http://www.catholicstore.com/browseproducts/Meaning-Of-Vocation---N-The-Words-Of-Jpii.HTML"]http://www.catholicstore.com/browseproduct...ds-Of-Jpii.HTML[/url]


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"Finding God's Will for You" St. Francis de Sales
"Rise, Let Us be on our way" JPII
"Letters to a Young Catholic" George Weigel

[quote name='Sadora' post='1031329' date='Jul 26 2006, 01:40 PM']
I read it at a Sisters of Life "Come & See".
Which Come & See where you at? I went to the one this past March.

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I second "Letters to a Young Catholic."

That was the book that made me get off the discernment fence and want to find where I was called so I could act on my vocation.

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