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Like, Oh My Gawd, Life In The 80s


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I was also born in 80.

The worst was those bike shorts with a bright stripe down the side and a skirt attached to it. My mom would always make me wear them! UGH! And I used to wear big lace bows in my hair like Madonna.

I watched Thundercats everyday after school and carried a Strawberry Shortcake lunchbox.

I also LOVE 80's movies but didn't discover them until the 80's were over, lol.

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  marielapin said:
I personally love He-Man and She-Ra....and Thundercats

He-man rocked, I have like 2 copys of it in .avi format I got off Grokster a long time ago...

I liked Nickalodean back then, stuff like Picture Pages, Euchekas Castle, Elphant Show, The Little' Bits, Under the Umbrella Tree, Care Bears, JI Joes, Curious George, man the list goes on!. lol_grin.gif

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I was born in '60 so I LIVED the 80's.


leg warmers


Cher still looked like she does but showed less skin

Micheal was really black

cell phones were invented

fax machines were invented

portable computers was invented (A portable computer was a Kaypro 64. Yeah, 64 bits. There was no such thing as a hard drive and disk ment a 256 bit 5 1/4" disk (they weren't double sided). The were about 16" x 24" x 30" with a pop out keyboard and wighed about 40 pounds.


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Square Pegs, Square Pegs, Square ... Square ... Pegs!

Nickelodeon's "You can't do that on Television!"

Nintendo? Bah! Atari Ruled!

"Bueller? Bueller? ... "

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Kilroy the Ninja

Oh! OH!

How could I forget "You Can't Do That On Television"???!!!!

And I owned leg warmers

and an Atari 5200 (couldn't be bothered with that 2600 stuff - went straight to the big boy toy)

And I had a Texas Instruments "PC". Hooked into the tv. Scary stuff. Scary.

Oh, and Marielapin mentioned the Challenger on another thread (I think she meant it for this one).

I was on track to becoming an astronaut then (no really!!! I was going to go to the Air Force academy and everything. I had it all lined up with my state rep. and had been in talks with people at NASA), but the Challenger disaster kinda changed me....

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Yes I did a crazy thing and posted it on the arguments thread.

I did actually witness the Challenger exploding. I was in kindergarten, our teacher walked us outside (we could see it across the bay) and then when it exploded, we asked the teacher if it was supposed to do that and all she did was choke up and tell us to get inside and color. So I didn't find out what really happened until I got home and watched it explode over and over and over again on the TV.

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Kilroy the Ninja

I was actually with my chemistry class and we were talking to a guy who had come from NASA and he was showing us an actual space suit (letting us put it on and such) when my chem prof came into the room and gave us the unauspicious news... it was very sad. I cried for hours, and days.

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We had leg warmers... oh my word... I'm getting scared just thinking of some of the stuff we wore....

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Jake Huether

Wow! Bull, you were born in 80? My gosh, I'm a year older than you! LOL. I don't know, I always picture myself as so young it just shocks me that there are "adults" younger than me.

Anywho. Katie, you are so right about the cartoons. Bugs bunny, Tom and Jerry, Mighty Mouse. Now even the "tiny toons" are old! LOL. But they'll never be able to replace the wholesome (sp?) fight scenes between Yosemite Sam and Bugs! Or Elmer singing "I must kill the wabbit, I must kill the wabbit, I must kill the wabbit" to opera music.

Oh and Kilroy:

Raiders of the Lost Ark (Han Solo is REALLY cool!)

Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) was from the Raiders of the Lost Ark. But you're right on either way. Han Solo kicked butt. And so did Indiana Jones.

In fact, I LOVED Indy so much that I forced my parents to buy me a bull whip (yup a real one too). I'd go around swinging on trees. I didn't leave my Indy phase for like at least 4 years!

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Did anyone else watch Woody Woodpecker? lol

I don't think about adults being younger than me... usually I'm shocked into the reality that I am an adult now. lol Its like "Oh.... wow... duh... I'm a grown up. When did that happen?"

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Jake Huether

Nickelodeon's "You can't do that on Television!"

That seems like it was at least in the 90's. Sheesh. I am getting old.

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Kilroy the Ninja

Yeah I know it's Indiana Jones in the Raiders movies - duh. <_< But he will always be Han Solo to millions of us out there. Indiana was just a side-gig he did between the REAL stuff :P

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Jake Huether


Heck yah. Woody woodpecker was da bomb.

And I know what you mean. I feel silly asking younger people what they want to do when they "grow up". I'm still shocked that I actually am doing what I was "going to do" when I "grow up". Now it's like, what will I be doing when I retire. Theres no more "when I grow up".

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