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Like, Oh My Gawd, Life In The 80s


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The Green Hair thread brought up the subject of 80s ... ok, I brought it up. But ... this thread is for all of you who got to experience ... the joys of Aquanet, parachute pantaloons, and late night viewings of Thriller ...

C'mon ... we were the first generation of MTV ... MTV when they played ACTUAL Videos...

So, head into the way back machine and tell me what life in the 80s was like for you ...

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80's rocked! I liked the 80's better than the 90's!! Hehe man I used to by stylin in some MC Hammer pantaloons.. (early 90's I think though)

anyways.. yah 80's > all

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We had parachute pantaloons.... lol_grin.gif

And Cyndi Lauper tapes, and we watched WWF wrestling, and Saturday morning cartoons were cooler than they are today... I was born in 1980, though, so I probably didn't experience it quite the same as some of the rest of you guys...

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Talk about 80's flashback... I saw Pretty in Pink on TV the other day and couldn't help but laugh. I used to be so in love with Duckie! Sure Andrew M. had a great smile but Duckie had such style! I cringe when I think of all those hip fashions... God have pity on the soul who invented big bangs!

Actually the only thing I really loved about the 80's (besides doc martins) was the music...I was obsessed with Morrissey, the Smith, the Cure, Depeche Mode, New Order... ah, the good old days...now I'm listening to the Winnie the Pooh soundtrack... I'm just a little black rain cloud sailing above the honey tree... but that's okay since I got my own little "Duckie" that I love. :P

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I got married in '83. Got blessed with my daughters in '86 and '89. I was in my 20's and life was great. Hangin' with friends at a restaraunt/bar for $1 import nites. Had real close friends to play cards and drank beer with. My daughters were so young and seeing the world through their eyes made it all so fresh and new. Got our first house in '85. Life was so lived in the '80's.

Man, the '80's were great days looking back. I wonder what they really were like.

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The Breakfast Club rocks. We have it on tape. We watch it with our kids when they turn 14 and talk about it. Some deep stuff, some fun stuff. All of us have half the dialogue memorized and quote the movie all the time.

"Demented and sad, but social."

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Kilroy the Ninja

I was born in 1970, so the eighties had a real impression on me. (Yeah, I'm old. Get over it)

I'm trying to think of cliches about the eighties that I actually owned...

Let's see...

Parachute pantaloons

Rubik's cube (which I eventually destroyed)

Jelly sandles

Swatch watch

Jordache Jeans (which I still have but cannot get into, but just can't let go of. I'm a sad, sad person)

Polo shirts

Izod shirts

Knicker pantaloons

Stirup pantaloons

I remember the events of, and surrounding the following:

Roller disco (early eighties...and yes, I did that too. I was living in CA at the time.)


Tylenol in Capsules (not Caplets)

Using your "Condom Sense" (big campaign when they first discovered AIDS)


Mall bangs

Hair Mousse

Cabbage Patch dolls

Still thinking that the plot of "Fail Safe" still applied in the world. I remember still being under the threat of potential nuclear war.

Regan's "Star Wars"

The Hostage Crisis in Iran

Mary Lou Retton

The Smurfs (while they were still French even)

Valley Girls (check out this fun site)

The Empire Strikes Back (saw in the theater, the first time it was there)

Return of the Jedi (ditto!)

Raiders of the Lost Ark (Han Solo is REALLY cool!)

The Wrath of Khan (Best Star Trek movie, hands down)


The Breakfast Club

St. Elmo's Fire


Poltergeist (the first one - the best one)

Nightmare on Elm Street (the original)

"Just Say No"

"This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs..."

Andrew "Dice" Clay (the Diceman cometh...)

Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax!

Duran Duran

Gary Neuman (Here in my Car)

REAL punk bands

The Cars

The Bangles

Family Ties

Madonna (V1.0)

Men Without Hats


Flock of Seagulls

Thompson Twins

Mullet haircuts


And probably a ton of other stuff I've somehow forgotten. Give me time....

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  Kilroy the Ninja said:
I was born in 1970, so the eighties had a real impression on me.  (Yeah, I'm old. Get over it)

I'm trying to think of cliches about the eighties that I actually owned...

Let's see...

Parachute pantaloons

Rubik's cube (which I eventually destroyed)

Jelly sandles

Swatch watch

Jordache Jeans (which I still have but cannot get into, but just can't let go of.  I'm a sad, sad person)

Polo shirts

Izod shirts

Knicker pantaloons

Stirup pantaloons

I remember the events of, and surrounding the following:

Roller disco (early eighties...and yes, I did that too.  I was living in CA at the time.)


Tylenol in Capsules (not Caplets)

Using your "Condom Sense" (big campaign when they first discovered AIDS)


Mall bangs

Hair Mousse

Cabbage Patch dolls

Still thinking that the plot of "Fail Safe" still applied in the world.  I remember still being under the threat of potential nuclear war.

Regan's "Star Wars"

The Hostage Crisis in Iran

Mary Lou Retton

The Smurfs (while they were still French even)

Valley Girls (check out this fun site)

The Empire Strikes Back (saw in the theater, the first time it was there)

Return of the Jedi (ditto!)

Raiders of the Lost Ark (Han Solo is REALLY cool!)

The Wrath of Khan (Best Star Trek movie, hands down)


The Breakfast Club

St. Elmo's Fire


Poltergeist (the first one - the best one)

Nightmare on Elm Street (the original)

"Just Say No"

"This is your brain.  This is your brain on drugs..."

Andrew "Dice" Clay (the Diceman cometh...)

Frankie Goes to Hollywood  - Relax!

Duran Duran

Gary Neuman (Here in my Car)

REAL punk bands

The Cars

The Bangles

Family Ties

Madonna (V1.0)

Men Without Hats


Flock of Seagulls

Thompson Twins

Mullet haircuts


And probably a ton of other stuff I've somehow forgotten.  Give me time....

Ditto to all of that. I was born at the beginning of 72, and remember all of that ... plus ...

Michael's one sparkly glove

waiting up till Midnight to watch the first ever showing of Thriller

Roller Skating to Another One Bites the dust

Neon everything

867-5309 really did call Jenny

Double belts

copying Molly Ringwald fashions

Being jealous of Jon Bon Jovi's hair (and Vince Neil's makeup ... lol)

Sneaking behind Mom's back to watch Purple Rain

oh the memories ... I know I missing so much.

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Don John of Austria

the transformers ROCKED! Where can I get a talking twentyfoot robot which transforms into a car?

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