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I first noticed these signs a few weeks ago lining Indianapolis streets, and they've been causing quite the uproar in our city:


[url="http://www2.indystar.com/articles/6/245960-6216-127.html"]Now an Associated Press article notes that the signs, part of a national campaign, will be sprouting up elsewhere.[/url]

[quote]"Would Jesus discriminate?"

The question has been popping up on billboards, yard signs and in newspaper ads around conservative central Indiana lately in a new, Bible-based appeal for acceptance of gays and lesbians. It's a campaign organized by a predominantly gay and lesbian denomination _ Metropolitan Community Churches _ and a Jewish gay activist.

Organizers say the effort is the first in a planned series of campaigns across the country aimed at getting people to take a fresh look at the social justice passages in the Bible.

"Jesus taught us to love everyone, even our enemies and those who are different from us, not destroy and mistreat them," said one ad published in The Indianapolis Star.

"We want the dialogue to take place in every city that we operate, in some way," said Rev. Cindi Love, executive director of MCC, which has congregations in 240 cities.

Christians with conservative theological views believe gay relationships violate Scripture. They insist their outlook is based not on prejudice, but on the Bible and 2,000 years of Christian teaching.

Liberals see the primary values of the Bible as being love and inclusiveness, with long-term gay relationships left unaddressed.

While some are willing to start a dialogue, the discussion around Indianapolis hasn't always been friendly.

An independent Baptist congregation along a major thoroughfare posted the message "God Discriminated at Sodom" on its sign board. A Christian conservative group, the American Family Association of Indiana, distributed radio ads saying, "Not only did Jesus discriminate; he is going to discriminate again."[/quote]

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Thy Geekdom Come

Would Jesus discriminate? No, Jesus wouldn't. Jesus is an equal opportunity Savior and tells all to repent and turn to God, including homosexual activists.

Edited by Raphael
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There's already signs in my area put out by a local Methodist church that says "God loves ugly people, and so do we!" -- Now, I understand they are trying to reach out to people... but something like that would not encourage me to go to Church. I do not want to be considered ugly...

... so, just what I need, more crazy signs to roll my eyes at as I'm driving down the road.

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Thy Geekdom Come

It's almost as silly as the "GUNS SAVE LIVES" billboards in Indiana (or is it Illinois?)

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And people don't understand that you CAN love someone and NOT approve of everything they do!

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We have billboards that say. Go to church...

(in red caps) OR THE DEVIL WILL GET YOU!

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Jesus discriminates like the rest of us:
[b]dis·crim·i·nate[/b] [i]To make a clear distinction; distinguish: discriminate among the options available.
To make sensible decisions; judge wisely.[/i]

Source: Dictionary.com

The man isn't blind you know.
I think it's very childish of these people to be peddling a political ideology under some guise of faith.
I also think it's very improper of them to ask a loaded quesiton that amounts to "why do you believe that Jesus hates gays?" Perhaps if the KNEW what we believed... *sigh*

Edited by DAF
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hm... i live in Southern Indiana. While we still have our share of Confederate belted, NRA card carrying members, it isn't very visible unless you seek it out. I believe in an amount of gun-control, and that isn't very well received, but I'm not the only one.

but i do think the billboards bring up a good point to people would believe the church's position on homosexuality is complete damnation, not only from our Lord, but from his followers on earth

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Lounge Daddy

It's election year and the liberals are out en masse this time, esp. the past few years... looking at the ultimate 2008

One big things they are after (dare I say “covet”?) is the so-called Christian vote.
This is why you will see the left politicize traditional Judeo-Christian morality and moralize social-liberal political policies.

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[quote name='indescribable' post='1024333' date='Jul 14 2006, 01:00 PM']
hm... i live in Southern Indiana. While we still have our share of Confederate belted, NRA card carrying members, it isn't very visible unless you seek it out. I believe in an amount of gun-control, and that isn't very well received, but I'm not the only one.

but i do think the billboards bring up a good point to people would believe the church's position on homosexuality is complete damnation, not only from our Lord, but from his followers on earth
Actually, I did a story on hate crimes statewide a year or so ago, and the town with the most in the state was Bloomington.

Unofficially we theorized it was because the clash between the liberal university (IU) and the Confederate NRA card-carrying members is more pronounced there than elsewhere in the state.

Just a little trivia.

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[quote name='DAF' post='1024454' date='Jul 14 2006, 02:30 PM']
I resent the implication that all NRA card-carriers are Confederate enthusiasts. :cry:
You're in the NRA, eh?

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I'm considering (once I'm old enough of course) taking out a billboard that says "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US" and directions to a nearby ice cream parlor...because anyone who understands it surely deserves an ice cream. :D

But seriously...aren't billboards enough of an eyesore without them telling everyone what Jesus did and did not do?

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[quote name='Sojourner' post='1024170' date='Jul 14 2006, 06:44 AM']
I first noticed these signs a few weeks ago lining Indianapolis streets, and they've been causing quite the uproar in our city:


[url="http://www2.indystar.com/articles/6/245960-6216-127.html"]Now an Associated Press article notes that the signs, part of a national campaign, will be sprouting up elsewhere.[/url]
These signs are ridiculous and disgusting.

[quote]The question has been popping up on billboards, yard signs and in newspaper ads around conservative central Indiana lately in a new, Bible-based appeal for acceptance of gays and lesbians. [/quote]
It's ironic these people claim their pro-homosexual campaign is "Bible-based" because every time homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible, it is clearly condemned as a serious sin.

[quote]Liberals see the primary values of the Bible as being love and inclusiveness, with long-term gay relationships left unaddressed.[/quote]
Liberals obviously don't even bother to read the Bible.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
[quote]Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor the effeminate nor liers with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall possess the kingdom of God.[/quote]
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination" (Leviticus 18:22).

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them" (Leviticus 20:13).

"There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel" (Deuteronomy 23:17)

(Not to mention the story of Sodom and Gommorrah in Genesis)

[quote name='Raphael' post='1024180' date='Jul 14 2006, 06:53 AM']
It's almost as silly as the "GUNS SAVE LIVES" billboards in Indiana (or is it Illinois?)
Not to repeat the whole gun-control debate here, but the NRA has a point that guns can be used in defense and protect lives.

To imply that Jesus or the Bible supports homosexuality is an out-and-out lie, though.

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