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another countdown


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Well, as i have kinda said during my posts here and there, I will going back home to see the Sisters again, however this visit will not be a normal visit. MY PARENTS ARE GOING WITH!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I am very very excited to be going home however it is only a 24 hour visit. we are flying down to atlanta, renting a car and driving to casa maria. The trip alone will be over a thousand dollars, jsut for the 2 days of being away from home. we are leaving on Friday the 21st and comming home late Saturday night.

I am okay with that but rather bummed out I am not staying the entire weekend!!!! However my parents are first were against going since it is a retreat weekend and silent one that is!!! However the Sisters have told me that they do not have to attend the retreat if they do not want to, which i know for a fact they will not. However I will be going in and out of the retreat. My parents, a couple Sisters and I will be eating our meals together away from those on retreat that way we can talk.

As i said before I am very excited and can not wait to be going home even if it is only for a very short time, however I AM VERY VERY NERVOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am only nervous because of my parents. Dad has the tendency of saying things that doesn't need to be said and mom, well she can really give you her opinion!!! The Sisters feel i have every right to be nervous but I am just plain scared of what might happen or could even happen.

However I have been praying for this for weeks now and I am very glad God has given them the grace to come down and see the family!!!

please keep my parents and me in your prayers as they see what life is ahead for me and that way i am not getting upset during the visit!!!!!!!

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I guess it is little like introducing your family to your future in laws!!! Prayers for you.

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[quote name='Sixtina87' post='1024771' date='Jul 14 2006, 08:02 PM']

Nicole, let me give you another perspective. So you go down and your Dad and Mom say things that make you want to hide under the table. Does it matter??? When you return to the SSEW, the
sisters will be discerning how you and the other sisters get on. Yes, we are oblige to love and honour and bless our parents but you aren't responsible for their actions they are. You are entering the comunity dear friend not your parents. So relax and let the weekend unfold. :cool:

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I wouldnt hide under the table but get up, go for a walk and just cry or scream!!!! I have this huge feeling that they are going to mess things up, I'm not sure why i have that feeling but i do!!!!!

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[quote name='Sixtina87' post='1024823' date='Jul 14 2006, 06:06 PM']
I wouldnt hide under the table but get up, go for a walk and just cry or scream!!!! I have this huge feeling that they are going to mess things up, I'm not sure why i have that feeling but i do!!!!!

The sister have families too. Relax. Praying for you.


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5 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sr. Katie, SSEW received her habit today!!!! However i will be the first to see her in the Habit of our Sisters, when i visit this comming weekend!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!

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thank so much, I know i can always count on you for prayers!!!! Many prayers for you when you go visit Lockport, you know i will give you those prayers!!!

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