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St. Andrew


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It took me forever to find this list. does someone know where i can get the list of successors of the other apostles?

Andrew the Apostle,
the founder of the Church
of Constantinople [30 Nov.]
Stachys the Apostle [31 Oct.] 38-54
Onesimus [15 Feb.] 54-68
Polycarp I 71-89
Plutarch 89-105
Sedekion 105-114
Diogenes 114-129
Eleutherius 129-136
Felix 136-141
Polycarp II 141-144
Athenodorus (Athenogenes) 144-148
Efzois 148-154
Laurence 154-166
Alympius (Olympius) 166-169
Pertinax 169-187
Olympian 187-198
Mark I 198-211
Philadelphus 211-217
Cyriacus I 214-230
Castinus [25 Jan.] 230-237
Eugenius I 240-265
Titus 242-272
Rufinus I 284-293
Probus 303-315
Metrophanes I [4 June] 306-314
Alexander [30 Aug.] 314-337
Paul I [6 Nov.] 337-339, 341-342, 346-351
Eusebius of Nicomedia 339-342
Macedonius I 342-346, 351-360
Eudoxius (of Antioch) 360-370
Evagrius 370
Demophilus 370-380
Gregory I of Nazianzen [25 Jan.] 379-381
(Maximus the Cynic) 380
Nectarius [11 Oct.] 381-397
John I Chrysostom [13 Nov.] 398-404
Arsacius [11 Oct.] 404-405
Atticus [8 Jan.] 406-425
Sisinius [11 Oct.] 426-427
Nestorius 428-431
Maximian [21 Apr.] 431-434
Proclus [20 Nov.] 434-446
Flavian [16 Feb.] 446-449
Anatolius [3 July] 449-458
Gennadios I [17 Nov.] 458-471
Acacius 472-489
Fravitas 489
Euphemius 489-495
Macedonius II [25 Apr.] 495-511
Timothy I 511-518
John II [25 Aug.] 518-520
Epiphanius [25 Aug.] 520-535
Anthimos I 535-536
Menas [25 Aug.] 536-552
Eutychius [6 Apr.] 552-565,577-582
John III the Scholastic [21 Feb.] 565-577
John IV the Fasting [2 Sept.] 585-595
Cyriacus (Cyril) [30 Oct.] 595-606
Thomas I [18 Feb.] 607-610
Sergius I 610-638
Pyrrhos 638-641, 654
Paul II 641-653
Peter 654-666
Thomas II [15 Nov.] 667-669
John V [18 Aug.] 669-675
Constantine I [9 Aug] 675-677
Theodore I [27 Dec.] 677-679, 686-687
George I [18 Aug.] 679-686
Paul III [2 Sept.] 687-693
Callinicus I [23 Aug.] 693-705
Cyrus [8 Jan.] 706-711
John VI 712-714
Germanos I [12 May] 715-730
Anastasius 730-754
Constantine II 754-766
Nikitas I 766-780
Paul IV 780-784
Tarasios [25 Feb.] 784-806
Nikiphoros I [2 June] 806-815
Theodotos I Kassiteras 815-821
Antonius I Kassimatis 821-836
John VII Grammatikos 836-842
Methodius I [14 June] 842-846
Ignatius I [23 Oct.] 846-858, 867-877
Photios I [6 Feb.] 858-867, 877-886
Stephanos I [18 May] 886-893
Antonios II Kauleas [12 Feb.] 893-901
Nicholas I Mysticos [16 May] 901-907, 912-925
Euthymios Ι [5 Aug.] 907-912
Stephanos II [18 July] 925-928
Tryphon [19 Apr.] 928-931
Theophylaktos 931-956
Polyeuktos [5 Feb.] 956-970
Basil I Skamandrinos 970-974
Antonios III the Studite 974-980
Nicholas II Chrysovergis [16 Dec.] 984-995
Sisinius II 996-999
Sergius II [12 Apr.] 999-1019
Efstathius [31 May] 1020-1025
Alexius Stoudite 1025-1043
Michael I Kiroularios 1043-1059
Constantine III Leichoudis [29 July] 1059-1063
John VIII Xifilinos [30 Aug.] 1063-1075
Kosmas I of Jerusalem [2 Jan.] 1075-1081
Efstratius Garidas 1081-1084
Nicholas III the Kyrdiniates 1084-1111
John IX Ieromnemon 1111-1134
Leo Styppis [12 Nov.] 1134-1143
Michael II the Kourkouas 1143-1146
Kosmas II the Attic 1146-1147
Nicholas IV Mouzalon 1147-1151
Theodotos I 1151-1153
Neophytos I 1153
Constantine IV Chliarinos 1154-1156
Luke Chrysovergis 1156-1169
Michael III 1170-1177
Chariton Eugeniotis 1177-1178
Theodosius II Vorradiotis 1178-1183
Basil II Camateros 1183-1186
Nikitas II Mountanis 1187-1189
Leontius Theotokitis 1189-1190
Theodosius III or Disitheus 1190-1191
George II Xifilinos 1191-1198
John X Camateros 1198-1206
Michael IV Autoreianos 1207-1213
Theodore II the Peaceful 1213-1215
Maximos II 1215
Manuel I Charitopoulos 1215-1222
Germanos II 1222-1240
Methodius II 1240
Manuel II 1240-1255
Arsenios Autoreianos [28 Oct.] 1255-1260, 1261-1267
Νικηφόρος II 1260-1261
Germanos III 1267
Joseph I [30 Oct.] 1267-1275, 1282-1283
John XI Vekkos 1275-1282
Gregory II 1283-1289
Athanasius I [28 Oct.] 1289-1293, 1304-1310
John XII 1294-1304
Nifon I 1311-1315
John XIII Sweet 1316-1320
Gerasimos I 1320-1321
Isaias 1323-1334
John XIV Kaletas 1334-1347
Isidore I 1347-1349
Kallistos I [20 June] 1350-1354, 1355-1363
Philotheos Kokkinos 1354-1355, 1364-1376
Makarios 1376-1379, 1390-1391
Neilos 1380-1388
Antonius IV 1389-1390, 1391-1397
Kallistos II Xanthopoulos [22 Nov.] 1397
Matthew I 1397-1410
Euthymios II 1410-1416
Joseph II 1416-1439
Metrophanes II 1440-1443
Gregory III Mammas 1443-1450
Athanasius II 1450-1453
Gennadios II the Scholar (1st time) 1454-1456
Isidore II 1456-1462
Gennadios II (2nd time) 1462
Sophronios I 1463-1464
Gennadios II (3rd time) 1464
Joasaph I 1465-1466
Mark II 1466
Symeon I (1st time) 1466
Dionysios I [23 Nov.] 1467-1471
Symeon I (2nd time) 1471-1475
Raphael I 1475-1476
Maximos III [17 Nov.] 1476-1481
Symeon I (3rd time) 1482-1486
Nifon II (1st time) 1486-1488
Dionysios I (2nd time) 1488-1490
Maximos IV 1491-1497
Nifon II (2nd time) 1497-1498
Joachim I (1st time) 1498-1502
Nifon II (3rd time) 1502
Pachomios I (1st time) 1503-1504
Joachim I (2nd time) 1504
Pachomios I (2nd time) 1504-1513
Theoliptos I 1513-1522
Jeremias I 1522-1545
Joannicios I 1526
Dionysios II 1546-1556
Joasaph II 1556-1565
Metrophanes III (1st time) 1565-1572
Jeremias II (1st time) 1572-1579
Metrophanes III (2nd time) 1579-1580
Jeremias II (2nd time) 1580-1584
Pachomius II 1584-1585
Theoliptos II 1585-1586
Jeremias II (3rd time) 1587-1595
Matthew II (1st time) 1596
Gabriel I 1596
Theopanes I 1597
Meletius I Pigas (overseer) 1597-1598
Matthew II (2nd time) 1598-1602
Neophytos II (1st time) 1602-1603
Matthew II (3rd time) 1603 (ὀλίγαι ἡμέραι)
Raphael II 1603-1607
Neophytos II (2nd time) 1607-1612
Cyril I Lucaris (overseer) 1612
Timothy II 1613-1620
Cyril I (2nd time) 1620-1623
Gregorios IV 1623
Anthimos II 1623
Cyril I (3rd time) 1623-1633
Cyril II (1st time) 1633
Cyril I (4th time) 1633-1634
Athanasius III (1st time) 1634
Cyril I (5th time) 1634-1635
Cyril II (2nd time) 1635-1366
Neophytos III 1636-1637
Cyril I (6th time) 1637-1638
Cyril II (3rd time) 1638-1639
Parthenius I 1639-1644
Parthenius II (1st time) 1644-1646
Joannicius II (1st time) 1646-1648
Parthenius II (2nd time) 1648-1651
Joannicius II (2nd time) 1651-1652
Cyril III (1st time) 1652
Athanasius III (2nd time) 1652 (15 ἡμέραι)
Paisios I (1st time) 1652-1653
Joannicius II (3rd time) 1653-1654
Cyril III (2nd time) 1654 (14 ἡμέραι)
Paisios I (2nd time) 1654-1655
Joannicius II (4th time) 1655-1656
Parthenius III [24 Mar.] 1656-1657
Gabriel II 1657 (8 ἡμέραι)
Parthenius IV (1st time) 1657-1662
Dionysios III 1662-1665
Parthenius IV (2nd time) 1665-1667
Clement 1667
Methodius III 1668-1671
Parthenios IV (3rd time) 1671-1673
Dionysios IV (1st time) 1671-1673
Gerasimos II 1673-1674
Parthenius IV (4th time) 1675-1676
Dionysios IV (2nd time) 1676-1679
Athanasius IV 1679 (12 ἡμέραι)
James (1st time) 1679-1682
Dionysios IV (3rd time) 1682-1684
Parthenius IV (5th time) 1684-1685
James (2nd time) 1685-1686
Dionysios IV (4th time) 1686-1687
James (3rd time) 1687-1688
Callinicus II (1st time) 1688
Neophytos IV 1688-1689
Callinicus II (2nd time) 1689-1693
Dionysios IV (5th time) 1693-1694
Callinicus II (3rd time) 1694-1702
Gabriel III 1702-1707
Neophytos V 1707
Cyprian I (1st time) 1707-1709
Athanasius V 1709-1711
Cyril IV 1711-1713
Cyprian I (2nd time) 1713-1714
Kosmas III 1714-1716
Jeremias III (1st time) 1716-1726
Paisios II (1st time) 1726-1732
Jeremias III (2nd time) 1732-1733
Seraphim I 1733-1734
Neophytos VI (1st time) 1734-1740
Paisios II (2nd time) 1740-1743
Neophytos VI (2nd time) 1743-1744
Paisios II (3rd time) 1744-1748
Cyril V (1st time) 1748-1751
Paisios II (4th time) 1751-1752
Cyril V (2nd time) 1752-1757
Callinicus III 1757
Seraphim II 1757-1761
Joannicios III 1761-1763
Samuel I (1st time) 1763-1768
Meletius II 1768-1769
Theodosios II 1769-1773
Samuel I (2nd time) 1773-1774
Sophronios II 1774-1780
Gabriel IV 1780-1785
Prokopios 1785-1789
Neophytos VII (1st time) 1789-1794
Gerasimos III 1794-1797
Gregory V (1st time) [10 Apr.] 1797-1798
Neophytos VII (2nd time) 1798-1801
Callinicus IV (1st time) 1801-1806
Gregory V (2nd time) [10 Apr.] 1806-1808
Callinicus IV (2nd time) 1808-1809
Jeremias IV 1809-1813
Cyril VI 1813-1818
Gregory V (3rd time) [10 Apr.] 1818-1821
Eugenius II 1821-1822
Anthimos III 1822-1824
Chrysanthos 1824-1826
Agathangelos 1826-1830
Constantios I 1830-1834
Constantios II 1834-1835
Gregory VI (1st time) 1835-1840
Anthimos IV (1st time) 1840-1841
Anthimos V 1841-1842
Germanos IV (1st time) 1842-1845
Meletius III 1845
Anthimos VI (1st time) 1845-1848
Anthimos IV (2nd time) 1848-1852
Germanos IV (2nd time) 1852-1853
Anthimos VI (2nd time) 1853-1855
Cyril VII 1855-1860
Joachim II (1st time) 1860-1863
Sophronios III 1863-1866
Gregory VI (2nd time) 1867-1871
Anthimos VI (3rd time) 1871-1873
Joachim II (2nd time) 1873-1878
Joachim III (1st time) 1878-1884
Joachim IV 1884-1886
Dionysios V 1887-1891
Neophytos VIII 1891-1894
Anthimos VII 1895-1897
Constantine V 1897-1901
Joachim III (2nd time) 1901-1912
Germanos V 1913-1918
Meletius IV 1921-1923
Gregory VII 1923-1924
Constantine VI 1924-1925
Basil III 1925-1929
Photios II 1929-1935
Benjamin 1936-1946
Maximos V 1946-1948
Athenagoras 1948-1972
Dimitrios 1972-1991
Bartholomew 22.10.1991

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There's the "family tree" of our archbishop's predecessors hanging up at their offices. Beyond that I have no idea, but I'm sure there's [i]something[/i] on the net.

I'll look around...

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Pope Paul VI with Patriarch Athenagoras:


Pope John Paul II with Patriarch Bartholomew:


It's nice to see the successors of the brothers Peter and Andrew work toward the cause of unity.

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[quote name='brendan1104' post='1023853' date='Jul 13 2006, 06:43 PM']
Schismatics are [u]not[/u] successors to the Apostles.
their apostolic succession has never been broken. if it had been, their ordinations would be invalid. this is not the case, this patriarch is the successor to the Apostle Andrew.

if I remember correctly, St. Andrew brought St. Peter to Christ. Perhaps it is time for St. Peter to pay back that favor and bring St. Andrew back to the fullness of Christ's Church.

anyway, as regards other lists... just look to which sees were founded by which Apostle and see which ones took root. Antioch would have a sort of secondary line from St. Peter... Jerusalem would have a line (though I'm not sure unbroken) from St. James... St. Thomas ended in India but I don't think any major see took hold over there... hmm... there are probably others... look to the major sees

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[quote name='brendan1104' post='1023853' date='Jul 13 2006, 04:43 PM']
Schismatics are [u]not[/u] successors to the Apostles.
Skismatics can be successors, it is a question of valid ordination. just becuase they break from the see of Rome does not make the ordination process invalid. Anglicans were valid at one time and now a FEW are valid again but it is a very difficult and complext topic to make it short after the bull came out saying Anglican orders were not valid a few were ordained Old Catholic Bishops, and other skismatic bishops. Skismatics ARE successors to the Apostles however they are not inline with the teaching of the apostles.

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