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i posted this in another thread but thought those who did not read the other thread might find this of interest.

Wicca became offical in the 50's but it started in the 1920's, the title came along later though. you are right to say that it stems from crowley. Wicca came about because Crowley was TOO Pagan (he believed in human {infant} sacrafice), i have a spell of his for asteral projection that includes parts of an infant(no i never tried it). those who chose wicca thought crowley was too brutal. Lavey as a reaction to Crowleys form of magic founded the Satanic Church in 1966, while Crowley believed in human sacrafice Laveys source of magic Relied on Sex and Orgasms. Masturbation is a common theme at Laveyist black masses, normally the "alter" consists of a naked woman who symbolizes lilith Queen of Hell the Satanic Priest Fornicates with her to complete the petition to the four Princes of hell (Leviathan Beliel Lucifer and Satan {also the names of the four books in the Satanic bible}) along with whatever other specific Demons he has petitioned.

Lavey Hijacked many of his ideas from Freud Nietzsche Bertrand, and Crowley. His believed very much in applied pyscology.

well that is just a little intersting tid bit.

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La Vey was a carnival huckster. He definitely chose evil...but he is the posterboy for the teenage Satanist wannabes who hold seances in the woods. if you want to see real Satanism in action read Alice Bailey and research Lucis Trust.

One thing Catholics ignore is how the Bible warns about Satanists and agents of Satan appearing as angel of light or "ministers of righteousness"

By the way all the interfaith garbage now being taught...Alice Bailey loved it also. She wrote this...

I posted against the "unity of all religions" description of this site on google, so all of this is very interesting..how folks here support this very same idea...

Alice Bailey shilling for the antichrist.
Today, slowly, the concept of a world religion and the need for its emergence are widely desired and worked for. The fusion of faiths is now a field for discussion. Workers in the field of religion will formulate the universal platform of the new world religion. It is a work of loving synthesis and will emphasize the unity and the fellowship of the spirit. This group is, in a pronounced sense, a [159] channel for the activities of the Christ, the world Teacher. The platform of the new world religion will be built by many groups, working under the inspiration of the Christ. see note (1)[/size][/quote]

The Lucis Trust finances every interfaith group out there.

[url="http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial_s&hl=en&q=Lucis+Trust+and+interfaith&btnG=Google+Search"]TO GET YOU STARTED[/url]

Edited by Budge
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I have read that Satanism is the fastest growing religion in Italy. quite popular there.

[this thread reminds me of Bless the Child, apart from the computer graphics of satan, i thought it was a well done movie]

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I resent that you chose to use the term "Wicca" to describe something that is MOST un-Wiccan.

The person often attributed with forming Wicca, or rather bringing it to light, is Gerald B. Gardner. Crowley met with Gardner on one documented occasion where they discussed the occult. I cannot be more clear when I say that Wicca and Satanism are very different. Surely then there cannot be too much of an influence. Crowley's most popular belief was that "Do as ye wilt shall be the whole of the law." The Wiccan Rede, written first by Doreen Valiente (an initiate of Gardner's) is a long poem, best summed up in the 8 word version: "An ye harm none, do as ye will." These are VERY different things.

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I resent that you chose to use the term "Wicca" to describe something that is MOST un-Wiccan.

The person often attributed with forming Wicca, or rather bringing it to light, is Gerald B. Gardner. Crowley met with Gardner on one documented occasion where they discussed the occult. I cannot be more clear when I say that Wicca and Satanism are very different. Surely then there cannot be too much of an influence. Crowley's most popular belief was that "Do as ye wilt shall be the whole of the law." The Wiccan Rede, written first by Doreen Valiente (an initiate of Gardner's) is a long poem, best summed up in the 8 word version: "An ye harm none, do as ye will." These are VERY different things.[/quote]

I am an ex-UU, UUs dabble in everything from Theosophy to Humanism to Wiccanism and I dabbled in all three, even concurrently.

So ive studied Wicca, I know witches believe for themselves that Wiccanism is not Satanic. Sure there are some differences between pagan camps...but all the core POWER comes from Satan for the working of magic. There are other non-Gardner Wiccan groups as well.

Many Wiccans do study Crowley, and so do Theosophists, in my Theosophist magazines there were constant articles on Crowley and the Golden Dawn.

Most Witches are appalled by satanists, I remember that, but then Witches are fooled by the idea of WHITE MAGIC as OPPOSED TO BLACK, when they all come from the same source. Your understanding of Wiccanism will not match my own. I have repented of these things and now stand up for what God teaches regarding witchcraft, that it is an abomination, any kind!

By the way are you a witch? You said elsewhere you were Catholic, but I haven known people who combine both Wiccan and Catholicism, I am witnessing now IRl to a self-professed Wiccan-Catholic.

I notice you get a long quite well with the Catholics here. I have been on enough Catholic boards to know it is usually Christians standing to one side and Catholics, joining with every other group to denounce what the Christian is teaching.

[quote]I have read that Satanism is the fastest growing religion in Italy. quite popular there.[/quote]

Now why is that in the VERY BACKYARD of the Vatican?

It seems by the way the Catholics talk here, Italy would be the worlds most holy country when really it is one of the most corrupt...

Read the book... Dark Heart of Italy...

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Justified Saint

Well Budge, you have got us now. No use in trying to fool you anymore, you are just too smart. Lahecil is a Catholic AND a Wiccan, so let's face is this must mean that all Catholics are Catholic-Pagan-Wiccan-Satanist-Universalist-Pantheist Devil worshippers (what did I miss?)

I don't spend enough time in cyberspace to make the kind of judgements you do, though I think I have met people like you in real life.

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Wicca does stem from Satanism any research into the two can see the clear links. LaVey is the poster boy of Satanic teen males because of his stand on sex. that is the most attractive part of his theology

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[quote]Lahecil is a Catholic AND a Wiccan, so let's face is this must mean that all Catholics are Catholic-Pagan-Wiccan-Satanist-Universalist-Pantheist Devil worshippers (what did I miss?)[/quote]

Why are you offended by me asking this question?

I asked her if she WAS...

Actually it is interesting you are more angry at me for asking then even wanting to attempt to deal with her error if she is in fact a Catholic-Wiccan.


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Justified Saint

Who said I was angry? Just trying to get past your sophistry which is a matter of struggle, not anger.

And I don't assume that she is a Catholic-Wiccan like you (the very point of your position is that the words are nearly interchangeable so no use in asking the question).

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[quote name='Budge' post='1023639' date='Jul 13 2006, 09:54 AM']
Why are you offended by me asking this question?

I asked her if she WAS...

Actually it is interesting you are more angry at me for asking then even wanting to attempt to deal with her error if she is in fact a Catholic-Wiccan.

[/quote] nonsense, you cannot be a Wiccan and a Pagan "no man can serve two masters"

you cannot server God and Satan

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='1023506' date='Jul 13 2006, 05:02 AM']
no doubt.

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='Justified Saint' post='1023634' date='Jul 13 2006, 10:48 AM']
Well Budge, you have got us now. No use in trying to fool you anymore, you are just too smart. Lahecil is a Catholic AND a Wiccan, so let's face is this must mean that all Catholics are Catholic-Pagan-Wiccan-Satanist-Universalist-Pantheist Devil worshippers (what did I miss?)

I don't spend enough time in cyberspace to make the kind of judgements you do, though I think I have met people like you in real life.

Ye missed liberal commie pantywaste.... :saint: :saint: :saint:

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[quote name='Budge' post='1023624' date='Jul 13 2006, 04:38 PM']
Now why is that in the VERY BACKYARD of the Vatican?

It seems by the way the Catholics talk here, Italy would be the worlds most holy country when really it is one of the most corrupt...

Read the book... Dark Heart of Italy...
Simply because the devil despises the holy Catholic Church, and wherever there is great good the devil wants to destroy it. When you are Catholic the supernatural and the natural world are very real, you don't even have to read about it. I have witnessed dark and awful things growing up in Italy. Many of my close friends became real satanists (as opposed to trendy ones trying to make a statement against the religion of their great-grandparents). A few were exorcised eventually but one did die in it. (R.I.P) Demons tremble at the sight of the cross and are tortured by exorcists. They hate our Church and can never be a part of it, although they try to infiltrate all the time.

The dark societies trying to unify the world’s religions and corrupt our Church will never ever succeed.

“et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversum eam”, from Matthew 16:18. Now that's something worth reading.

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