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Can The Soda Pop?

Paladin D

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ahhhh....no more cokes for me. I know they are bad for me...but they are so good! I'm a coke-a-holic.

Another good reason not to drink cokes....my sisters friend got a coke from a fountain machine and when she took a drink a cochroach went into her mouth!!!! TRUE STORY..not making it up. How gross is that! She was drinking a dark coke(as in pop, soda...i call it all coke) so she couldn't see it slide into her cup. And fountain drinks taste the best...booooo...makes me feel sick just thinking about it :ill:

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  • 4 weeks later...

i say i don't drink much, but thats in comparison of a few years ago, when i drank one a day. I do drink a lot more water, and ocasionally milk. I only drink soda on weekends (unless i'm at a party one or two), at resturants (fastfood, when we go to a sit down stay kinda one, my mom makes us get water cuz its cheaper), or at friends houses, so to me thats not much at all.

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when i was little, all the way up to the time i was 12, soda was only on Christmas and New Year.

that's why it was special :rolleyes:

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i drink pop all the time. frankly, i don't care... it gives me something to suffer giving up in Lent... pop ain't bad so it's good to drink all the time then give it up for lent, and that's my 2million cents :cool:

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My parents are complaining that I'm losing weight but all I did was quit soda and fast food all together. Need I say more?

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I've been drinking way too much soda lately. I need to cut back. Pretend I'm pregnant again and cut out all caffiene. lol That'd do the trick. Too bad I'll cheat since I know I'm not.

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  Aloysius said:
i drink pop all the time. frankly, i don't care... it gives me something to suffer giving up in Lent... pop ain't bad so it's good to drink all the time then give it up for lent, and that's my 2million cents :cool:

If you want hollowed bones...

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I think the biggest concerns with "sodas" are the sugar, caffeine and sodium. None of which are in (dum dum dum).....Diet Rite

And I promise, I don't work for the company. I just love the strawberry-kiwi.....

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Im more of a coffee and tea drinker myself, mocha's and such.

But for all you Pop drinkers out there..Do NOT Drink Pepsi Products, they support Planned Parenthood with their profits. Switch to coke!!

Just thought id give ya a heads up on that. Pepsi = Evil; Coke = Good

God Bless

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I do not like Pepsi. I was raised on coke. I've been branded. lol. Although I do like Countrytime Lemonade. I think Pepsi produces it.

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  CatholicAndFanatical said:
But for all you Pop drinkers out there..Do NOT Drink Pepsi Products, they support Planned Parenthood with their profits. Switch to coke!!

Just thought id give ya a heads up on that. Pepsi = Evil; Coke = Good

Whenever you accuse someone of something this evil, you should always back it up. Hope this helps...

Planned Parenthood contributors

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what he said...

thanks for the resource. This topic came up before and sources were flying then, which is why I didnt provide it. It was a mere reminder, but no worries. This is phatmass, we cover each others back. I knew someone would post it eventually.

But now im upset...TACO BELLS ON THE LIST

:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

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