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I'm going to be a Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration!

I know I probably should have told all of you that was where I was leaning... but I wanted it to be a surprise... I just got back on Thursday from a weeklong aspirancy at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Alabama, and found out I was accepted on Wednesday.

I'm entering on All Saint's Day!

Anyway... there's my good news... more later.

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Oh yeah, and Sr. Lauren sends her love to all of you!

And I'm sorry Dad :ninja: I forgot to take pictures. It completely slipped my mind, I was so busy. I don't know that Sr. Lauren would have liked to take any pictures. She mentioned that she's taken many pictures and she thinks she's very unphotogenic (which I don't think is true) and that she hates taking pictures... lol

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Wonderful News and what a great to enter!!! You will have the intercessions of a lot friends that day.

I don't who name this section the "Vocation Station" but that was the perfect name. It looks like the train that is pulling out of this station is filling up fast. Praise God!! :clapping:

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Ohhhhhh my gosh :shock: I cant believe it!!!! I didnt even know you were going for a visit! That is amazing, I am sooo happy for you! You will have to tell me all about it Jen! Jeez, I go to BC for a week and look at what I miss lol.


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Poor OLAM DAD, He is going to spend a fortune in taking pictures of all the former phatmassers that has entered OLAM.

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Hurray!!! I am so happy for you. I heart the PCPA's. I am so close to Alabama, I totally need to visit the Shrine.

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