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Jesuits Put Up One World Religion Monument


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[quote] I can understand you fine and (if this is what you mean) I can "dumb down" my original post on the obedience of the gospel if you want -- just let me know.[/quote]

If you would please. Dumb it all the way down to human disourse if you could, I would appreciate that greatly...!

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Justified Saint


All those passages just prove my point. Catholics remain faithful and obedient to God's will DESPITE the failings and faults of the pope QUA HUMAN. It is in relation to his DIVINE INSTITUTION as an extension of INFALLIBILITY that commands obedience.

There plenty of CAPS, does that make it easier for you two to understand???

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[quote]Catholics remain faithful and obedient to God's will DESPITE the failings and faults of the pope QUA HUMAN. It is in relation to his DIVINE INSTITUTION as an extension of INFALLIBILITY that commands obedience.[/quote]

So what youre trying to tell me is that it is God's Will for Catholics to follow even a wicked, apostate Pope and [u]that you agree with those above statements[/u]?

This is why Catholics are succumbing to the wicked, evil interfaith teachings TODAY.

Tis a shame, that you wont listen to the warnings of Jesus Christ.
[font="Lucida Console"]
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?[/font]

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Justified Saint

[quote name='Budge' post='1041023' date='Aug 10 2006, 12:10 PM']
So what youre trying to tell me is that it is God's Will for Catholics to follow even a wicked, apostate Pope and [u]that you agree with those above statements[/u]?

This is why Catholics are succumbing to the wicked, evil interfaith teachings TODAY.

Tis a shame, that you wont listen to the warnings of Jesus Christ.
[font="Lucida Console"]
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?[/font]

It really isn't that difficult. The whole point of those citations is exactly to distinguish the MAN from the MISSION. Since the papal office is PROTECTED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, the personal MORALITY of WICKEDNESS of the pope is IRRELEVANT. Ever heard of divine intervention or PROVIDENCE?

Given your admitted difficulty with reading comphrension, it is not surprising that this isn't so very clear to you. All these documents are employing a kind of literary tactic of overstatement so as to unmistakably illustrate the difference.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1019455' date='Jul 7 2006, 04:05 PM']
When I was back in the Catholic Church, I had to face facts that their interfaith teachings were a delusion. Since I had already spent years in a Unitarian Universalist church, {I was a cradle Catholic} I couldnt be fooled by such words like dialogue and interdependence. I know they werent Christian words. You need to beleive that CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY. I made the decision to place all of my trust in Jesus Christ. If you leave the Catholic Church you do not have to be an atheist, You can turn to Him totally.

The Roman Catholic church is fulfilling Revelation 17.

With all due respect - and I am a newbie here, so please bear with me - I did the "born again" thing but didn't truly find a home until I became a Catholic. Evangelicals in particular claim that their focus is only on Jesus and that Catholics worship saints, Mary, etc., but how much more Jesus-focused can you get than the Eucharist? I agree that CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY, and affirm that every time I partake of communion. Ironically, Evangelicals also claim to take the Bible literally yet totally disregard John 6. Again, you can't get much more Jesus-focused. As for the Catholic Church fulfilling Revelation 17, and again with all due respect, that calumny has been around since the Reformation and is a bit hackneyed at this point.

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It really isn't that difficult. The whole point of those citations is exactly to distinguish the MAN from the MISSION. Since the papal office is PROTECTED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, the personal MORALITY of WICKEDNESS of the pope is IRRELEVANT. Ever heard of divine intervention or PROVIDENCE? [/quote]

So everyone is supposed to follow the Pope even if today he is praising false religions and doing what he can to undermine the first commandment?

You've been deluded.
Dont you see this is what they teach you because they want you to follow them NO MATTER what they do. This is why people are staying within the Catholic Church even with endless corruption being revealed. How bad do things have to get, they are already praying to false gods--Mahony held a Buddhist-Christian prayer service, McCarrick prayed to Allah before any of you wake up?[/b]

Jesus Christ warned of wolves in sheep's clothing, men with bad fruits, the blind leading the blind and your message is FOLLOW THE MAN YOU KNOW IS A WOLF anyway!

:blink: :blink:

Some questions for you.

Why didnt God tell us in the Bible he was sending the Pope as the Vicar of Christ?

Why does the Catholic church want the Pope to be the final authority instead of Jesus?

Why does the Catholic church want the Pope to be your teacher instead of the Holy Spirit of God?

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Justified Saint

Catholics follow the pope placing ULTIMATELY their faith NOT in the person himself but the Holy Spirit. I can't relate to your empty abstractions of God -- Catholics have an incarnational and thus a Biblical and Providential view of history and humans as the instruments of divine will.

If you want to know some of the thoughts of Pope Benedict 16 on interfaith issues then read his book [i]Truth and Tolerance[/i] for a different perspective than the distortions that you offer. Though heaven forbid that you actually understand what you speak of.

[quote name='Budge' post='1041106' date='Aug 10 2006, 02:23 PM']

Some questions for you.

Why didnt God tell us in the Bible he was sending the Pope as the Vicar of Christ?

Why does the Catholic church want the Pope to be the final authority instead of Jesus?

Why does the Catholic church want the Pope to be your teacher instead of the Holy Spirit of God?

1. He did

2. It doesn't

3. It doesn't

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[quote]Catholics follow the pope placing ULTIMATELY their faith NOT in the person himself but the Holy Spirit. I can't relate to your empty abstractions of God -- Catholics have an incarnational and thus a Biblical and Providential view of history and humans as the instruments of divine will.[/quote]

The Holy Spirit would never defend the interfaith movement or this despicable one world religion monument of the Jesuits.

Is this the new Catholic creed? {saw this over on a catholic combox}
Creed of the Modernist Catholic

I believe in one God, if it is convenient,
[size=5]And more gods, if it is more convenient,
Who did nothing as we evolved.[/size]

I believe in Jesus of Nazareth,
A normal human being,
He was given the "Christ Consciousness",
Became a good social activist,
And was persecuted by an all-male hierarchy.
He was crucified, died,
And spent three days wandering around before realizing
That Hell did not exist.
On the third day he was resurrected in a symbolic, spiritual sense,
And sits at the left hand of Mother Earth Gaia,
When they shall come again to condemn
White Male Heterosexuals, Capitalists and Traditionalists.

[size=5] I believe in the Spirit of Vatican II,
The Syncretistic One World Religion,
The Communion of various committees,
Subcommittees and sub-subcommittees,
The forgiveness of Social sins through social action committees,
The resurrection of Communism,
And the New World Order. [/size]Amen.[/quote]

With the defense of that abomination on this board [with few exceptions sure seems to be]


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Justified Saint


These points (about "universalism") have been belabored over and over and every time you are unwilling to be reasonable.

The only one here who is blind is you -- blinded by hate.

I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will soften your heart of stone that you may truly know the love of God.

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[quote]The only one here who is blind is you -- blinded by hate.

I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will soften your heart of stone that you may truly know the love of God. [/quote]

Number 3 on the Catholic Apologist Technique scale.


* 3: Accusation of hate technique

Insist vehemently that your opponent is full of hate.
It is always advisable to paint your opponent as hateful.
This technique should always contain a reference,
to your extreme caringness and the limitless bounds of your great humility.[/quote]

Im sorry you believe that someone is hateful for believing salvation in Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.

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Justified Saint

[quote name='Budge' post='1041534' date='Aug 11 2006, 10:22 AM']
Number 3 on the Catholic Apologist Technique scale.

Have you not been taught to hate the things of the devil?

And thus your only "Apologetic Technique" (and only mode of communication) happens to also be the oldest one: [b]label everything diabolical[/b] that does not agree with you lock and step and thus you are excused from accountability and critical thought. Unaccountable and uncritical? -- an apt description indeed.

The Church of Budge: The church free from evil, the true church, the only church, alas a lonely church.

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Have you not been taught to hate the things of the devil?

And thus your only "Apologetic Technique" (and only mode of communication) happens to also be the oldest one: label everything diabolical that does not agree with you lock and step and thus you are excused from accountability and critical thought. Unaccountable and uncritical? -- an apt description indeed.

The Church of Budge:[b] The church free from evil,[/b] the true church, the only church, alas a lonely church.[/quote]

Im not trying to get you to agree with [b]ME.[/b]

As for the church free from evil, good for me...THE SPOTLESS BRIDE:)

Gods Word says there is only one way to heaven and that pagan religions lead to hell. You may as well be calling God a hater.

I do consider the interfaith movement diabolical. You may have fallen for the fuzzy-wuzzy kumbuyah teachings but I have not.


I found this on the Catholic Caveman blog, he must be one of the last Catholics not brainwashed by the universalist message. Too bad he needs to study more of what the Popes are up to


I know this is probably asking a lot... but could someone please notify the Jesuits {[i]Referring to the Jesuit one world monument}[/i] that "No man cometh to the Father, but by Me." ~ John 14:6
I don't seem to recall anywhere in Sacred Scripture anyone ever saying "No man cometh to the Father, but possibly by Buddha, or possibly by Mohammed, or possibly by Shiva, or possibly by Zoroaster, or possibly by The Democratic National Committee, or possibly by Luke Skywalker and his good goomba Yoda, or possibly by Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention, or possibly by a Sacred Oak Tree, or possibly by Captain Planet... or if the mood strikes, possibly by Jesus."[/b]


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Justified Saint

[quote name='Budge' post='1041669' date='Aug 11 2006, 02:18 PM']
Im not trying to get you to agree with [b]ME.[/b]

As for the church free from evil, good for me...THE SPOTLESS BRIDE:)

Gods Word says there is only one way to heaven and that pagan religions lead to hell. You may as well be calling God a hater.

I do consider the interfaith movement diabolical. You may have fallen for the fuzzy-wuzzy kumbuyah teachings but I have not.


I found this on the Catholic Caveman blog, he must be one of the last Catholics not brainwashed by the universalist message. Too bad he needs to study more of what the Popes are up to

Wow, how arrogant to think that you are above the influence of evil -- not even our Lord was.

I like how the Jesuits are always the direct representatives of the pope and the Church and how a monument of peace is actually promoting one world religion -- but such is reality in the twisted mind of hate preachers. For them to bring the sword means to always have religious wars in body and not spirit.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1041406' date='Aug 11 2006, 08:23 AM']
The Holy Spirit would never defend the interfaith movement or this despicable one world religion monument of the Jesuits.
[quote]Creed of the Modernist Catholic

I believe in one God, if it is convenient,
And more gods, if it is more convenient,
Who did nothing as we evolved.

I believe in Jesus of Nazareth,
A normal human being,
He was given the "Christ Consciousness",
Became a good social activist,
And was persecuted by an all-male hierarchy.
He was crucified, died,
And spent three days wandering around before realizing
That Hell did not exist.
On the third day he was resurrected in a symbolic, spiritual sense,
And sits at the left hand of Mother Earth Gaia,
When they shall come again to condemn
White Male Heterosexuals, Capitalists and Traditionalists.

I believe in the Spirit of Vatican II,
The Syncretistic One World Religion,
The Communion of various committees,
Subcommittees and sub-subcommittees,
The forgiveness of Social sins through social action committees,
The resurrection of Communism,
And the New World Order. Amen.[/quote]

Is this the new Catholic creed? {saw this over on a catholic combox}
With the defense of that abomination on this board [with few exceptions sure seems to be]

:yawn: No, that is [b]not[/b] the Catholic Creed, and you know it.
Neither the Catholic Church nor anyone here is promoting that nonsense, so I fail to see what you are trying to prove.

How much easier it is to pull up and attack ridiculous strawmen pulled from anti-Catholic sources, than it is to debate what the Church actually teaches, and engage the actual arguments of Catholics on this board!

Really, Budge, what do you think you're acomplishing with this carp? Have you really nothing better to do with your time? :idontknow:

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[quote][u]]Neither the Catholic Church nor anyone here is promoting that nonsense[/u], so I fail to see what you are trying to prove.[/quote]

You must not have read a newspaper in about 20 years.


And you must have not read the description on google for Phatmass yourself..
A Catholic website that focuses [size=5]on unity among all religions[/size], with an emphasis on America's popular culture - forums - celebrities - art and graphics.[/quote]
[b][font="Lucida Console"][i]
I believe in the Spirit of Vatican II,
The Syncretistic One World Religion,[/i]
{oh and dont pull that "Church teaches" PAPERWORK junk, I look at what the Catholic Church is actively teaching and doing. If millions are led to the antichrist, it doesnt matter what is official and what is not}[/i]

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