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Jesuits Put Up One World Religion Monument


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[quote name='Budge' post='1019455' date='Jul 7 2006, 06:05 PM']
When I was back in the Catholic Church, I had to face facts that their interfaith teachings were a delusion. Since I had already spent years in a Unitarian Universalist church, {I was a cradle Catholic} I couldnt be fooled by such words like dialogue and interdependence. I know they werent Christian words. You need to beleive that CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY. I made the decision to place all of my trust in Jesus Christ. If you leave the Catholic Church you do not have to be an atheist, You can turn to Him totally.

The Roman Catholic church is fulfilling Revelation 17.
Budge if we were to leave the Catholic Church, the only options would be giving up the belief in Jesus Christ: judiasm or atheism. You really don't expect us to join any group that was founded to protest the Church founded by Jesus do you?

There is a difference between abandoning faith and abandoning reason.

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they left out the swastika that is supposed to be on that symbol of Jainism.

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Again, if you are so against inter-religious dialogue, what are you doing here, with all of us Catholics? I honestly don't get it. How do you reconcile this contradiction?

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Thy Geekdom Come

Budge, your proud-hearted insistence that we are simply using "EVERY MODE OF EVASION IN ORDER TO DISCONCERT" you is silly. You aren't even responding to the valid points we bring up, but are merely accusing us of "subtle evasions" and the like.

If you want to debate against philosophy, then use logic. If you just want to shout over and over again that we're sly devils without giving any proof to your argument, then I suggest you listen to dUSt.

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In all charity, please stop calling the Church "universalist" and advancing the conspiracy theory that we are working to create a world-religion until you answer our responses adaquatly. All we are getting is rhetoric and a total disregard of our replies.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1019455' date='Jul 7 2006, 04:05 PM']
The Roman Catholic church is fulfilling Revelation 17.
Please prove it. I find no evidence for this. Start a new thread.

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Just added one for you today JW.

That Ganesh loving Cardinal was appointed to one of the PONTIFICAL councils for EVANGELIZATION.


Again, if you are so against inter-religious dialogue, what are you doing here, with all of us Catholics? I honestly don't get it. How do you reconcile this contradiction?[/quote]

Catholic dialogue is rap sessions where each party agrees to learn from the other. This is where you end up with Catholic monks visiting ashrams.

Im here to warn you and tell you the truth about what Gods Word says...

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[quote name='Budge' post='1021143' date='Jul 10 2006, 10:33 AM']
Catholic dialogue is rap sessions where each party agrees to learn from the other. This is where you end up with Catholic monks visiting ashrams.

Im here to warn you and tell you the truth about what Gods Word says...
First of all, I never see you post anything about what God's word says--rather, I see you only make posts bashing the church--usually from sources that have nothing to do with the Bible.

And regardless of how you define it, you [b]are[/b] engaging in a dialogue with us. You are doing exactly what the church seeks to do with other religions. Talk, debate, correct.

Please show me where the church has agreed to learn anything about God from other religions. Give me a break. The Catholic Church is the only institution in the world who continually stands up to proclaim the truth without compromise.

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[quote name='Akalyte' post='1019431' date='Jul 7 2006, 03:26 PM']
That monument just turned my stomache. I have a feeling all this focus on other religions by some in our Holy Church is going to make me leave it one day. Its going to push me into Atheism.

I believe the Catholic Church is the only "way". Just as the Church has always taught. It just seems like we are sliding away from that. I guess Christ is not the way the truth and the life and the only way to the Father, I guess buddha, muhhamed, beetles, trees and whatever else people worship lead there as well. HERESY!

I'm not going to lie I find this troubling.
What some Jesuits may do has no bearing on the truth of the Catholic Faith.

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There already [u]is[/u] one religion for the whole world: Catholicism. You'll always have dissenters and rebels who don't want to be in the universal Church, even if it wasn't Catholicism.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1021143' date='Jul 10 2006, 10:33 AM']
Just added one for you today JW.

That Ganesh loving Cardinal was appointed to one of the PONTIFICAL councils for EVANGELIZATION.
Catholic dialogue is rap sessions where each party agrees to learn from the other. This is where you end up with Catholic monks visiting ashrams.[/quote]I am still not convinced of your rev 17/18 statement. Besides, was the Cardinal sanctioned for the actions he performed out of charity? We could never know. Perhaps he has learned how some might mis-perceive his actions.

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[quote name='dUSt' post='1019534' date='Jul 7 2006, 07:31 PM']

Again, if you are so against inter-religious dialogue, what are you doing here, with all of us Catholics? I honestly don't get it. How do you reconcile this contradiction?

Good point dust. He's getting us to say rosaries (you know, hail Mary's) for him. ;). He's involved in interreligious dialogue himself it seems. :lol_roll:

Gee, didn't Paul engage in interreligous dialogue with the Athenians in Acts 17. Didn't come in preaching hellfire for their pagan ways but reasoned with them according to what they already knew. How dare him use that altar to an unknown God to explain Christ, mixing paganism with Christianity.

Edited by thessalonian
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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='thedude' post='1019196' date='Jul 7 2006, 11:57 AM']
Actions of the Jesuit order do not imply Church approval.


[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='1019524' date='Jul 7 2006, 07:55 PM']
they left out the swastika that is supposed to be on that symbol of Jainism.
[/quote] :topsy:

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Good point dust. He's getting us to say rosaries (you know, hail Mary's) for him. wink.gif. He's involved in interreligious dialogue himself it seems. lol_roll.gif

If I was having "interreligious dialogue' with you, I would be saying...Oh thats nice, instead of describing error or comparing scripture to what Rome teaches...

I am not here to dialogue..the definition of dialogue is for two parties to come to an agreement.

I will not come to an agreement with Catholicism.

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Justified Saint

[quote name='Budge' post='1023627' date='Jul 13 2006, 08:40 AM']
If I was having "interreligious dialogue' with you, I would be saying...Oh thats nice, instead of describing error or comparing scripture to what Rome teaches...

I am not here to dialogue..the definition of dialogue is for two parties to come to an agreement.

I will not come to an agreement with Catholicism.

Main Entry: di·a·logue
1 : a written composition in which two or more characters are represented as conversing
2 a : a conversation between two or more persons; also : a similar exchange between a person and something else (as a computer) b : an exchange of ideas and opinions <organized a series of dialogues on human rights> c : a discussion between representatives of parties to a conflict that is aimed at resolution <a constructive dialogue between loggers and environmentalists>
3 : the conversational element of literary or dramatic composition <very little dialogue in this film>
4 : a musical composition for two or more parts suggestive of a conversation

Thus dialogue, in one definition, does not necessitate agreement but rather is aimed at resolution.

This would still be unaccetable to you since you are here to denounce abstractions (your own abstractions) and not talk to people.

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