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Jesuits Put Up One World Religion Monument


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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='dUSt' post='1019244' date='Jul 7 2006, 12:36 PM']
Looks to me to be a symbol that Christianity is the one true religion, seeing that the cross is above all of the other symbols, in a position of superiority.
This is true, it could certainly be interpretted that way.

Anyway, the fact of the matter is that a piece of art designed by a Jesuit is hardly a magisterial statement.

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I do see that the Jesuits are doing something great. However, I am bit skeptical about the the artwork for reasons already mentioned.

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[quote name='Lahecil' post='1019155' date='Jul 7 2006, 08:33 AM']
Ouch. My naiveity is showing. Good thing I'm here to learn. I guess my only argument left is that I like it then. :P
LOL I know the feeling! ;) It's okay, even the most knowledgable theologians started out knowing peanuts about the faith.

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Budge, if you want to make a statement against the Church, I suggest that you don't use odd findings which aren't supported, implicitly or explicitly, by the Church. Just because someone in the Church says or does something that's a bit "off" doesn't make it a representation of the Church. Sad to say it, but please take weird Jesuit things with a grain of salt.[/quote]

Your above attempt to disclaim this as just an individual going off the tracks has been used before.
The following important observations were made in 1851:
* “We cannot allow that every private Priest or member of the Church of Rome should give his own opinions merely as the standard of doctrine.[/size] We will have recourse to the oracular response of the Church, and insist that they be represented by themselves; not, however, by private individuals, but by their legal representatives

But, then, there is nothing which they dread so much as the testimony of their own Church. ...
There is even a marked difference between the tone of these Romish Divines
who speak dogmatically for the instruction of their own members
and that of those who attempt to answer the objections of their antagonists.
With the former, all is matter of downright certainty;
with the latter, all is doubt, difficulty, subterfuge, and evasion.

When the faithful are to be instructed, every Priest becomes the sure depositary
of the infallible decisions of an infallible Church;
but when Protestants are to be confuted,
the declarations of their most illustrious men are of no authority.
Councils are discovered to have been but partly approved
Popes did not speak ex cathedra;
Cardinals and Bishops are but private Doctors;
And who cares for the opinion of an obscure Priest or Friar?[/size]

Thus nothing is so difficult as to know what the belief of Roman Catholics really is; and

(Charles Elliott, Delineation of Roman Catholicism, London: John Mason, 1851, p. 23).[/quote]

[quote]It is a violation of the First Commandment and is directly contrary to the First Article of the Creed. God says "Thou shalt not have strange gods before me". Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me" (Jn 14:6). It is clear that there is only one God, and that Jesus is the only way to God.[/quote]

Thank you,glad you agree.

Remember the whole outside the church thing, they are using that to FOOL you, what they are DOING is expanding the umbrella...[so one day all these folks will be considering a part of the church.
This monument is saying that the Church teaching is no longer true, and that all religions are valid paths to God. The people who made and commissioned this monument are therefore heretics.[/quote]

Did you know Benedict has planned an Assisi III, this means they will AGAIN sponser false religions each praying to their own demon in seperate rooms.

I should post on that, guess I will so people know its coming,.
[quote]On the other hand, it could also be an acknowledgement that other religions exist and that peace could be achieved if they all agree to disagree, basically.[/quote]

Sigh...what is the use of that but to confuse people.

Any kid seeing that thing is going to think...hey its cool to be a Buddhist too!

[quote]Actions of the Jesuit order do not imply Church approval.[/quote]

See above.

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[quote][quote]On the other hand, it could also be an acknowledgement that other religions exist and that peace could be achieved if they all agree to disagree, basically.[/quote]

Sigh...what is the use of that but to confuse people.

Any kid seeing that thing is going to think...hey its cool to be a Buddhist too![/quote]

My argument was already proved impossible. I don't see how confusing it is though.

And I doubt that many kids would convert to Buddhism because they saw Buddha on a monument.

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That monument just turned my stomache. I have a feeling all this focus on other religions by some in our Holy Church is going to make me leave it one day. Its going to push me into Atheism.

I believe the Catholic Church is the only "way". Just as the Church has always taught. It just seems like we are sliding away from that. I guess Christ is not the way the truth and the life and the only way to the Father, I guess buddha, muhhamed, beetles, trees and whatever else people worship lead there as well. HERESY!

I'm not going to lie I find this troubling.

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[quote]Many indeed have never known Thee; many, too,
despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee.
Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus and
draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord,
not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee,
but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned
Thee. Grant that they may quickly return to their
Father's house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.

Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous
opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them
back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that
soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.

Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the
darkness of idolatry and Islamism and refuse not to draw
them all into the light and kingdom of God. Turn Thine
eyes of mercy toward the children of that Race, once Thy
Chosen People. Of old they called down upon themselves
the Blood of the Savior; may It now descend upon them a
laver of redemption and of life. [/quote]
- from the Consecration of the Human Race to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, by Pope Pius XI

Edited by brendan1104
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[quote]That monument just turned my stomache. I have a feeling all this focus on other religions by some in our Holy Church is going to make me leave it one day. Its going to push me into Atheism.

I believe the Catholic Church is the only "way". Just as the Church has always taught. It just seems like we are sliding away from that. I guess Christ is not the way the truth and the life and the only way to the Father, I guess buddha, muhhamed, beetles, trees and whatever else people worship lead there as well. HERESY!

I'm not going to lie I find this troubling.[/quote]

When I was back in the Catholic Church, I had to face facts that their interfaith teachings were a delusion. Since I had already spent years in a Unitarian Universalist church, {I was a cradle Catholic} I couldnt be fooled by such words like dialogue and interdependence. I know they werent Christian words. You need to beleive that CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY. I made the decision to place all of my trust in Jesus Christ. If you leave the Catholic Church you do not have to be an atheist, You can turn to Him totally.

The Roman Catholic church is fulfilling Revelation 17.

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If i ever left the church, there is no way I could be anything else but an atheist. I'm going to leave this message board for a while and consult my Priest.

This thread is going to be closed.

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I was only kidding...I was just posting the kind of response you were expecting to get. LOL I aint ever leaving the church and Iaint ever becoming an Atheist. Read my sig...

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Your priest will tell you what mine did when I consulted him before I left the Catholic Church. He will make excuses for the apostasty.

Dont become an atheist.

Put your faith in God rather then men.


Rev 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

Act 5:29 Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

This verse is very important for these times

Many churches have gone apostate, not just the Catholic one.

It is essential that one put their total trust in God.

[quote]I was only kidding...I was just posting the kind of response you were expecting to get. LOL I aint ever leaving the church and Iaint ever becoming an Atheist. Read my sig...[/quote]

You do know that lying is a sin dont you.

Interesting that you see your faith in such a flippant manner.

I would never joke about ceasing to be a Christian.

:ohno: :ohno:

Ive had Catholics tell theyd become an atheist if they lost faith in the Catholic church before.

In that case they WERENT joking.

Sad that so many have their faith in human institutions rather then in God.

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The Catholic Church is not a human institution...Many make it out to be but its not.There are many groups in the church becoming heterodoxm but the Church still stands, even after 2000 years of every collamity and persecution possible. Christ will purify his Church.

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Budge']Did you know Benedict has planned an Assisi III, this means they will AGAIN sponser false religions each praying to their own demon in seperate rooms.[/quote]
I'm so glad you are in close contact with the Holy Father. Please, tell us more about what the Pope is planning on doing :rolleyes:

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Budge, I will take some of the advice that you offer.

Put your faith in God rather then men.

I will indeed put my faith in God and the Church that he established over 2000 years ago.

Read scripture

I will indeed read scripture and be humble enough to look to the Church for proper interpretation.

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I'm so glad you are in close contact with the Holy Father. Please, tell us more about what the Pope is planning on doing rolleyes.gif[/quote]

Sure I will...

Posted by Amy Welborn
open book
July 1, 2006
[quote] Pope approves gathering:

Benedict XVI has approved an international Inter-Religious Encounter of Prayer for Peace organized by the Sant'Egidio Community (founded by Andrea Riccardi, a frequent contributor to the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano.) [size=5]This will take place September 4-5 in Assissi, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of an event that was dar to Pope John Paul II, and which was not fully looked on with approval at the time by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The slogan of the encounter is "For a world of peace and of reigions and cultures in dialog". Religious leadres from all over the world have been invited, along with the heads of the various Christian confessions.
"We will pray for peace together but in different places," [/u]said Mario Marazziti, spokesman for the Sant'Egidio Community.[/size]

This second Assisi encounter comes in the context of rigid norms imposed by the Vatican last November on activities that may be undertaken within the Franciscan churches in Assisi.[/quote]

looks like they are going to repeat the praying to pagan false gods in different rooms idea too...

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