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Presidential Candidates '08


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[quote name='zwergel88' post='1018800' date='Jul 6 2006, 09:43 PM']
Also, no offense but both you and Socrates need to get a better grip on political philosophy. Nazis are on the extremely far right of politics and communists are on the left. They are opposites. A communist cannot be a Nazi.
No offense, but you need to get a better grip on both political philosophy and historical reality. Most of your posts sound like they were lifted directly from a Democratic Party rally. I have studied political philosophy, and I have studied history, including specifically the history of Communism.

Communism and Nazism, while they fought each other for power, were both statist socialist totalitarian regimes, which worshiped the state, rather than God, as the highest good of man. Both were responsible for mass-murder on a horrendous scale of anyone their ideologies opposed. Study the actions of both the Nazi and Communist states in history. You will find the actions of Hitler remarkably similar to those of Communist leaders such as Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, and Pol Pot.

Try serious study of history rather than propaganda and largely meaningless lables like "far-Left" and "far-Right." Nazism and Communism were not true opposites, but simply warring factions of godless socialist statism. The opposite of both would be limited conservative government, which respects traditional religion, morality, private property and family.

Edited by Socrates
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God the Father


Jose Reyes for president.

I guess he wasn't born in America though, so the best he can hope for is governor of California.

I think it would be entertaining to see Hillary Clinton run for president. And to make fun of her supporters.

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[quote name='zwergel88' post='1018167' date='Jul 6 2006, 07:57 AM']
I predict that the Democratic candidates will be:

Hilary Clinton
John Kerry
John Edwards
a few other random candidates who won't win
possible a governer or two such as Ed Rendell or Bill Richardson or the guy from Virginia-whatshismame

the Republican candidates will be:

John McCain
Bill Frist
Rudy Guliani
Condoleeza Rice (if someone can convince her to run)
Rick Santorum (if he wins his senate seat again, which he won't if I have anything to do with it)

The nominees will be Clinton and probably Frist or Guliani. I personally will not like either candidate very much but will cry when they GOP ultimately wins after a long, and bitter campaign in which Clinton will be completely villified and every one of her merits ignored. 08-2012 will not be good years but luckily I think there will be some better candidates in 2012.

In 2012 Barak Obama will run against some Republican. It won't matter who because he will win becasue of his charming personality and charisma. He will be re-elected in 2016. In 2020, a Republican will run against President Obama's Vice President and win. He will be unpopular and in 2024 this incumbant president will run against me. I will win and be re-elected in 2028.

That's how its gonna be.

While you're at it, could you tell me what OEX and SPX calls and puts are going to do for the next 10 years?? :lol: :lol: :lol: Any other hot stocks, IPOs, or coffee bean futures?

[quote name='MonkeyTape' post='1020605' date='Jul 9 2006, 03:53 PM']
though I wonder how many times you can loose a nomination and still be considered a serious candidate.

Ask Richard Nixon.....

Although, I'm personally mad at Mike Ditka's wife....apparently she threatened to leave him if he agreed to run for Senate from Illinois back in 2004. He's a good pro-life pro-family Republican as well as a Catholic.

Edited by Norseman82
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I unwillingly listened to one of the late late late night shows to drown out my neighbors fighting last night :blink:
It was various newspaper pundits from around the country who agreed that while Hilary might be a candidate with a war chest of over $40 million, she would never win the Presidency. She has too much baggage, a poor Senate voting record, wishy-washy opinions, and is considered insincere by most women voters. They also agreed that after 14 years of Bush-Clinton- Bush the country was ripe and begging for a change.

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[quote name='God Conquers' post='1021004' date='Jul 10 2006, 09:56 AM']
Swartzenegger VS Bishop Wuerl '08


"Chuck, your electoral college prediction?"

"Bob, I say....Ditka 539, Hillary -1".

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er, i was pretty sure that bush was opposing embryonic stem cell research, and supporting adult stem cell reseach, JP2iloveyou. The downside to Bush is his support of the death penalty, which imo isn't really needed in this country. I refuse to comment on the wars.

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Jeb Bush will throw his hat in to the ring and we'll finally have another Catholic president and the first three from a family. To be taken as a wild but hopeful speculation.

Edited by thessalonian
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[quote name='Fulton Sheen Warrior' post='1020629' date='Jul 9 2006, 05:51 PM']

I'd back Santorum.

I second that. Yay Santorum :D:

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If you are considering any of the current senators, here is Ironmonk's posting of the Senate roll call on embryonic stem cell research bill:


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[quote name='Franimus' post='1021567' date='Jul 11 2006, 06:38 AM']
er, i was pretty sure that bush was opposing embryonic stem cell research, and supporting adult stem cell reseach, JP2iloveyou. The downside to Bush is his support of the death penalty, which imo isn't really needed in this country. I refuse to comment on the wars.

President Bush allowed federal funding on lines of embryos that already existed. As he backed up with his veto today, he opposes expanding that funding.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sometimes it seems like threads like this are too much name-calling based on parties and the majority's views on certain issues. I have a much more pleasant time looking as all of the issues from abortion to death penalty, to environmental restrictions on industry, social security and health care, etc. On at least one or two issues I must side with liberals on that for the sake of my conscience and the well-being of others. So often things are divided simply by groups, liberals or conservatives, democrats or republicans, regardless of the fact that niether has everything right. Perhaps it is a flaw of a two-party system that we must choose so often between supporting one group or another in the presidential elections, but it is good that candidates are free to not merely parrot the party's views but think for themselves.

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