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Presidential Candidates '08


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Do you guys think Wesley Clark is thinking about running for president again? He's been making alot of appearences on news programs, and it seems like he wants people to see him with opinions.

Who do you guys think will run for president in '08, and who do you want to win?

Yo soy Condita! :clap:

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I think it will be John McCain-Condalezza Rice. They are both moderate enough to win. It doesn't really matter because Hillary Clinton is running and NO ONE will vote for her.

[mod]inDIZZLE...Let's play nice.[/mod]

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I predict that the Democratic candidates will be:

Hilary Clinton
John Kerry
John Edwards
a few other random candidates who won't win
possible a governer or two such as Ed Rendell or Bill Richardson or the guy from Virginia-whatshismame

the Republican candidates will be:

John McCain
Bill Frist
Rudy Guliani
Condoleeza Rice (if someone can convince her to run)
Rick Santorum (if he wins his senate seat again, which he won't if I have anything to do with it)

The nominees will be Clinton and probably Frist or Guliani. I personally will not like either candidate very much but will cry when they GOP ultimately wins after a long, and bitter campaign in which Clinton will be completely villified and every one of her merits ignored. 08-2012 will not be good years but luckily I think there will be some better candidates in 2012.

In 2012 Barak Obama will run against some Republican. It won't matter who because he will win becasue of his charming personality and charisma. He will be re-elected in 2016. In 2020, a Republican will run against President Obama's Vice President and win. He will be unpopular and in 2024 this incumbant president will run against me. I will win and be re-elected in 2028.

That's how its gonna be.

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I didn't think of Joe Biden, but you may be right. That race would be cool beans because they are both pretty good guys.

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[quote name='DAF' post='1018017' date='Jul 5 2006, 11:19 PM']
Do you guys think Wesley Clark is thinking about running for president again? He's been making alot of appearences on news programs, and it seems like he wants people to see him with opinions.

Who do you guys think will run for president in '08, and who do you want to win?

Yo soy Condita! :clap:
One of my best friends thought Wesley Clark was totally hot. Personally I don't see the attraction, but I have to say I hope he doesn't run so I don't have to hear about how hot she thinks he is for months on end.

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[quote name='kujo' post='1018110' date='Jul 6 2006, 12:37 AM']
I think it will be John McCain-Condalezza Rice. They are both moderate enough to win. It doesn't really matter because Hillary Clinton is running and NO ONE will vote for her.[/quote]

Are you kidding? People will vote for her because they're dumb. :( And in that case, she may actually win. <_< And if that happens God have mercy on us all. :mellow:

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1018169' date='Jul 6 2006, 09:01 AM']
Joe Biden v John McCain
You heard it here first kids!!

I actually think Biden is a good guy. I don't agree with most of his views, but I've heard him speak and he's not so bad. Same thing with Joe Lieberman, who is arguably the best politician we have in this country.

Kerry will run, and so will whack-job Howard Dean but they won't make it through the primaries. I think John Edwards burned a lot of bridges in '04 during the VP Debate when he called out Johnsonville brat Cheney's daughter for being a lesbian. It was about the most vile, underhanded thing I'd ever seen. I was amazed that Cheney didn't stand up and throw him a beating! VP or not, if someone had insulted my family in the way that Edwards did, it would be on like Donkey Kong! Al Gore is rumored to run, but who knows? He would actually be the most dangerous candidate if he chose to run, I think.

At the end of the day, it will be Clinton and whoever comes in second (possibly Howard Dean).

As for the Republicans, McCain is already posturing for his bid (saying that Pres. Bush calls his "Johnny-Mac"), as is Giuliani. Being a New Yorker, I'm a fan of Giuliani, but I think he is too-liberal to get the far-right's nomination (pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-affirmative action). I don't really know where McCain stands on those issues, but I think that he walks in with credibility due to his time as a P.O.W. No one, on either side of the aisle, will be able to spin that. As for Condi, I think she'll make a great president someday (not only will she be the first [i]woman[/i] President, but she'll be the first [i]African American[/i] President as well!), but she needs some experience in the Administrative role first, which is why I think she'd do well as a VP.

And, as I said before, when the dust settles, it will be McCain and Condi in '08.

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Don't forget about Mitt Romney, Czar of the People's Republic of Massachusetts. He'll probably be making a run at the white house. Don't know if he stands much of a chance, though. He would be the first Mormon President too.

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