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chistians for gay marriage castigate church


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Christian Clergy Group Demands Catholic Church Abandon Opposition to Gay "Marriage"

By Hilary White

BOSTON, June 27, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A group of clergy including members from a number of mainline Christian denominations and other religious organizations, including a number of Catholics, is calling on the Catholic hierarchy to end its opposition to homosexual “marriage,” claiming that it is in violation of “religious freedom”.

The group, calling itself the Religious Coalition for the Freedom to Marry, will release an open letter to Cardinal Sean O’Malley and Roman Catholic bishops of Massachusetts asking the Catholic hierarchy “to respect religious freedom and stop lobbying for a constitutional amendment that would deny civil marriage rights to couples married by other denominations.”

The group consists of clergy from the American Baptist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Quaker (or Society of Friends), Southern Baptist and United Methodist denominations.

The letter says that although the group disagrees with the “position” of the Catholic Church that homosexual acts are gravely sinful, they “honor your right to believe as you wish. We respect your right to practice your faith according to your laws.”

That “honor” reaches only so far as the strictly private sphere however. Public defence of Traditional marriage is beyond the pale.

“You are promoting prejudice through your political campaign, intentionally or not,” the letter says.

“By proclaiming homosexuality and same-sex unions to be universally immoral and worthy of second-class status under state law, you are sending a message that our faith communities are immoral. You are harming us and our families and your own faithful as well. Thousands of Roman Catholics have signed our Roman Catholic Statement in support of marriage equality. They have signed out of their pain and their love and concern for the Church.”

The largest group in the Coalition is from the Unitarian Universalist church – a non-Christian organization – followed by the Episcopalians.

In meetings last week, the US Episcopal Church (ECUSA) pushed the Worldwide Anglican Communion to the point of disintegration by refusing a moratorium on ordaining homosexual bishops and other clergy. Last week, ECUSA’s House of Deputies voted overwhelmingly to refuse to consider a resolution that affirmed Jesus Christ as the "only name by which any person may be saved,” a defining Christian doctrine.

Read the full text of the letter:

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Don't they know that the Bible says that homosexual relations are an abomination and that's why gay marriage is not allowed?

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Don't they know that they can demand anything but that won't change anything? That there are thousands of Roman Catholics who have signed their petition means nothing. We don't vote on morality.

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Marriage was made for two reasons. Procreativity and unity. In a homosexual union neither exist. God made our bodies so that they would fit, plain and simple. This does not happen in a homosexual union, thus they cannot be made one, they cannot be unified. They cannot be procreative either, it all comes down to simple human anatomy. As an intelligent priest once said, why call it something that it simply isn't? If marriage's purpose is procreativity and unity, and neither can happen, then it isn't marriage.

Once this clicked into my head, things seemed fairly straight forward for me... hope it helped!

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No one can be Christian and for same sex marriage.

That is like saying that you work for Satan but want to go to Heaven... ain't going to happen.

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This is the height of intolerance. It's wrong for the Church to tell other people to change, but it's ok for them to tell the Church to change?

Start your own Church. I'll even buy you a nice plant for the sanctuary, if you have one.

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[quote name='Didacus' post='1013739' date='Jun 28 2006, 06:58 AM']
No matter how loudly the wind howls, the mountain shall not bend to it.
The Emperor, Mulan

woot. woot.

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Let's go back to the days of a pile of wood and matches. I'm sick of these people. Just kidding of course. The poor souls. They must be reformed of their errors. I like Paul's way in 1 Cor 5.

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[quote name='jezic' post='1013693' date='Jun 28 2006, 06:44 AM']
What defense do they have of homosexual relations being normal and good for people?

What defense do we have that living a single life is good or normal? Just because you don't or can't see beauty in something doesn't mean it isn't beautiful. For example I hate spiders with an uncomperable passion, but God made them so they are beautiful to someone else.... It wasn't the greatest example but whatever.

[quote name='ironmonk' post='1013707' date='Jun 28 2006, 07:12 AM']
No one can be Christian and for same sex marriage.

If no one can be Christian and for that then we'd have to kick a lot of people out of The Faith. We'd also have to axe anyone who'd committed any kind of sin or error beause that's all being for ss marriage is right, just a sin? It isn't even like they don't believe in the transubstantiation like most Christians... it's just that they think we should bugger off about people's bedrooms. Awesome and reason #5214 I love Phatmass.

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[quote name='track2004' post='1014088' date='Jun 28 2006, 04:17 PM']
What defense do we have that living a single life is good or normal? Just because you don't or can't see beauty in something doesn't mean it isn't beautiful. For example I hate spiders with an uncomperable passion, but God made them so they are beautiful to someone else.... It wasn't the greatest example but whatever.[/quote]
Homosexual activity is intrinsically sinful. Living a single life (if one lives it chastely) is not in itself sinful.
Homosexuality contradicts the God-given purpose of human sexuality, and only breeds disease, not human life. The Church's constant teaching has been that homosexuality is a grave sin against nature.
A sin cannot be regarded by the Catholic as "good or normal." Neither can it be regarded as beautiful.

"What defense do we have that murder [or adultery, theft, pedophilia, fill in the blank] is good or normal? Just because you don't or can't see beauty in murder doesn't mean it isn't beautiful."

Nonsense and rot.

[quote]If no one can be Christian and for that then we'd have to kick a lot of people out of The Faith. We'd also have to axe anyone who'd committed any kind of sin or error beause that's all being for ss marriage is right, just a sin? It isn't even like they don't believe in the transubstantiation like most Christians... it's just that they think we should bugger off about people's bedrooms. Awesome and reason #5214 I love Phatmass.[/quote]
Someone who willingly promotes sin and actively and knowingly opposes the Church's moral teachings is not being Christian.

For instance a man may be a Christian and commit a sin - say adultery, for instance - he sincerely repents of his sin, and goes to confession, and tries to once more live a moral Christian life. In such a case, the man, while a sinner, is may still be considered a Christian. However, if the man proudly flaunts his adultery, says the Church is wrong in preaching against adultery and that the Church "needs to get out of people's bedrooms," demands that the Church change her teachings as adultery, and argues that adultery is a "normal and healthy lifestyle," then this man is not being a Christian, but is acting in opposition to Christ and His Church.
Same with those who promote "gay marriage" and other abominations.

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Guess I get to change my religious affiliation on PM then because I don't care or want to know who y'all are sleeping with.

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I also don't want to know what homosexual persons do behind closed doors.

When they bring what they do behind closed doors into public society, however, that's another story.

Gay marriage is an attempt not only to do what they do behind closed doors, but to force society to accept and bless it.

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the religious aspect aside here,

Do you think that if the state allowed legal unions (marriage) of same sex couples, would their demand for children to raise (gay sex = no babies remember) be enough so that they could take in all of the aborted kids of the US?

Hence solving the whole abortion problem?

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