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Che Guevara

MC Just

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1011883' date='Jun 25 2006, 08:54 AM']
a bomb?

ohhh HSMom you make my day :lol_roll:

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I have seen Reagan shirts that parody the Che shirts. I may have even seen a Pope John Paul II one...

Edited by thedude
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[quote name='kujo' post='1011811' date='Jun 24 2006, 08:44 PM']
As far as political t-shirts go, this has to be my favorite:

And I actually own this one:

Both of these came from [url="http://www.rightwingclothing.com"]www.rightwingclothing.com[/url]
I wish the Row women's shirt was more of a pro-Wade statement rather than just a Right wing clothing statement.

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1011786' date='Jun 24 2006, 09:48 PM']
The current cult of Che Guevera completely disgusts me.
Che died young and thus became a romanticized figure, a "martyr for the cause."

Castro, the Communist dictator, however, shows the reality of what the revolutionaries were fighting for.
The worship of the Communist Che is an insult to the many Cubans (most Catholic) living in the U.S., having fled the evils of Castro's godless totalitarian regime, waiting to return to their homeland when Castro's reign is ended. I know some of them.

I think all of the trendy young Leftists sporting Che Guevera t-shirts and the like ought to be permanently deported to Castro's "Socialist Paradise." >:(
I really wish these people understood what socialism and communism actually mean!

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This was given to me by a friend of mine. I thought you would enjoy it.

NB: This was written as a joke. She is not serious.

[b]My Hero “Che”[/b]
By Suzanne [Not Giving Her Last Name]

Che was a revolutionary whose life was cut tragically short by a repressive regime in Bolivia. He had very good ideas because he read Aristotle, Marx, and Keats. To an unstudied capitalist outsider, there are no similarities between Che’s ideas and “Ode on a Grecian Urn” but I say there many.

For one, in Cuba, revolutionaries chased women. That is something depicted on the urn in the phrase, “What mad pursuit.” Another thing, Communism is very poetic. “Ode on a Grecian Urn” is a poem. Finally, Che could quote poetry. Satre called Che, whose real name was Ernesto, “the most complete human being of our age.”

Many people do not realize how hard Che had to work during his short life. But because his life was short, he had to work extra hard to get in all the stuff he wanted to do before he died. And to make matters worse, he had chronic asthma.

Che was friends with Fidel Castro. There are picture of them smoking fine Cuban cigars together and talking. Their friends say that the two of them would talk for hours about classic literature and quote poems to one another. They were not gay. They just liked poetry.

Che’s friends say that he was responsible for teaching Castro about Marx’s ideal society—a society where everyone is equal, though some are more equal than others (like Che and Castro because they are visionaries).

In a society where everyone is equal, things are very good. Take Cuba for example. In Cuba divorce is very easy. The divorce rate is 75%. This is a good thing because people are not trapped in horrible marriages. The abortion rate is also very high. Most women in Cuba have, on average, 4 abortions in their lifetime. Again, this is good social policy since that means there will be less poverty. However, poverty is nonexistent in Cuba since in a socialist government, everyone shares everything equally.

Che is my hero. It was unjust that he was assassinated by execution in 1967. Because he died in 1967, he was never able to shop at Abercrombie or drink a Starbucks Latte, which I believe he would have enjoyed. If Che were alive today, I would invite him to visit me in Amerikka so he could see all the horrible effects of capitalism. I believe that I am also a visionary and that Che and I would be good friends.

In closing I would like to say that Microsoft Word, controlled by capitalist pig Bill Gates, does not recognize the word “Che.” I think that speaks directly to the main point of my paper.

Edited by p0lar_bear
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Good to see all of the Che scepticism...... I think he appeals to the "I want to appear to be in the know" crowd
of superficially informed leftist groupies.

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Ash Wednesday


And other fine goodies from [url="http://www.che-mart.com/"]http://www.che-mart.com/[/url]


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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='kujo' post='1011811' date='Jun 24 2006, 11:44 PM']
As far as political t-shirts go, this has to be my favorite:

And I actually own this one:

Both of these came from [url="http://www.rightwingclothing.com"]www.rightwingclothing.com[/url]

RWC! they rock the Kasbah :cool:

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' post='1013659' date='Jun 28 2006, 12:06 AM']

And other fine goodies from [url="http://www.che-mart.com/"]http://www.che-mart.com/[/url]

:lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll:

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