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Following the "signs" topic


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Many, many God-incidences have been happening to me this past yr, things you just cant ignore but being the skeptic that I am I just say thanks and go on my way. Well, something happened the other day that really knocked my socks off..........

First a little background. When I spoke to the PCPA sister at OLAM that I reallllllllly love my massive school debt came up. One of the sisters told me that there are 3 spots left in the community and it seems there is quite the list of girls either wanting to visit or working to pay off their debt so that they can continue their discernment with them. I told her it would take me at least a year probably two to pay off my debt :( and she said that there are more girls then spots trying to pay off their debt and it is sort of a first come first serve situation and to leave it to God. If I am meant to enter there then God will have a spot for me.

A few yrs ago an Aunt of my mothers who I don’t know but apparently wanted to enter the religious life, passed away and her estate was settled. My mum received some money but we never really spoke about it. The other day out of no where I got a call from the lawyer that a sum of money had come up for me.......the amount of my school loan!!!!!!!!!!! Come on!!!!! This is the only thing that was preventing me from entering religious life. Is this crazy or what?? Years after her death I get a cheque for the amount of my school loan :shock:

I dont see how this could be anything other then the hand of God! What do ya'll think??

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[quote name='Piobaire' post='1007916' date='Jun 18 2006, 08:24 PM']
Many, many God-incidences have been happening to me this past yr, things you just cant ignore but being the skeptic that I am I just say thanks and go on my way. Well, something happened the other day that really knocked my socks off..........

First a little background. When I spoke to the PCPA sister at OLAM that I reallllllllly love my massive school debt came up. One of the sisters told me that there are 3 spots left in the community and it seems there is quite the list of girls either wanting to visit or working to pay off their debt so that they can continue their discernment with them. I told her it would take me at least a year probably two to pay off my debt :( and she said that there are more girls then spots trying to pay off their debt and it is sort of a first come first serve situation and to leave it to God. If I am meant to enter there then God will have a spot for me.

A few yrs ago an Aunt of my mothers who I don’t know but apparently wanted to enter the religious life, passed away and her estate was settled. My mum received some money but we never really spoke about it. The other day out of no where I got a call from the lawyer that a sum of money had come up for me.......the amount of my school loan!!!!!!!!!!! Come on!!!!! This is the only thing that was preventing me from entering religious life. Is this crazy or what?? Years after her death I get a cheque for the amount of my school loan :shock:

I dont see how this could be anything other then the hand of God! What do ya'll think??

That definitely sounds like a true sign!

My loans are taken care of, and both offers to cover them came out of nowhere. I think if the money just appears randomly, it's God's way of saying, "I really want this to happen for you." I know that there are moments when I think it's insane that I would give up everything to follow Christ completely, but I trust that He wants it for me. It definitely helps when everything falls perfectly into place!

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WELL, DUUUUUH!!! :lol_roll:

I've never seen a sign so clear in all my years of vocations work. You go, girl!


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[quote]If I am meant to enter there then God will have a spot for me.[/quote]

And it looks like He has taken care of that for you. :)

I'm thrilled for you! :clapping:

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Hey I just noticed that I have graduated from the oh so scary lurker to a full fledged newbie :taco:

Thanks for the positive responses guys! I attempted to share this with a non religious friend and I got the old "you are reading into things, just looking for something that isnt there" response so I was a little gun shy with this post even though I am busting at the seems lol :lol_roll:
Then again this is the same person who didnt believe the first miracle in my life. If you think the money one was amazing, get a load of this........

In 1998 I was diagnosed with terminal cancer, lymphoma to be exact. My parents were told to make final arrangements as it would be fast. Later that week my mum said she went to church and following Abrahams example she mentally laid me on the altar and gave me to God and prayed that she would have the courage to accept God's will for my life. Well needless to say I am fine! When I went under the knife the tumour was gone :) I think my doctor even converted through the whole experience! Seems God has a bigger plan for my life, Praise God :bow:

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Guest phatdaddy

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I thought the money thing was big. Allison, you are very special child of God. Does He have a plan for you. Love Him tons. God bless you.
Mr. Ray

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There was a time about two years ago, while mucking stalls I was thinking of St.Threse the little flower and how God made it clear to her for her vocation. Then I was like 'they don't put people to death hardly ever any more, that will never happen for me' well, two days later on the radio I heard of this guy on death row say that he didn't want any more appeals he had made peace with God. I was floored his last name was cobb. well he recanted but another death row inmate did something simular and he was put to death his last name was ross. c+ross= Cross
Isn't neato how God works? :topsy:

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