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When He is silent. . .


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;) Is that what they mean when they say 'deafening silence'? Thank you for your input, seriously. I know what you are saying. . . God bless you.
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[quote name='HisChild' date='Jun 18 2006, 11:47 AM' post='1007520']
that's FABULOUS that you were able to finally become baptized. I am absolutely thrilled to hear your happy ending. I haven't read all that much on here the past few weeks. ..which orders are you considering? God bless you for your openness to His call. . .I will continue to pray for you, that you do His Holy Will, whatever it may be. . .as we are all called to holiness.

Pax Christi,

There are three orders- Tyburn, Jamberoo Abbey and Carmel Ormiston :D:
Thanks :D: all prayer is more than welcomed :D:

In His Light

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I can say nothing about your situation. I lack the knowlege to understand any of it. God works in ways that may blow my mind, I try not to guess what He's going to do next and I try not to expect Him to speak to me. He's our dad I know you know He knows what's He's doing, (lol) but just do what you know to do, do what you know pleases Him and never stop praying. This absense, or silence rather He's treating you with has got to be teaching you something, just remember that in the end, it's all a part of His holy plan and I can do nothing more but trust in it, I try to live according to what pleases Him. He holds you so close, He will do for you whatever is good for you. I know sometimes after a long period of time, of not being able to speak with Him like He's right in front of you can make you desperate, desperate to hear His ever so loving voice again but you just have to hold on, patience is the fruit of love. Just be patient, pray, and [i]trust[/i]
That's all I got ;) God Bless you and love you, I'm still praying for you as we all are :)

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When He is silent. . .

Hmmm. . .

Usually means one of a few things:

1. You're on the right track

2. He's trying to get your attention

3. Dark night of the soul

4. Purification

We were discussing this on the founders' forum. What is needed is trust. In our case, when a Rule and charism is being given, the "mouthpiece" has to be purified.

The International Fellowship of St. Bruno yahoo group was discussing this, also. Those who had been through it said the best thing to do was "roll with the punches."

And yes, the best way to deal with it is to relax, let go and let God. Once you do that, if He is trying to tell you something, you'll be able to hear it more clearly.



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[quote name='HisChild' post='1007520' date='Jun 17 2006, 08:47 PM']
I think I got from you that you continued on the path you were taking, trusting that He would open the doors for you where He wanted you, for the college. And then, for the major, He would place in your heart, the desire you needed to choose. (It seems to me He was guiding you all along, wasn't He? Even though it wasn't all that apparent at the time. I know, at least for me, it's hard to see that when I am in the thick of things, how He may be working in my life.) Your story. . .This resonates with me as well.

God bless you for becoming a teacher. My brother and sister in law just graduated, both with education degrees. I have a lot of respect for those who teach :D:

Thank you again for sharing.

All and all I had my choices infront of me, but I didn't know how to proceed. I'm usually one of those people that doesn't make a decision unless I believe that it is the absolutely correct one. I was freaked out about my college decision, and I basically had a spiritual and mental breakdown when it came to my choice in major. I really see now how he worked through my boyfriend who is now my fiancee. Sometimes you just need to take that one step of faith. A prayer that I say often is

"Precious Lord, although I do not know the way I am supposed to follow, lead me. When I am in doubt please give me the kick in the pants I need to be able to continue in Your will. When I am afraid please take my hand. Every thing I do, I do for You, my Lord and my God."

Although that step of faith may be hard, our Father only wants our happiness, and even though we may not be able to see it yet, His plans and happiness is far greater than anything we could have ever planned.

God bless-

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Birgitta Noel

Hmmmm, I've been thinking about this for a while. First, my apologies for giving advice. I should have read your initial post more carefully. I was on the run when I posted.

Secondly, my experience has been that God's will for us is that we be happy. When we seek his will and follow it we should be filled with joy. That doesn't mean that the journey will be easy, or that there won't be moments when we question what we're doing, but ultimately joy will abound.

For me that meant that doors opened as I sought where I was supposed to go. Christ led me to my husband, who lead me to the Community of St. John, etc.

I knew that when I applied for my PhD that if I was supposed to be in the program that it would all work out. So many things fell into place. Funding, job I had before I started the prog., housing, job for the hubby etc. It has meant a lot of sacrifices, I live away from my husband every summer and in Sept I'll be away until May, we have put family and getting out of debt on hold, I've missed family events etc. But I know that the work I'll be doing in Catholic health care is fulfilling my vocation. My family will be better for it, my marriage is better for it because I'm happier, and Christ has showed me not in prayer or inspiration, but by the overall smoothness of the path, despite its frustrations on a day to day basis.

In fact, the fellowship I've accepted for fall came about from an off the cuff joking inquiry to an acquantance last summer that resulted in an internship and now the fellowship, and hopefully in the long run a job offer and return by the hubby and I to a city where we'll be near our spiritual home.

Sometimes its hard to figure out where we're supposed to be, but when I'm seeking to be happy and seeking to follow Christ simulaneously his will seems to be revealed to me in ways that I may not expect, but that lead me closer to him, either in my marriage, in what I learn at work (ie seeing him in others or in my studies), or recognizing that the talents which I have that enable me to succeede at my job are from Him and that it is my responsibility to develop those talents.

Hope that was useful. :saint:

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Like a Child

When God is silent with me, I have a tendency to put a positive spin on it. I know full well from experience (as I'm sure you do) that He is perfectly capable of knocking me upside the head to get my attention if He feels He needs to. I also know from past experience that He is always with me, whether I can feel it or not.

So, when He seems to be avoiding me, or at the very least is not dealing any direct commands or offering specific advice (and assuming I am living uprightly at the time, participating in the Sacraments, praying regularly, etc.) I think to myself, "Okay, Lord. I'm glad that we're 'cool' right now. Thank you for trusting me to do what's right. In the past, you have poured out your grace for me so many times; you have spoiled me with far more consolations than I deserve. I will not ask for any now. But if I do something stupid or move in a direction you do not want me to go in, please correct me. I want only to please you; help me to do that!"

In this way, I try to just keep on going down the road I believe the Lord wants me to be traveling on. As others have said, though, I try not to make any major, life-altering decisions during a period of silence or "dryness." In my opinion, bold moves require some sort of confirmation. When I am patient, it usually comes.

In Christ,
Like a Child

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Hi, I bought a car and have had 3 job interviews. . .one today, one last week, and one thursday. So, I should find out something sometime soon. It's been hard starting all over, but with God. . .well, He'll take care of me. Thank you for your prayers. I'm hanging in there!

God bless you.

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[quote name='HisChild' post='1013332' date='Jun 27 2006, 06:28 PM']
Hi, I bought a car and have had 3 job interviews. . .one today, one last week, and one thursday. So, I should find out something sometime soon. It's been hard starting all over, but with God. . .well, He'll take care of me. Thank you for your prayers. I'm hanging in there!

God bless you.

It's good to hear that you are doing well. I hope that you find where God is leading you soon, and continued prayers for you.

God bless-

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