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When He is silent. . .


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HisChild: May I ask if these have all been "active" orders or "contemplative" orders---or a combination of both? Have they all been the same type of order (i.e., teaching, nursing). Please forgive me as I am new to this board and may not have seen any posts where you may have mentioned this before. I am discerning also which is why I'm asking.

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Guest phatdaddy


No advice comming from me. I don't know anything anyway. Silence to me means I keep doing what I am doing, trying to do the best that I can with what I have and what I know and take things as they come.

Glad to hear you are doing that. I am praying for your vocation and that you enter but that's just me. Prayers for you.
Mr. Ray

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I've been going through a "listening tutorial" :) lately. For me the silence is a call to pay close attention and sit very still. This is not phun but slowly i'm getting a little less clueless.

Take care,

Mercy's Child

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[quote name='phatdaddy' post='1007306' date='Jun 17 2006, 11:29 AM']

Glad to hear you are doing that. I am praying for your vocation and that you enter but that's just me. Prayers for you.
Mr. Ray

As He wills, Mr Ray. . .as He wills. :pray:

God bless you.

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Guest phatdaddy

[quote name='HisChild' post='1007312' date='Jun 17 2006, 02:22 PM']
As He wills, Mr Ray. . .as He wills. :pray:

God bless you.

yeah I know....... and He knows best. (shhhhh....I'm gonna still pray for it. The way I see it, He likes for His kids to speak to Him with trust, that's why He invented babbling, and as long as He's silent He just asking for nagging. So that's what I do.

You are very special and He knows it.
In the love of Jesus,
Mr. Ray

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Pshaw. . . . I think I'm being 'grounded' :lol: That, or being given the silent treatment. don't parents do those sort of things ever so often?

Seriously. . .yes, I know what you mean, and I'm a supreme nagger as far as He's concerned! ;)

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[quote]:ohno: Let me please start this post by stating again: I am not looking for advice or criticism (unless you are my spiritual director and decide to become a PM member! LOL) I was only looking for others' stories. That is why I underlined the word 'you' in my original post. . .so that the post-er would concentrate on their own processes and not mine ([b]as there are many particulars about my own situation that you do not know, particulars that I will not share on this open forum[/b]). Please in the future, consider that, in charity, in your responses, should you choose to do so. I hope I am not upsetting anyone by stating this, as that is not my intent.

Denise, might I suggest that in the future if you just want others people's opinions on something then you might want to avoid proceeding your question with 5 paragraphs describing your particular situation which you don't want anybody to comment on. It confuses simple minded people like myself. :annoyed:

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Quite the pity that you take offense that I've only reiterated my previous statement/questions in my post, Michael.

People share their stories here all the time, Michael. Comments are one thing. And is completely different from advice.

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The last time I look, this was a free phorum, with charity being a good guage of what to say and not say. When you post you get a variety of topics covered and thoughts shared. I believe the charitable response, Denise, should be THANK YOU all for listening.

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[quote name='HisChild' post='1007031' date='Jun 16 2006, 04:11 PM']

So, my question to you is. . .when you pray and pray, and He's silent, and none of the options stand out to you at all. . .but you know you have to make a decision 'soon', what do [u]you[/u] do? Or rather, what have you done in the past? [/quote]

I know the feeling, and trust me this is going to sound scary. I do almost nothing. I find many times that when God is being silent in my life, I need to have faith in the path that I'm taking and continue to let God lead me where he wants. Recently I did this when I was wondering what college to go to, what my major was going to be and about my vocation to the married life. I understand that sometimes doing this you may want to throw your hands up and scream, go ahead, but don't loose a drop of faith. In times like this I find it's better to go with the ebb and flow of what you are already doing and let God work and speak through others who are near you.

Secondly, I have read that others compile a list of pros and cons. That is also a great way to go. By making a list like that you can find what your heart is really telling you about your current situation and where you might go next.

I hope I might be of help.

God bless-

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[quote name='let_go_let_God' post='1007417' date='Jun 17 2006, 05:17 PM']
I know the feeling, and trust me this is going to sound scary. I do almost nothing. I find many times that when God is being silent in my life, I need to have faith in the path that I'm taking and continue to let God lead me where he wants. Recently I did this when I was wondering what college to go to, what my major was going to be and about my vocation to the married life. I understand that sometimes doing this you may want to throw your hands up and scream, go ahead, but don't loose a drop of faith. In times like this I find it's better to go with the ebb and flow of what you are already doing and let God work and speak through others who are near you.

Secondly, I have read that others compile a list of pros and cons. That is also a great way to go. By making a list like that you can find what your heart is really telling you about your current situation and where you might go next.

I hope I might be of help.

God bless-

Thank you for your post. I have a question (or two) for you, if I may. You say you just continue along as you have been. . .when you were choosing a college and a major, how were you continuing along? What were you doing beforehand that made you just continue with what you were doing? Did you already have a college in mind and had already chosen a major?

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[quote name='HisChild' post='1007252' date='Jun 17 2006, 10:45 PM']
:lol_roll: That's great! I really enjoyed your post. Thank you for sharing. I'd love to learn a little bit more of why you waited until you were 30 before you finally became Catholic. I can understand waiting until you are of legal age, due to your parents. . .but, well inquiring minds wanna know! :D: I can also understand your not wanting to get into a long story, but feel free to share if you'd like. May our Lord bless you! I will keep your vocation in my prayers.

Hi His Child,

The simple answer is that my family in this case mum was more than prepared to start WW3 over me becoming Catholic :shock:

My parents have been divorced for over 25 years now and its been "mum and I against the world", so to speak. (Mum remained single after her divorce and never dated again).
Mum has her "stuff" she has had to work through and a lot of it has been about God and her feelings towards Him. She was not in a place where she could freely accept that I should be Catholic and called to religious life. As I said the call was there very early in my youth.

Some things had to happen to me that were not nice :scream: before the ice in mum melted far enough for her to accept me being baptised. Ok, it took 15 years :sadder: and a lot of pain but it happened last year :P: and I am so :D: about it and she is too.

So there you have it :)

In His Light

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No problem about asking more questions.

When I was choosing a college, I had applied to three that I really wanted to go to. Once I had been accepted by all, I narrowed it down by to two colleges on my own. Then I asked God to help me in my decision. He was silent the whole time, but the college I decided to attend kept sending me letters and members of the faculty keep calling me and asking about my decision. I have been attending the college for 2 years and I don't regret the decision.

About my major (this one was a lot more aggravating for me) I entered college as an open major not knowing what I wanted to go into. Within a semester, I narrowed it down to, photo journalism/ journalism, math education, and psycology. I kept praying and found psycology wasn't for me. Kept praying and was close to a break down by the time I needed to plan for my major. I kept praying and didn't hear a thing from Him. I spent and evening crying into my then boyfriend's chest and he told me I should just try taking education classes and psyc classes at the same time. As I took my classes, God was still silent in my dicernment, but I found I was falling more and more in love with education than psyc. Now I am a secondary math education double major. I guess I had two paths in mind, tried to follow both, found the one I was most passionate about and decided to follow that with the best of my ability.

I hope this helps and that I answered your questions.

God bless-

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[quote name='In His Light' post='1007511' date='Jun 17 2006, 08:20 PM']
Hi His Child,

The simple answer is that my family in this case mum was more than prepared to start WW3 over me becoming Catholic :shock:

My parents have been divorced for over 25 years now and its been "mum and I against the world", so to speak. (Mum remained single after her divorce and never dated again).
Mum has her "stuff" she has had to work through and a lot of it has been about God and her feelings towards Him. She was not in a place where she could freely accept that I should be Catholic and called to religious life. As I said the call was there very early in my youth.

Some things had to happen to me that were not nice :scream: before the ice in mum melted far enough for her to accept me being baptised. Ok, it took 15 years :sadder: and a lot of pain but it happened last year :P: and I am so :D: about it and she is too.

So there you have it :)

In His Light

that's FABULOUS that you were able to finally become baptized. I am absolutely thrilled to hear your happy ending. I haven't read all that much on here the past few weeks. ..which orders are you considering? God bless you for your openness to His call. . .I will continue to pray for you, that you do His Holy Will, whatever it may be. . .as we are all called to holiness.

Pax Christi,


[quote name='let_go_let_God' post='1007518' date='Jun 17 2006, 08:34 PM']
No problem about asking more questions.

When I was choosing a college, I had applied to three that I really wanted to go to. Once I had been accepted by all, I narrowed it down by to two colleges on my own. Then I asked God to help me in my decision. He was silent the whole time, but the college I decided to attend kept sending me letters and members of the faculty keep calling me and asking about my decision. I have been attending the college for 2 years and I don't regret the decision.

About my major (this one was a lot more aggravating for me) I entered college as an open major not knowing what I wanted to go into. Within a semester, I narrowed it down to, photo journalism/ journalism, math education, and psycology. I kept praying and found psycology wasn't for me. Kept praying and was close to a break down by the time I needed to plan for my major. I kept praying and didn't hear a thing from Him. I spent and evening crying into my then boyfriend's chest and he told me I should just try taking education classes and psyc classes at the same time. As I took my classes, God was still silent in my dicernment, but I found I was falling more and more in love with education than psyc. Now I am a secondary math education double major. I guess I had two paths in mind, tried to follow both, found the one I was most passionate about and decided to follow that with the best of my ability.

I hope this helps and that I answered your questions.

God bless-

Thank you for responding again! I think I got from you that you continued on the path you were taking, trusting that He would open the doors for you where He wanted you, for the college. And then, for the major, He would place in your heart, the desire you needed to choose. (It seems to me He was guiding you all along, wasn't He? Even though it wasn't all that apparent at the time. I know, at least for me, it's hard to see that when I am in the thick of things, how He may be working in my life.) Your story. . .This resonates with me as well.

God bless you for becoming a teacher. My brother and sister in law just graduated, both with education degrees. I have a lot of respect for those who teach :D:

Thank you again for sharing.

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[quote name='HisChild' post='1007031' date='Jun 16 2006, 03:11 PM']
I've been staying with some sisters for over 2 weeks now. I've been praying with them, and as much as possible, living their life. Last week they were on retreat, so I didn't go to as many prayer times, like daytime prayer, because I was their 'chef'.

Now, it's over, their retreat, and I find myself being invited to discern more with them. I've been told that I'll never 'really' know, unless I take that risk, meaning living here, entering here.

Here's the thing. All through my prayers, He's been silent. I have no real convictions to continue discernment here, anywhere else, return to the world, whatever. It's like I'm numb.

I've prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I've told Him I need to know what He wants of me.

I'm 35, so I know that I'm getting older, and I need to settle, somewhere. You know? I also know, that being an older vocation, my independence will be an obstacle. I've been in 3 communities. For whatever reason, (for two it was illness right after I entered) God made it supremely clear that I wasn't meant to be there. . .clear to me and the superiors as well. I don't know about you, but I've sort of become a little gun shy. I'm wondering if I'm just not called to religious life, although THAT isn't all that clear either. Because some have said that it just means I wasn't called there, and I should not keep a tally of the places I've already taken the risk and entered, only to have it not work out. :huh:

Easier said than done.

So, my question to you is. . .when you pray and pray, and He's silent, and none of the options stand out to you at all. . .but you know you have to make a decision 'soon', what do [u]you[/u] do? Or rather, what have you done in the past? I know that He will not love me less if I opt to just return to the world. I know that I don't have a sign or a conviction to enter here and I'm just being disobedient. . . I simply haven't a clue what makes sense to me. That is a VERY frustrating place to be, considering that usually I'm motivated and have direction in my life, you know? :sadder:

Anyway. . .of course I ask for your prayers. You know you have mine. . .but I thought I'd throw this topic out for your input.

God reward you.

denise :unsure:

Its in the silence that He speaks the loudest...
just wanted to share...

My prayers are with you!


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