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Sola Scriptura


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"of course, you may then wonder why a more explicit reference is not given. i think this is actually quite understandable. why? well, for one, mary was probably still alive when most of the NT was written! (so, of course, they wouldn't have known how her life ended). also, the writers of the NT were concerned primarily with faith in Jesus Christ and in recording the events of his life. actually, the deaths of many holy NT men and women are not recorded. for example, it is only from tradition that we know that Peter was crucified upside down. the nature of the deaths of the majority of the apostles is not recorded in Scripture. we cannot expect Scripture to record explicit statements beyond its breadth and intended purpose. it is simply not meant to be a catechism, which is why we also draw from the Sacred Tradition of the Church." from phatcatholic

This is from the othe thread about my questions about Mary.

Is this another reason why Tradition is an Essential part of belief in the Church?

Edited by desertwoman
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Fulton Sheen Warrior


Wonderful post from phatcatholic!

Why tradition?:

1.) St. Paul says we must "hold fast to the traditions we have passed down to you, whether [i]oral[/i] or written."

2.) Scripture is a product of tradtion.

Edited by Fulton Sheen Warrior
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"2.) Scripture is a product of tradtion."

Actually according to scripture, scripture IS TRADITION.

"Hold fast to the traditionSSSSS you have recieved, whether by word of mouth, or IN WRITING from us." 2 thes 2:15

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One issue that I use when my friends attack tradition with the sola scriptura issue is that the use of the word [i] Trinity[/i] is not utilized to describe the God the Father's relation to his Son Christ Jesus or the impending relationship of the Paraclete to all two persons and the power of the Holy Spirit during the Decent at Pentecost and when Christ was baptized in the river Jordan when in the Bible all three persons were present to witness Jesus's baptizm. Yet, years of Protestant and Catholic traditions have lead us to believe by faith and by the word of Christ that there is a trinty existing of three persons.

~This argument can also exist for the dogma of the Rapture also.

Many verses in the Bible talk about thing that have happened that havent been recorded in the Scriptuers.

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