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Hello All,
I just signed on to this site a few minutes ago! I am going to be 23 years old and I have been for about 4 years now. I will be honest, I did not read all of the entrees up to this point, but I read a few. It is really refreshing to hear about people who are seriously discerning the religious life. I look forward to being glued to this sight and reading all the interesting things you have to offer!!

God Love You,


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Welcome to Phatmass! :bye: :welcome: I have a question. You have been, for about 4 years, what? Discerning religious life? God bless you!

Edited by HisChild
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[quote name='HisChild' post='1005574' date='Jun 14 2006, 11:37 AM']
Welcome to Phatmass! :bye: :welcome: I have a question. You have been, for about 4 years, what? Discerning religious life? God bless you!

I have been discerning the religious life. Specifically, I am discerning with the Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. They are amazing sisters from Immaculata, Pa! I am planning on entering the convent in September of 2008. I want to finish College before I enter.

God Love You,


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Yes, :welcome: to the Vocation Station. Grab an empty seat in the choir and make yourself at home. Breviaries in front of your seat :sign: (we need a :religious chanting in choir: icon...!)

Time zones mean that it's always a combination of Vespers and recreation in here, so do share a little about yourself!

Love and prayers,


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Dear Fellow Seekers,

I am not sure what you want to hear. My story isn't much. I went to catholic school and graduated from 8th grade. Instead of going to a catholic highschool, I decided to become homeschooled. I graduated from a homeschooling association in 12th grade. I went to a community college and graduated with an Associates in Engineering and Mathematics. I attending a University to double major in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics. I have been discerning the religious life (Specifically the Sister Servants of the Immaculate Mary) since my senior year of highschool. I think it is very important for myself to graduate college before I enter. I think I have learned a great deal about myself while making my way through college. All of the knowledge I have learned has only increased my desire to become an IHM Sister. I think the vocations in this country will increase but the age that women enter the religious life will increase. That is my opinion.

God Love You,


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Mea culpa - I didn't mean to come across as "demanding" an intro or anything from you. I should have worded my post better.

Besides, hurrah for undergrads doing maths! That's what my first degree was in and I still have some lovely books in my bookcase.

Love and prayers,


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Welcome to the board. I love the IHMs. There is another thread about them little further down the page. I know a sister in the IHMs, she went to school with me (a year ahead of me) and she worked with me, and lived down the street. The IHM are such an awesome order, I have a lot of classmates and friends at the seminary who were honored enought to have been taught by them growing up.
God Bless

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Dear Friend,
No worries about how you wrote! I took no offense. I should have been more clear when I first wrote. Thanks for pointing out what was absent in my posting. I do love Math!!! I wish there were more Math people!!

God Love You,

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Welcome to the vocation station. I hope that the board helps you in your discernment.

God bless-

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Welcome to the Pham!!! You are in for a real treat with these wonderful people :) I have been part of this site for not even a month and I have gained sooooooooo much!

God Bless,


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Guest phatdaddy
:welcome: Carolyn

to the phamily. This is the place to be. Happy to see and hear your discerment process. Thank you for sharing.
Mr. Ray
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New discerners are always welcome here! Your IHM's put out a fine online vocations newsletter that I started a thread about awhile back, but it's only recently that we have had real IHM discerners here. Enjoy! :D:

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Welcome Carolyn! That's great that you've been discerning. I'm assuming that you've probably visited the IHMs. Do you think you'll be applying to enter soon?
I'm about your age and am finishing up law school before I enter...which sometimes feels like an eternity!

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College does feel like an eternity! I am looking to sign on January 4, 2008. (That is a tentative date that me and my vocation Directress has set.) I will then graduate from colllege in may of 2008 and then enter September of 2008. I do feel your pain when you talk about college taking an eternity to finish. It is a strange feeling, being in school, trying to complete a major when all the while you truely desire to enter that amazing community that touched your heart. We have to remember that finishing college really helps us learn who we are and it really has solidified my desire to become a sister. If you can talk to immature college students about wanting to be a sister, you can talk to anyone!

Just know, that I do completely understand what you are going through, and yes it is completely normal!!

God Love You,

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