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AIDS Super Strain

Lil Red

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In the West, the HIV virus is primarily a lifestyle-based vector. I.e. risky behaviour allows the virus to be transmitted. Monogamy (on both sides, folks!), avoidance of recreational IV drugs (persons in the grip of a heroin binge are less likely to refuse to share a needle, etc), knowing the recent sexual history of your partner, are all effective prophylaxis when dealing with HIV in a 1st World country.

In other words, the Church is right. Monogamy and chastity are 100% effective.

In Africa and Central/South Asia, it's spread both through lifestyle -and- through "secondaries" (rape, bad medical sanitation, etc), compounded by superstition and misinformation. In West Africa, it's poosible (still being -hotly- debated) that the original vector (a jump between chimpanzees and humans) is still active, generating a small number of new infections.

If you are an American (or German, etc..) and you got infected* after 1990 (when the blood supply was finally decontaminated), YOU are the culprit. Risky behaviour is not advised.

*-Not counting medical and police personnel. They are at risk in the line of duty.

Edited by MichaelF
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it's too late to quarentine the whole aids pandemic now. I was merely supporting that point that it should have been done at the beginning.

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[quote]AIDS is no spread solely through sexual contact. And all sexual contact is not consensual. Rapists infected with any form of STD should be executed. [/quote]

I'm sorry but this isn't a "Church Scholarly" kind of attitude to have.

Edit: I mean yes rapists are horrible and that's bad but to say someone should be killed is not our place to decide.

Edited by djc08
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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1005571' date='Jun 14 2006, 11:32 AM']
Most people who get it is due to their own fault...

...drugs and/or sex.

If people stopped having premarital sex, HIV would die out. The majority of the cases are from sex. Very few people get it from sharing needles because needles are cheap and often free.

Those who do drugs often do sex acts for drugs... so many times they might think they got it from a needle but they got it from having sex. I know lots of druggies, the lifestyle many lead are like pagan Romans... something right out of the Conan the Barbarian movie.

Everyone knows that there are other ways, but the way it is mostly spread is through sex. So much so that it dwarfs the other reasons.

I do not think that anyone has forgotten this.

Yes there are innocents that get it, which is sad. If people only covered the sexual spread of it and people actually listened and stopped having pre-marital sex the spreading of HIV/AIDS would stop and the virus would go extinct within 15 years.

The reason most people get it is because of sex. Maybe 1 in 10,000 is drug use. There are not that many heroin/meth addicts in the world compared to how many people are sleeping around.

Everyone who preaches safe sex with condoms has blood on their hands. Condoms do not protect from AIDS... Condoms protect people from AIDS as much as a wetsuit protects someone from a bullet.

Let's not forget how most people spread AIDS. Let's not forget that because we can't obey God we have brought this on ourselves.

I'm going to assume that this was not directly attributed to me, but for the record, I did not say that AIDS isn't primarily transmitted sexually - I just truly believe that declaring AIDS a "sexual" disease does the fight against it a disservice. Truly, monogamy - obeying God's Law, is what is needed. However, we cannot, and should not forget that this is a communicable disease ... one that is communicable through other means.

That is all I was trying to say.

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[quote]I'm sorry but this isn't a "Church Scholarly" kind of attitude to have.[/quote]

why not? rapists have committed a grave crime which has forfeited their right to life. the state has full authority to execute grave criminals when it cannot protect society from them sufficiently by non-lethal means. it cannot protect society from a rapist with an STD sufficiently, in my humble opinion.

[quote]2267 Assuming that the guilty party's identity and responsibility have been fully determined, the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.

If, however, non-lethal means are sufficient to defend and protect people's safety from the aggressor, authority will limit itself to such means, as these are more in keeping with the concrete conditions of the common good and are more in conformity to the dignity of the human person. [/quote]

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I don't believe that they would quarantine people if an AIDS superstrain was to emerge. As a matter of fact, I am possitive, for the simple reason that AIDS is the only disease that has civil rights. Back in the mid-80's when AIDS was discovered it was 100% fatal and not onnly was there no cure but they didn't know how it was spread. But the gay movement was so vocal about discrimination as a result of AIDS that they were were in effect able to ensure that the civil rights of those infected trumped the rights of the general population. Remember when we knew that it was caused by contact with blood of an infected individual. There was panic that it could be transsmitted by mosquito.

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[quote name='Aloysius' post='1006577' date='Jun 15 2006, 09:32 PM']
why not?


Because of "if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor"... We can lock them up for life. If they are locked up for life there is a chance of repentance and salvation for their soul. If we kill them before they have a chance to repent, then they could very well end up in hell.

We should do all in our power to keep people from going to hell. At the same time, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink... but... you can salt the oats.

Someone like Osama would need to be executed to protect society, some crazed rapist could be locked up to protect society because it's doubtful that terrorists would kill dozens if not hundreds of people to get a rapist out of jail... whereas if Osama is in prison, innocents would be in danger.

Some people of course will try to use the "but he'll be a martyr" plea, which is only true for the wack jobs that are terrorist, not the general public. Just as Hitler is a martyr for racist bigots which are a minority.

God Bless,

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[quote name='ironmonk' post='1005571' date='Jun 14 2006, 12:32 PM'][b]sex[/b].

[b]If people stopped having premarital sex[/b],

[b]The majority of the cases are from sex[/b].

[b]they got it from having sex[/b].

[b]the way it is mostly spread is through sex[/b].

[b]stopped having pre-marital sex[/b]

[b]The reason most people get it is because of sex[/b]. [/quote]:unsure: i'm not clear on this. so you are saying that people get it because of sex? :yawn:

Edited by Lil Red
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