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What is debating?

Justified Saint

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Justified Saint

Here there are a lot of threads with the word "debate" in them on many important topics, and this is, afterall, the "Debate Table." Yet, do we have a proper understanding of this word we use and speak with such confidence and ubiquity?

I am of the opinion that debating in most of its manifestations too often betrays the opportunity to engange in true conversation and dialogue -- debating in fact can often preclude these very things. This is not to say that a certain sense of militancy and rhetoric are not necessary and not to be highly valued, rather that the arrogance of debate can often overshadow those very virtues. This also is to say that a lot of the things we label as a debate or where one is said to be debating may in fact not be so, and conversly that which is said to be open dialogue or conversation is in fact a form of debate.

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de·bate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-bt)
v. de·bat·ed, de·bat·ing, de·bates
v. intr.
To consider something; deliberate.
To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
To engage in a formal discussion or argument. See Synonyms at discuss.
[b]Obsolete[/b]. To fight or quarrel.

v. tr.
To deliberate on; consider.
To dispute or argue about.
To discuss or argue (a question, for example) formally.
Obsolete. To fight or argue for or over.

A discussion involving opposing points; an argument.
Deliberation; consideration: passed the motion with little debate.
A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition.
Obsolete. Conflict; strife.

I think that a debate is heathly for a character determination and to examine all fact of both sides of a selected issue.

Edited by Convert4888
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Yes, I would stray away from contension. I am not one to start a quarrel, I don't fight. But, I think that anger in a debate tends to show fear or weakness. You should be proud of your reasearch.

Edited by Convert4888
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