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'You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all


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[quote]'You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind...' (Lk 10:27)[/quote] What's the difference between loving God 'with all your heart' and loving God 'with all your soul'? What do either involve in practical terms beyond exerting all one's strength and brain power?


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Justified Saint

This would be a non-theological response, but the soul involves one's entire psychic constitution and thus one's whole rational and spiritual existence, while heart may refer to the desirous part of man -- that we should desire God above all.

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i think the point is that you should love God with your entire being. if any part of man is repeated in this verse, it just works to show how totally and completely we should love Him. in the Bible, repetition works to remove all doubt.

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These terms, sadly, are somewhat interchangable at times, hence confussion.

We are to love God fully with all of them

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isn't it that when talking about loving God from your heart that's like refering to your understanding. So as much as you can know and understand to love rooted in that. Loving from the soul, I take to understand that it is loving not just from your understanding, instead it is loving from your being.
The others are right the point is to love.

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