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Leave it to the "Unitarians"

Also take note of this little gem of a paper that's available for free in my area... :annoyed:

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[quote name='Craftygrl06' post='1001739' date='Jun 9 2006, 09:09 PM']

Leave it to the "Unitarians"

Also take note of this little gem of a paper that's available for free in my area... :annoyed:

Yeah, the Unitarians have always been kind of weird. I still find it odd that they're an "atheist-friendly church". So what does that mean? Free coffee and donuts after the "Sunday Social Justice Hour"?

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I always wonder what it would be like going to a Unitarian... uh, worsh-- no, "gathering." Do they have much in the way of "Sunday school" and kids' programs? What do they sing in the children's choir?

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I've been to one in Myrtle Beach. They sing some songs, horrible, but some songs and the "preacher" comes in and begins to talk.

Mostly humanist stuff. Afterwards, they will eat and bless the food and people are free to talk and voice their views of what they think God is and what not.

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Like a Child

Yeah, I have to admit I don't understand the atheists going to church thing. . .but kudos to the Unitarians for their support of the gay community. It's a breath of fresh air as far as I'm concerned.
Perhaps one day, by the grace of God, my own beloved Church will support equal rights for ALL instead of spending so much time condemning the way some people choose to love.

In Christ,
Like a Child

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[quote name='Like a Child' post='1002649' date='Jun 10 2006, 04:05 PM']
Yeah, I have to admit I don't understand the atheists going to church thing. . .but kudos to the Unitarians for their support of the gay community. It's a breath of fresh air as far as I'm concerned.
Perhaps one day, by the grace of God, my own beloved Church will support equal rights for ALL instead of spending so much time condemning the way some people choose to love.

In Christ,
Like a Child
The "support of the the gay community" thing is hardly a "breath of fresh air," but is more of the stale politically correct nonsense which has become all too common in liberal religious circles.

Christ calls ALL to repent of their sins and follow Him. To support sinners in their sin is not Christian, nor charity, but is wrong, as unrepentent sin leads to damnation.

St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10:
[quote]Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: Neither fornicators nor idolaters [b]nor the effeminate nor liers with mankind [/b] nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall possess the kingdom of God.[/quote]

What was wrong then is wrong now. Christ's teaching does not change with the political fashions of the time.
Would you give kudos to a "church" which gave support to the "thieves community" or the "drunkard community" or the "extortioner community"?

Learn the moral teachings of Christ and His Church.

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The Church denies straight couples the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony if they state they are not going to try and have children. Theological and Biblical reasons aside, why should the Church "allow" homosexual "marriage" (as if it had the authority) which does not even have the potential for procreation?

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the dude, is that a picture from the baltimore catechism confession section?

:love: i'd recognize that lifesaving device halo ANYWHERE :D:
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[quote name='kateri05' post='1002838' date='Jun 10 2006, 11:01 PM']

the dude, is that a picture from the baltimore catechism confession section?

:love: i'd recognize that lifesaving device halo ANYWHERE :D:
Somebody else asked that. I really don't know. I think I found it with Google Images.

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[quote name='Like a Child' post='1002649' date='Jun 10 2006, 06:05 PM']
Yeah, I have to admit I don't understand the atheists going to church thing. . .but kudos to the Unitarians for their support of the gay community. It's a breath of fresh air as far as I'm concerned.
Perhaps one day, by the grace of God, my own beloved Church will support equal rights for ALL instead of spending so much time condemning the way some people choose to love.

In Christ,
Like a Child
Rights. You speak of rights and you don't even know what a RIGHT is. A right is not a Sacrament and a Sacrament is not a right. look into it.

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[quote name='isilzha' post='1003799' date='Jun 12 2006, 11:02 AM']
There is a unitarian church not far from ours, to tell you the truth I don't even know what they believe.

Thats the "beauty" of the unitarian church, they believe in everything and also nothing at the same time. :P: For the most part, our local Unitarian church is a haven for humanists.

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[size=1][color="330000"]They are afraid to stand for what is right.

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