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How to Destroy America!


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heck you can destroy America in one easy step. now im not going to say it because ya never know who all reads these things, but with todays technology it could be done.

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[quote name='track2004' post='1009102' date='Jun 20 2006, 10:19 AM']
The Spaniards and French traded natives for trinkets and stole land. I wouldn't call it legal per say. They annihilated a culture.

It is good that we are a salad bowl. People are different, for many reasons, and respect for those differences can allow us to function as a country. We have religious diversity, and you shouldn't be complaining about that because we'd be a protestant country if the fore fathers hadn't made that part of the amendments.

One of the major reasons the native cultures were annihilated is because they were a multiculture salad bowl "nation" which was not united. Had they been it would have been different, they would have even won perhaps... somehow.

It will be very bad if we become a "salad bowl", far far from a good thing. A "Salad bowl" nation just as a salad in a bowl is not united, if you tip it over all the parts fall apart very very easy. Meaning nothing holds the parts together in this case the people, to say it is good we have a salad bowl nation is saying its good not to be united, and that for The United States would be very bad, it would be more of an Confederacy, and we all know that's never really worked.

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:ohno: My father's grandparents came from Bavaria and Riga,Latvia. Both sets were german.they came here legally before Ellis Island.My great grandparents were educated and came from well to do families.They could speak several languages besides their native german.Great grandpa Hilpert and great grandpa Steldt started their own businesses.Grandpa Steldt ran and owned a construction company in Milwaukee.My cousins still are involved in home building,etc.
Grandpa Hilpert owned several stores in Hot Springs,Arkansas where they moved to in 1911 because he was in ill health.

And yes,in Milwaukee the neighborhood my dad lived in was primarily German,with Poles and Czechs. But immigrants like the irish ,italians,german etc. formed this little areas because they could help each other out.Help each other with housing, jobs,etc. There are in Texas benevolent societies formed by the Czechs to help each other with burials, family relief,etc. And i'm sure anyone now adays might be able to join up.

These people knew they had to learn english to get ahead.They didn't expect you to know their language automatically like these illegals do.Actually around here in San Antonio it's the rich shoppers from mexico who think everyone speaks spanish or should.

During the Depression my dad,his brother Uncle Tom and their parents moved back to Milwaukee
cause grandma thought things might be better there than in Hot Springs.They moved their in the 1920s to run great grandpa's stores when he became very ill.
Grandpa got a job working in the meat counter of Goldman's Department Store,which was in the polish district. During grandpa's interview with Mr.Goldman,he said,Well Mr.Hilpert,pretty soon you'll be speaking Polish as well as I do. And within three months Daddy said grandpa was not only speaking it but writing out signs for specials,etc.Grandpa had a gift for languages and was fluent
in Italian,Spanish,Polish,German and he could also speak Russian and Yiddish.He also knew some Gaelic which he learned from some Irish friends.
How many of these illegals are willing to learn another language beside their own?
When WW2 came my dad had a deferment because he was working at Briggs and Stratton's in MIlwaukee.He said he was going in anyway to which grandpa said,Well,if you feel you got to go,then go,and went back to reading the paper.
My dad could have gone and joined the German military.he spoke the language and had relatives who were officers in the army there.
But instead he fought like other brave German and Italian Americans for OUR SIDE,for freedom for the people of Europe and Asia.There were Chinese and Japanese men who also enlisted and fought for America. And so did blacks and native americans too.
There have been even now some soldiers who are illegals who have fought in Iraq and died.
Not all of these people are bad,but i just wish they would do it legally and finally sink into their heads that Mexico could care less about them.
Vicente Fox uses the US as a dumping grounds so they don't have to support or do anything for his people.And even now companies are even moving more and more jobs to Asia .Something should be done about the obscene amounts of monies these company CEOS make yet all the while depriving Americans of jobs.
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[quote name='Socrates' post='1009347' date='Jun 20 2006, 07:13 PM']
More politically incorrect facts: The Spaniards and French brought the Catholic Faith to the pagan people of the New World. The cultures they conquered practiced such things as large-scale human sacrifice, brutal torture, slavery, and ritual warfare. (You might want to read up on the 17th century French Jesuit martyrs in the New World). The idea that the Americas were an innocent paradise before the coming of the white man is a politically-correct myth; history shows otherwise.

I chose Isaac (A Jesuit Martyr) as my confirmation name. I know about them and what they did. I'm not saying they were bad guys, but the countries as a whole had an agenda and it did not include natives. Most of the things you mention that were wrong with Native American culture were just as prevalent in Europe. Not so much with human sacrifice, but they sure did exectue a lot of people for petty theft. No culture is perfect, so let's not claim that the French and Spanish had the Native's best interests at heart. I'm sure Joges did, but even he brought a good case of Smallpox with him.

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1009530' date='Jun 20 2006, 10:32 PM']
One of the major reasons the native cultures were annihilated is because they were a multiculture salad bowl "nation" which was not united. Had they been it would have been different, they would have even won perhaps... somehow.

It will be very bad if we become a "salad bowl", far far from a good thing. A "Salad bowl" nation just as a salad in a bowl is not united, if you tip it over all the parts fall apart very very easy. Meaning nothing holds the parts together in this case the people, to say it is good we have a salad bowl nation is saying its good not to be united, and that for The United States would be very bad, it would be more of an Confederacy, and we all know that's never really worked.

That's like saying that Europe smells of elderberries because it is a bunch of nationalities. The natives lost because they were small tribes, not because they were multicultural. Only a few groups of tribes banded together to try and fight, but that was only in the NE. They lost because they were small groups of people who didn't really understand what was going on.

Salads might not be "united", but they are delicious and if you douse them with enough dressing you'll never see that carrot coming because it is just like everything else, all Ranch-y.... yummm...

[edit] One of my friends just mentioned that Switzerland has 4 national language and they are getting by okay. They beat Korea 2-0 today in the World Cup, won their group, and got into the round of 16 which is tons better than us.

Edited by track2004
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[quote name='track2004' post='1011121' date='Jun 23 2006, 08:01 PM']
[edit] One of my friends just mentioned that Switzerland has 4 national language and they are getting by okay. They beat Korea 2-0 today in the World Cup, won their group, and got into the round of 16 which is tons better than us.

May I just point out that we have NO national language?

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[quote name='track2004' post='1011121' date='Jun 23 2006, 07:01 PM']
That's like saying that Europe smells of elderberries because it is a bunch of nationalities. The natives lost because they were small tribes, not because they were multicultural. Only a few groups of tribes banded together to try and fight, but that was only in the NE. They lost because they were small groups of people who didn't really understand what was going on.

Salads might not be "united", but they are delicious and if you douse them with enough dressing you'll never see that carrot coming because it is just like everything else, all Ranch-y.... yummm...

[edit] One of my friends just mentioned that Switzerland has 4 national language and they are getting by okay. They beat Korea 2-0 today in the World Cup, won their group, and got into the round of 16 which is tons better than us.

Europe is not one united nation, the EU is a losely confedertion of nations. The natives were small un-united tribes with many different culturals, hence they were multicultural. And it was their multicultural system that prevented them from uniting under one cultural, thust one nation. Their divison, which was a salad bowl nation made it easier for europeans to defeat them. It is easy to defeat an enemy when its people are not united.

What helped their confusion in the take over of their land was again multiculturalism, it was their different believes and culturals that kept them from speaking and thinking as one. A house divided will not stand, natives were divided so they fell.

Protestantism is a multicultural rebellion against itself and the One True Chruch. It is now and always has been in chaos, multiculturalism contiues to destroy it, break away church after break away church, instead of one united church, many un-united churches.

The same can happen to our nation, mulitculturalism taken to far divideds the people and destorys what unites them.

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[quote name='track2004' post='1011121' date='Jun 23 2006, 07:01 PM']
I chose Isaac (A Jesuit Martyr) as my confirmation name. I know about them and what they did. I'm not saying they were bad guys, but the countries as a whole had an agenda and it did not include natives. Most of the things you mention that were wrong with Native American culture were just as prevalent in Europe. Not so much with human sacrifice, but they sure did exectue a lot of people for petty theft. No culture is perfect, so let's not claim that the French and Spanish had the Native's best interests at heart. I'm sure Joges did, but even he brought a good case of Smallpox with him.
Actually many of the colonists (particularly the Catholics from France and Spain) were interested in bringing the natives to Christ. Others not so much. There were good and bad individuals , and many had mixed motivations. Queen Isabel of Spain, who financed Columbus' voyages, strongly condemned the treatment of the natives by the colonists there. (Columbus generally had good intentions, but did a poor job at curbing the abuses of his men and maintaining order).
Cortez fought the Aztecs, who practiced human sacrifice on a greater scale than any other civilization in history. They subjugated other tribes who were forced into "flower wars" for the sole purpose of providing the Aztecs with human sacrifice for their bloodthirsty gods.
For all the abuses of the European colonists, one cannot deny that these people were better off Christian than pagan.

If you've really studied St. Isaac Jogues' life, you'd realize that the pagan tribal life of the Indians was extremely brutal. It was overeall much worse than in Europe. Europe certainly had its problems, but at least many abuses were at least tempered and kept in check somewhat by the Church.

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