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What is most lacking in our World today


What is most lacking in our World today  

38 members have voted

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"What the world needs now... is love, sweet love... That's the only thing that there's just too little of."

--Burt Bacharach

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Is that Burt Bacharach that sings that? Wow, what ever happened to him (and Tom Jones).

I voted Charity because the world lacks all of these greatly and since Charity is the greatest we much be lacking it the most.

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Wisdom and Charity. But I tend to think of Charity as an ordering of all our loves towards God.
Well, all of them.
I was inclined not to put Charity because it's thought of as a 'feel good' one, so talking about it wouldn't do much good: once the word is mentioned, people will think what you're talking about. Wisdom: to know God's will, to know what is right from what is wrong? The problem, so to speak, is that I don't think it implies a conversion of heart and manners (of course, how are you going to get it? but anyway...)

Anyway, I think everyone can agree that we're precious short on all of them.

From Wikipedia, the Seven virtues
They're different from the 3 theological + 4 cardinal virtues, are supposed to be the 'opposites' of the seven deadly sins, and I think our world could really use them, too.
Ranked in ascending order of sanctity, the seven holy virtues are:

* Chastity (Latin, virtus) (courage, purity, opposes lust, Latin luxuria) —
Courage and boldness. Embracing of moral wholesomeness and achieving purity of thought through education and betterment.

* Abstinence (Latin, frenum) (self-control, opposes gluttony, Latin gula) —
Constant mindfulness of others and one's surroundings; practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation.

* Diligence (Latin, industria) (ethics, opposes sloth, Latin acedia) —
A zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work. Decisive work ethic.

* Liberality (Latin, liberalitas) (will, generosity, opposes greed, Latin avaritia) —
Generosity. Willingness to give. A nobility of thought or actions.

* Patience (Latin, patientia) (peace, opposes wrath, Latin ira) —
Forebearance and endurance through moderation. Resolving conflicts peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence.

* Kindness (Latin, humanitas) (satisfaction, opposes envy, Latin invidia) —
Charity, compassion, friendship, and sympathy without prejudice.

* Humility (Latin, humilitas) (modesty, opposes pride, Latin superbia) —
modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect.

Edited by Maria
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[quote name='musturde' post='1002406' date='Jun 10 2006, 11:46 AM']
put temperance because thats closest to chastity lol.
Me too. Go to colledge, and it's not long before people try to teach you that the meaning of life is to get laid and get wasted. Temperence, and temperence.

Did Mary not say at Fatima that "more souls are lost because of sins of the flesh?"

However, I've seen a bunch of good answers in this thread. I liked the one by Mother Angelica. :)

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Lets enrich the conversations.

If X is needed most in our world (not just in our church), then what can you do to change that, or what will you do? (You dont need to type up a response, but you need to think about that.)

AND, We all know why they are needed. Ask yourself, and if you can respond, why you thinkk that people are turning away from those things.


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Fr. Angelus always says the greatest tragedy is not sin, but the denial of sin. How can you ask for mercy when you don't believe you've done anything that requires mercy? I guess that would fall under faith...

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Faith - It's too risky. A lot of people would rather not go to the trouble. They think that God will not accept them, that they dont have what it takes to get to heaven. So instead of confronting their eternal destiny, they would rather hide in easy and comfortable things so they never have to try, because they are convinced if they do, it will never turn out right. So they choose to throw away faith.

Hope - what is that? People would rather not be optimistic. They feel they need to defend themselves against this cold hard lonely world. People turn against you, people are selfish, and heck theres war and natural disasters. You can really damage yourself out their, so protect yourself, because things are all going to hell. So they choose to throw away hope.

Love - its just a word. People throw it around like its a frisbee. And heck we feel so ashamed of ourselves, like we deserve such trashy treatment. We don't believe we are anything to be loved. Loving someone else. That is very risky. Our hearts can be broken everytime we give them to somebody. People are scary, and unaccepting. Whats the point of sharing love. So they choose to throw away love.

Wisdom - Data and information is how to get ahead. We live in the fast paced world of internet. No time to live, you gotta work. You gotta get an education. You gotta achieve in life man. There is not time to waste. And then, you gotta do everything you can in your free time to enjoy the fruits of your hard labor. Just dont let it sink in or reflect about anything, then you know your wasting your time, because it isnt making you any money. So they choose to throw away wisdom.

Fortitude - Reality is complicated. Fear and comfort are easy. I would rather hide. Out there is so much trial. I want to go with what is comfortable, there i know i am safe. When i am not safe, i would rather not try. Change, no never change, because its too hard. I am not that brave and strong to make a difference. So they choose to throw away fortitude.

Temperance - we are monkeys plain and simple. Drinking is fun, sex is fun. Whatever feels good, heck it should be good right? I mean the animals do that? Isnt that what we are? In fact, people who dont have sex, they are all crazy like those priest molesters? I mean, the pop psychologists, like they have phd's they can't be wrong? I mean if we just indulge our pleasures, there will not be consequences, we will be whole and healthy human beings when we gratify ourselves right? So they choose to throw away temperance.

Justice - Justice? There is no justice in this world? Children are smuggled and prostitued daily. Kids get into drugs and gangs and die as soon as they hit puberty. Rape is a daily reality, and it is not going away. There are starving children in Africa, and homeless children in Asia. All we can do, is survive, and get by. No point in looking out for others, i gotta worry about myself. So they choose to throw away justice.

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It’s miraculous but true
It’s all for you
But the fact is that modern man is scared to death and torn in two
Because the truth draws him higher
Undercurrent holds him down
Afraid he’ll drown he forgets those pieces of peace he might have found
Well at least he struggles
'Cause to stroll too easily through those puddles
Lulls you to sleepy dreamscapes where your sensibilities are muddled
And I know that if he seeks God he’ll recognize Him when he sees Him
And he’ll realize whose hands he needs to be in

--Mars ILL, "The Calm Before"

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Like a Child

[quote name='Anthony' post='1000950' date='Jun 8 2006, 06:20 PM']
I would have to say charity is what is most lacking in the world today. There is too much intolerance in the world today and not enough love for others. Everybody seems to think that if someone does not share the same values and beliefs as them, that they are not worthy of love. However, people forget that God created all, and commanded us all to do what? That's right, "Love one another as I have loved you."

Amen, Anthony! I couldn't have said it better myself.

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[quote name='Era Might' post='1002642' date='Jun 10 2006, 05:42 PM']
Fr. Angelus always says the greatest tragedy is not sin, but the denial of sin. How can you ask for mercy when you don't believe you've done anything that requires mercy? I guess that would fall under faith...
That's why I thought of wisdom...

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Justified Saint

Some wise words from Chesterton:

"The modern world is not evil; in some ways the modern world is far too good. It is full of wild and wasted virtues....The modern world is full of the old Christian virtues gone mad. The virtues have gone mad because they have been isolated from each other and are wandering alone."

I think this makes temperance the most lacking, or "wasted" virtue today.

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