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What is most lacking in our World today


What is most lacking in our World today  

38 members have voted

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I just thought this would be an interesting discussion. I don't really think this can even turn into a debate. But really what good these can do?


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it seems to be lacking the most if you ask me.
But I tend to focus on politics which colours my answer considerably.

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King's Rook's Pawn

This Tuesday, EWTN aired a rerun of Mother Angelica Live about the virtues of prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice and a caller asked her just this reason. She said she believed that, in the Church, justice was most lacking. As she described it, it was the injustice of liberals in the Church trying to take away Catholics' rights to truth. She also said that Catholics most lack fortitude for not standing up to this.

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Justice, charity, and fortitude are usually words that have been seiged and abused by liberals and progressives. VOTF thinks that they are full of them.

But i put hope. I am torn between that and faith. But i see some of the most devout, and loving people who go to church daily, and are too scared to actually believe, and take the risks of faith, not believing God will come through for them, or be faithful himself.

Its probably more complicated than that.


Edited by MC IMaGiNaZUN
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faith - right now we are having a crisis of faith in our Church. if people had faith that the Catholic Church was the one, true Church, and everything that follows from that - the state of our Church would be a lot better. and i would daresay that all the other virtues up there follow naturally if you have faith.

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I voted "Faith."

There seems to be a massive worldwide loss of Faith in God's Truth.
People turn to false idols or their own egos and passions.

When there is a lack of true Faith, there will be a lack in the other virtues.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1000894' date='Jun 8 2006, 06:10 PM']
The two that I would list would be

and spelling

1 Corinthians 13:13
So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Charity = love depending on the translator

The fruits of charity are joy, peace, and mercy; charity demands beneficence and fraternal correction; it is benevolence; it fosters reciprocity and remains disinterested and generous; it is friendship and communion . . . CCC 1829

but spelling is very, very close :saint:

Even if Benedict's first Encyclical was [url="http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20051225_deus-caritas-est_en.html"]Deus Caritas Est[/url]

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I would have to say charity is what is most lacking in the world today. There is too much intolerance in the world today and not enough love for others. Everybody seems to think that if someone does not share the same values and beliefs as them, that they are not worthy of love. However, people forget that God created all, and commanded us all to do what? That's right, "Love one another as I have loved you."

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Faith. People put their faith in money, having a good time, contraceptives, being "liked", etc. It is all straw. None of it matters in the end. The world needs faith in the Everlasting God.

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being wise does not have to do with being educated.

some of the wisest people have had less than or very little more than a highschool education

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major catch 22s are almost occuring..
i could see someone saying that wisdom comes first adn everything else naturally follows. like wisdom is how you gain faith.
others are saying faith is how you gain wisdom etc.
in order to get wisdom you need faith, but in order to get faith you need wisdom.

it seems like the chicken or the egg moret han a catch 22. which comes first? perhaps someone could claim that faith comes even to the unwise so. but then is wise faith whatwe want? maybe even wise faith can only come first though a faith leap. i need other's thoughts. who knows.

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