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Mercy Sisters Website


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The RSM's of Alma, Michigan have upgraded their webpage and there are some lovely new pics in the "Gallery of Mercy". Has anyone here ever discerned with them?

[url="http://www.rsmofalma.org/"]Religious Sisters of Mercy[/url]

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I have a friend who is now a novice with them. Her name is Sr Karol Marie. :) I thought of them, but never discerned with them. They seem really nice. And of course, there are some great OR nurses in their midst. ;)

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' post='996315' date='Jun 3 2006, 08:50 PM']
Not to be rude, but why do they show so much of their hair?
The [b][url="http://www.altonfranciscans.org/"]FSMGs[/url][/b] show a lot of their hair too. It probably goes back to that phrase, "it just depends on the community!"


PS- Thanks STLmom for the update, and Go Cards!

Edited by shortnun
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I have only heard wonderful things about this group. They did a great job with the new website. As to their hair, I love their veils, they sit back off the face. Can't stand things covering my ears. They certainly exude happiness

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[quote name='shortnun' post='996412' date='Jun 3 2006, 11:07 PM']
The [b][url="http://www.altonfranciscans.org/"]FSMGs[/url][/b] show a lot of their hair too. It probably goes back to that phrase, "it just depends on the community!"


PS- Thanks STLmom for the update, and Go Cards!
I don't actually think it matters how much hair is showing. I think the key thing is that they are wearing a veil as a sign of being Christ's bride. You look at them, and you know that they are Religious.

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' post='996719' date='Jun 4 2006, 08:36 PM']
sheesh. *mental note to self: don't mention hair*


No, Hughey, I think it's a little odd myself. As a future religious, it would bother me -more to keep trimmed, clean, and out of the face. It's also a bit distracting.

NOT that I think there is necessarily anything "wrong" with it, but it is so UNUSUAL that I think your question is a good one -what is the REASON for showing so much?

Again, it is a legitimate and well intentioned QUESTION. So, PM'ers please, let's not be dismissive and unkind to someone asking in this manner. Instead, let's try to provide the answers from the appropriate source in the know.

Thanks! :) God Bless You!

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' post='996719' date='Jun 4 2006, 08:36 PM']
sheesh. *mental note to self: don't mention hair*
Hughey, I didn't find the question to be off-base or rude. I hope my response wasn't dismissive, inappropriate, or unkind.


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For anyone interested in learning more about the Sisters of Mercy, I reccomend John Fialka's book [i]Sisters[/i]. He explores the history of the RSM in the US and discusses the changes that occurred in the 60's and 70's. I have a real love for them. Their foundress, Catherine McCauley is amazing and very inspirational. We have a Sisters of Mercy hospital here and they took such good care of my Mom when she had surgery. (There are only about 7-10 sisters and they are all very old and some do wear a modified habit and veil). I read Catherine McCauley's biography in the waiting room.
So, I say Hurrah for the Alma sisters and pray that more good, strong vibrant nursing orders grow or emerge, as the case may be. There used to be such a strong tradition of nursing sisters but now I can only think of the Mercies, Hawthorne Dominicans and the Carmelites of the Aged and Infirmed.
I always wanted to be a nurse when I was little, but I grow weak at the sight of blood and the only C I ever recieved in college was in biology so I've accepted that it is not my calling. However, a noble profession.

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