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Do you believe that Quebec should succede?


Do you believe that Quebec should succede from the rest of Canada?  

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1407646' date='Oct 22 2007, 10:43 PM']I say, yes, they should secede.

...and then Canada should invade and force them to be nice to people that don't speak French. :P[/quote]
... except that they still haven't forgiven the anglos for the siege of Quebec City 244 years ago :)

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Lots of good posts in this thread. Thanks for all of the Canucks who came out for this one! I hope that Quebec does not separate.
[quote name='Socrates' post='1000876' date='Jun 8 2006, 08:55 PM']The whole tone of that post was supposed to be facetious. Maybe it was in bad taste - sorry.
Part of the humor was that Canadians would never actually have a bloody civil war over this.[/quote]
It's true... most Canadians say sorry when people step on their heels... :mellow:

[quote name='God Conquers' post='1008232' date='Jun 19 2006, 02:18 PM']Well, I'm speaking mostly of the province of Quebec and its capital, Quebec... and maybe Canada in general.

As for Montreal, I'm mostly unaware of the situation there, and am usually sadenned by the news I here from there. Last year especially I believe, respectfully that the cardinal made some incredibly bad decisions in shepherding the Church there, in particular the situation of the international Pro-Life conference which made us Catholics look like cowards.

On to Quebec...

Like you said, a "nation" dedicated to Christ at its inception (Samuel de Champlain's FIRST action on arriving was to PREACH THE GOSPEL to the native peoples) will not stay so far away for very long.

The coming of Cardinal Ouellette to the Primature of Canada signals a shift. There were something like 800 youth from the Diocese of Quebec at WYD this year... and unprecedented and incredible number. The youth movements there and in the surrounds are growing. The community of Marie Jeunesse is doing very well, with many new members every year taking vows to the religious life. There is a new sense of holiness it seems.

Most exciting is the Papal Visit and the International Eucharistic Congress in 2008 in Quebec City. These events are not chosen at random by the comittees and the popes, they are inspired by the Holy Spirit. JPII recognized in Canada the next renewal of faith in NA (a statement he did for the US 12 years ago... coincidentally (or not) Canada is roughly 10 yrs behind the US Church in evangelization and catechesis).


I believe the tide is turning... slowly... very slowly... but that Christ is calling the people of Quebec back to Him and His Church. Those are only several concrete signs... but they are real signs.

Vive La Quebec Libre...dans la foi Catholique![/quote]
Great post. Yeah, I've heard quite a bit about Cardinal Oulette. He's blessed our "Morning Watch" monstrance for the Diocesan youth office and we're using it for our morning watches through the diocese... and we have friendship ties with Marie Jeunesse. They're just amazing. I need to brush up on my French again as they have challenged us.

[quote name='Didacus' post='1008250' date='Jun 19 2006, 02:46 PM']1. In Canada, it is typical that the english speaking populace is Christian of various denominations while the French populace is mostly of Catholic origin.

2. Quebec is one of the most liberal, if not THE most liberal province of Canada.

3. Quebec is not only liberal, but it is also anti-catholic where if someone (anyone) affirms they follow the church will typically draw laughs and persistant ridicule.

4. Quebec is distinct in many ways, on this note, two things;
4.a) The question then rises "Should there be seperation on the account of being different?" Most french would object to this question claiming historical references and wars of the past and countless different things, however they will be, for the most part, unable to provide a proper reply.

4.b) There is a major mistake in the French-Canadien folklore of Quebec (and please keep in mind I am born in Quebec, I am french. J'aime ma patrie de tout mon coeur). This mistake lies in Quebec 'asking' for recongnition, when in reality, such a recongnition comes from within. If they want to preserve the culture (and with 'they' I mean those with whom I disagree) then it is up to Quebec to have children and raise them with the love of their culture - THIS AND THIS ALONE WILL GUARANTEE THE SURVIVAL OF THE CULTURE. Who gives a rat's butt who recongnizes our culture or not?
Malheureusement, ma patrie s'est meurtrie a travers les annees. Quel ironie que son coup-de-mort provient pas des anglais, ni des americains, mais d'elle-meme qui renie le future de ses enfants avec le divorce a volonter, l'avortement sans remords, la sexualiter sans limites. Ma patrie se trahit, se donnant a cette infame culture de la mort qui l'engloutie. La Mere Patrie, la France, ne fait guerre mieux.
J'en pleure souvent de l'intererieur.
La preuve empirique est flagrante et a deja ete mentionner dans ces textes; le Quebec possede le taux de naissance le plus bas des ameriques! Ceux et celles qui ferme la porte a la vie, l'ouvre a la mort - IL NE PEUT Y AVOIR DE MILIEU.

Ma patrie un jours, a moins qu'il y est changement tres rapidement, vas disparaitre. Elle seras une page d'histoire de ceux et celles, qui par leur respect de la vie, auront meriter l'heritage de ces terres si durement gagner par mes ancetres.

For this I say that Quebec should NOT seperate. Simply because they have become a haven for the culture of death. The culture of my home-land has become socially unsustainable and the vast majority of the 'enlightened' french-man and woman refuse by their own self-centered greed and lust, to see that the death of their culture is their own making.
Oh comme je pris que tu ai raison!
Oh, how I pray you're right!

Que mon Dieu vienne en aide a ce qui Le cherche et en on besoin!
May God comme to the aide of those who seek Him and need His presence!
Ce cris percant qui resonne toujours!
This piercing cry that still resounds!

Liberter il auras que dans Dieu seul.
Liberty there shall be in God alone.
Yes, it is a big shift. Howver, this is not due to people changing their minds. It is due to people becoming apathetic (which is none better than before) and from immigration (which pushes others to greater extremes).

I do pray for Quebec and my people. Quebec is the seat of my heart, and I could never change this, no matter how I much I try. I won't give up on Quebec, but I must be honest; things are genrerally 'not good'. Why, if a young couple dares advance the idea of getting married in a Catholic church, they get a 'talking to' from their parents!

Yes, there are signs of a reversal, but very little. A candle amidst a storm. Too little too late? I don't know. The Quebec of tomorrow will not ressemble theQuebec of today - not by a long shot.[/quote]
Amazing post. I am unfortunately not eloquent enough in French or English to make a good response/commentary. I think prayer would be the only action :sign:

Aanndddd a side note, I think that T-Bone made a good point. The split would divide the East coast from the rest of Canada... :detective:

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[quote name='RandomProddy' post='996277' date='Jun 3 2006, 07:28 PM']Hah, like they care. The only canadians in Europe during WWII were the english-speaking ones....[/quote]
there you are wrong, fair to say that less were from quebec, but there was several regeiments of french canadians in ww2

[quote name='StThomasMore' post='996675' date='Jun 4 2006, 07:08 PM']"I think Canada was neither WASPy nor WFCC (whatever the heck that is) a couple hundred years ago... "

The WFCCs have been in Quebec since the late 1600s, I think, which would make it three centuries ago rather than two centuries ago.

"Maybe it would be best to return the natives to control and get all the whites out. "

[b]The Amerindians had no right to the land until they converted to Catholicism.[/b][/quote]
wow. when was that made a rule? since when has religion changed whether or not you are allowed to own land?
well, lets kick out every athiest, jew, protestant and muslim out of what ever land they own and put them all into a ghetto! :annoyed:

[quote name='jezic' post='997272' date='Jun 5 2006, 09:28 AM']Wouldn't it also cut Canada into two quite large pieces with a big chunk missing in the middle? That would look funny on a map.[/quote]
i dont know, seems to work pretty well for alaska :)

[quote name='Socrates' post='1000876' date='Jun 8 2006, 06:55 PM']The whole tone of that post was supposed to be facetious. Maybe it was in bad taste - sorry.
Part of the humor was that Canadians would never actually have a bloody civil war over this.[/quote]
yup, too polite! we did have a couple revolutions a while back but they were pretty pathetic

well, from what i have learned from my french canadian friends is that yes Quebec used to be very predominantly catholic with the church having a huge amount of influence. most people still have a seperate room just for praying with all the catholic "accessories" :) now though, the church has much less influence and much of quebec is like that one guy you probably know who grew up catholic/christian/etc but then had a very bad experience with the church and or members and lost his faith.

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fides quarens intellectum

sorry, i don't have time to read all of this, but thanks for the laughs from the different spellings!

yes, Quebec should succeed (succede) in all they do! whether or not they secede is another issue :P

Edited by fides quarens intellectum
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I love the Quebecois.

Your French took a bit of getting used to, though...

Ch'pau d'idee pa d's tou pourquoi les Quebecois pronongcent les 'n' comme ung 'ng'. Bieng. Ts'è tou ce qu'ch' voulais dire.

I used to get calls like this...

"Bongjour, ma machinn è brrisé..."
"Votre numéro de téléphone s'il vous plaît?"
"C'è le cengqu-eng-quatt..."

I still get a kick out of it. Please don't take this the wrong way... My French French did not help me much in some cases. Luckily, we had a native on our team. Or the customer got so frustrated that they started speaking English... I felt bad for them.

Don't separate... the British won Quebec fair and square in 1760. :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

well they left a long time ago.....its meager legal details left ,and paper.

Quebec Flag 1907

Edited by EJames2
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Sister Rose Therese

I am not from Quebec but I have know several people from there (the province). The general concensus from them was that it was the squeeky wheel syndrome. There is a minority of people who are very vocal about wanting to separate. Many people voted for separation in the last referendom just because they were so sick of hearing about it. Practically speaking I think Quebec would be in awfully rough shape if they were on there own, as would most of the provinces.
I do have a lot of hope that Quebec will return to the faith. You can see it happening in France now. (France being every bit as liberal as Quebec.)
Also, my grandfather was french Canadian and volunteered in WWII.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm half Canadian myself and my cousins are all Anglos who got sick of the mandatory nine years of French as well as the obnoxious superior attitudes of many French Canadians. Fine with me if they leave. I have a friend from British Columbia who wondered why he had to study French for so long when he did not live within a few hundred miles of any French speakers.
The Quebeckers (yes, that's how I spell it) are always divided on this question themselves. Some of them are so arrogant to think that independence will still mean continued subsidies from the rest of Canada! :lol_roll:
I doubt this will ever go anywhere. Another problem is the exodus that may happen from Quebec if indepedence came. About 140,000 people left Quebec when the separatists took power in 1976. And that was just over the threat of independence. Real independence could be quite worse in terms of population decline. The bottom line now is that Quebec is not self sufficient now, and could not survive with money from the rest of Canada.
I met a French lady a few years ago who thought the French spoken in Quebec was quite primitive. She said that when Quebeckers were interviewed on TV in France, the real French would put up subtitles! :lol_roll:


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Nihil Obstat

If only we could figure out a way to pick up Quebec and drop it beside France...... Would make everyone happy. Let France give them money, we keep the space. ^_^

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' date='23 April 2010 - 12:57 PM' timestamp='1272063451' post='2098834']
If only we could figure out a way to pick up Quebec and drop it beside France...... Would make everyone happy. Let France give them money, we keep the space. ^_^

It would be nice to keep all the churches though! That's the only reason I can come up with to visit Montreal.:smokey:


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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Skinzo' date='23 April 2010 - 06:11 PM' timestamp='1272064262' post='2098851']
It would be nice to keep all the churches though! That's the only reason I can come up with to visit Montreal.:smokey:

Good call. Although I think they'd whine more if we kept them. :sadder:

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God Conquers

[quote name='Skinzo' date='23 April 2010 - 06:52 PM' timestamp='1272063152' post='2098829']

I met a French lady a few years ago who thought the French spoken in Quebec was quite primitive. She said that when Quebeckers were interviewed on TV in France, the real French would put up subtitles! :lol_roll:


Nice to meet another (even half) Canuck.

This is true.

Quebec has been so militant with its language that it has not developed in the same way the language has in France.

Bike in France: Bicyclette

Quebec: Velo

Stop sign in France: STOP

Quebec: ARRETE

etc, etc, etc

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[quote name='God Conquers' date='23 April 2010 - 01:37 PM' timestamp='1272065854' post='2098865']
Nice to meet another (even half) Canuck.

This is true.

Quebec has been so militant with its language that it has not developed in the same way the language has in France.

Bike in France: Bicyclette

Quebec: Velo

Stop sign in France: STOP

Quebec: ARRETE

etc, etc, etc

Likewise. How many Canadians do we have here on Phatmass? I'm applying for my dual citizenship soon! :)


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