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Do you believe that Quebec should succede?


Do you believe that Quebec should succede from the rest of Canada?  

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All I know about Quebec is that it has lots of trees and maple sugar and the Frenchies pronounce things funny, but I sympathize with any state that knows it's an independent nation and is just waiting for everybody else to figure it out too. (I'm a Texan.)

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='996596' date='Jun 4 2006, 02:23 PM']
Quebec deserves independence from Canada. The rest of Canada is WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) , but Quebec is WFCC (White French-Canadian Catholic), so it needs to be a seperate country because it has a separate culture. Also, Canada is waaaaaay to liberal, and I think Quebec would be conservative if they got the homosexuals out of there. Moreover, Canada is predominately Enlgish speaking and Quebec is predominately French speaking, so they need to separate.
From everything I've heard/read (including from former Quebecois), Quebec is at least as liberal as the rest of Canada. Unfortunately, just because a region or country is ethnically "Catholic" doesn't mean the people there actually live and practice their Faith, much less that is "conservative."

Your statement "I think Quebec would be conservative if they got the homosexuals out of there" is an ignorant and naive one. A prevelance of homosexuality in a place is usually a symptom of a larger cultural/social disease there. Quebec currently has the lowest birthrate in the Americas. That is usually not an indication of a healthy "conservative" society.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='996596' date='Jun 4 2006, 03:23 PM']
Quebec deserves independence from Canada. The rest of Canada is WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) , but Quebec is WFCC (White French-Canadian Catholic), so it needs to be a seperate country because it has a separate culture. Also, Canada is waaaaaay to liberal, and I think Quebec would be conservative if they got the homosexuals out of there. Moreover, Canada is predominately Enlgish speaking and Quebec is predominately French speaking, so they need to separate.

I think Canada was neither WASPy nor WFCC (whatever the heck that is) a couple hundred years ago... Maybe it would be best to return the natives to control and get all the whites out. :rolleyes:

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"I think Canada was neither WASPy nor WFCC (whatever the heck that is) a couple hundred years ago... "

The WFCCs have been in Quebec since the late 1600s, I think, which would make it three centuries ago rather than two centuries ago.

"Maybe it would be best to return the natives to control and get all the whites out. "

The Amerindians had no right to the land until they converted to Catholicism.

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I don't think Native Canadians like to be called Amerindians, but whatever...

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Okay lets talk quebec.

Les Quebecos ne sont pas Canadiens. Ils sont Quebecois. They are distinct and have NEVER considered themselves turly the same as the rest of CAnada. Qubec is the most liberal area in all of North America even i would say more liberal then San Fransico and in some ways more liebral then the liberal havens of Holland and Europe.
This is because of the Quiet Revlotuion and in many ways of the Catholic churches political mistakes in Quebec. Quebec used to breed saints now it is lucky if it breeds enough children to replace its population. Ironically the areas that Catholicism is doing the best in the country are areas that are traditionally WASP such as Calgary (whose bishop questioned the salvation of the Prime Minister after endorsing Same Sex Marriage and stood firmly and vocally opposed to him while qubec remained silent ) and the rest of Alberta which has become a centre of Orthodoxy and in many ways the real Catholic centre of Canada. Quebec is a dead country it relys on Canada to survive without Canada it would implode...lets wake up here.

Edited by Crusader_4
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[quote name='Crusader_4' post='996684' date='Jun 4 2006, 07:19 PM']
Okay lets talk quebec.

Les Quebecos ne sont pas Canadiens. Ils sont Quebecois. They are distinct and have NEVER considered themselves turly the same as the rest of CAnada. Qubec is the most liberal area in all of North America even i would say more liberal then San Fransico and in some ways more liebral then the liberal havens of Holland and Europe.
This is because of the Quiet Revlotuion and in many ways of the Catholic churches political mistakes in Quebec. Quebec used to breed saints now it is lucky if it breeds enough children to replace its population. Ironically the areas that Catholicism is doing the best in the country are areas that are traditionally WASP such as Calgary (whose bishop questioned the salvation of the Prime Minister after endorsing Same Sex Marriage and stood firmly and vocally opposed to him while qubec remained silent ) and the rest of Alberta which has become a centre of Orthodoxy and in many ways the real Catholic centre of Canada. Quebec is a dead country it relys on Canada to survive without Canada it would implode...lets wake up here.

Sooooo... you have an opinion, then? :saint:

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When I went to Quebec, I noticed that most of the people I talked to said they were Catholic, but never went to Mass and didn't really know what the Church teaches, and sort of thought that all religions were equal, but still identified themselves as Catholic just because they were raised that way. That doesn't seem like very strong Catholicism. But, you know, that has nothing to do with whether Quebec should secede. Canadians are sort of an odd breed anyway. If Hillary becomes president, I might move to Canada just to be somewhere where if the government's run by liberals, at least it won't be powerful enough to affect me.

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Thomas, i don't think that quebec deserves quite as much credit as you give if. If things were really that great with the people there, canada would not have many of the problems that it does. If they were all very conservative they would vote that way and their legal system would reflect that. If i recall correctly canada's laws are not that great. Quebec isn't the most populous of the territories, however it is probably 2nd.

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The're still part of Canada :shock: ....there's still a country called Canada :wacko: I thought it had become part of the US :scream:

Edited by cappie
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I say let Quebec secede. That will cut the Maritimes off from the rest of the country which they are already. Then they can join the US as states. It works. Half of the US population thinks that Canada is a state anyway. :P:

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My favorite province is Saskatchewan. My goal is to live there for 6 months (summer, or as close to summer as it gets in Canada) just so I can have a Saskatchewan mailing address.

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