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Happy New Year


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What y'all doing for New Years tonight? Me? I'm going to an FFH concert early on in the evening, and then over to a friend's house to watch movies and hang out until all hours of the morning.

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well, i'm having a New Year's Eve party for my high school youth (i'm a ym) at the church's building (we have a separate building for high school youth).

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I'm going to my parent's place.

Anyone see a pattern? Went to the rents place for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

Hmph...I'm young...I need a life. HAHA

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  cantstopdancin9 said:
Going to play games at Dave and Busters...and then I dunno what.

Aw, you got D&B? Lucky! I heard they got a lot of PUmp it Up machines there...


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Apparently there's not a whole lot happening in Dallas. The concerts are pretty pathetic tonight, and none of my friends are having parties or going to parties.

Hmm. I'll sit at home and play poker and drink sparkling wine with my brother. Very anti-climactic.

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My girlfriend is grounded tonight. She got a B on the exam she took yesterday (which, if I'm not mistaken, is a good grade, eh? :rolleyes: ) But now I don't have anyone to kiss at midnight. And this is the first New Year's Eve that I could have done so, too. :(

Ah well. I guess I can just kiss her tomorrow. ^_^



Edited by geetarplayer
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me blazer and Attractingopposites are putting on a retreat/lock in for the little high school kiddies, so no partying for me tonight. :D well there is, just its gonna be at a church.

everyone have a safe new year, ya heard?

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Well....it's 8:00...and I'm still on Phatmass on New Years Eve!

I was supposed to go up to visit a friend (Gunz) and spend New Years Eve with her but I got sick earlier today. Then I slept and now I feel fine. Total bummer if you ask me.

So, I am stuck here in a boring town. I am going to go to adoration at a near by church at 10:00 or so....so thats a perk. Then maybe play some games if some friends want. Cranium rules!!!

Wish I were in Indianapolis right now....blah

Oh well, Happy New Year you all : )

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FrozenCell and I just got home from Mass. We're going to listen to music and drink some champagne, and watch the ball drop on TV.

Please keep everyone (especially those at Times Square) in your prayers and have a blessed, safe New Years!!!


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I took a picture of my New Year's Eve Party 2004: Me wearing a 'Happy New Year' hat with Johnsonville brat Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve Party on the TV in the background right at midnight. Yaaaay.


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It's midnight on the west coast, but I'm still anticipating the New year since it is only 11:10 where I am!!! I'm anticipating the change that I have committed to God to do in this new year of 2004, to come out of the darkness, and come into the light as I described it to our youth group during our closing prayer service on Sunday for theyear. Anyways, can't wait til tomorrow! Gotta go to bed now so I can get up and go to church again!!!!

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its 11:30 over here ^_^

EVERYONE is popping fireworks.

its soo smoky outside.

my brothers already pop all of their fireworks.

but i saved one sparkler for midnite.

:rolling: LOL

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