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The USS Liberty: 100% Proof that Israel should be

Desert Walker

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Desert Walker

The following is chilling. And I have never heard about this, nor have many Americans, because it was deliberatley covered up by the Executive Branch.

Many of our government officials, former and current, are guilty of high treason, and should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We are ruled by enemies of this constitutional republic. BELIEVE IT NOW!

[b]On June 8, 1967 while patrolling in international waters[2] in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was savagely attacked without warning or justification by air and naval forces of the state of Israel.[3]

Of a crew of 294 officers and men[4] (including three civilians)[5], the ship suffered thirty four (34) killed in action and one hundred seventy three (173) wounded in action.[6] The ship itself, a Forty Million ($40,000,000) Dollar state of the art signals intelligence (SIGINT) platform, was so badly damaged that it never sailed on an operational mission again and was sold in 1970 for $101,666.66 as scrap[7] .

Israel acknowledged the following facts without qualification:

a. USS Liberty was an American ship, hence a neutral vis-à-vis the June 1967 war between Israel and its Arab neighbors.[8]b. USS Liberty remained in international waters at all times on June 8, 1967[9] .c. The attacking Israeli forces never made a positive identification of the nationality of USS Liberty before unleashing deadly force in their attack on the ship.[10]
At approximately 0600 hours (all times local) on the morning of June 8, 1967 an Israeli maritime reconnaissance aircraft observer reported seeing "a US Navy cargo type ship," just outside the coverage of the Israeli coastal radar defense net, bearing the hull markings "GTR-5".[11] This report, made to Israeli naval HQ, was also forwarded immediately to the Israeli navy intelligence directorate.[12]

Throughout the remainder of the day prior to the attack, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly flew out to USS Liberty’s position and orbited the ship before returning to their bases in Israel. A total of no fewer than eight (8) such flights were made.[13]

At approximately 1050 hours, the naval observer from the early morning reconnaissance flight arrived at Israeli air force HQ and sat down with the air-naval liaison officer there. The two officers consulted Janes’ Fighting Ships and learned that the ship reported earlier in the day was USS Liberty, a United States Navy technical research ship.[14]

From 0900 hours on June 8, 1967, until the time of the attack five hours later, USS Liberty maintained a speed of approximately five knots and a generally westerly-northwesterly course.[15]

At 1400 hours, while approximately 17 miles off the Gaza coast, USS Liberty’s crew observed three surface radar contacts closing with their position at high speed. A few moments later, the bridge radar crew observed high speed aircraft passing over the surface returns on the same heading.[16]

Within a few short moments, and without any warning, Israeli fighter aircraft launched a rocket attack on USS Liberty. The aircraft made repeated firing passes, attacking USS Liberty with rockets and their internal cannons. After the first flight of fighter aircraft had exhausted their ordnance, subsequent flights of Israeli fighter aircraft continued to prosecute the attack with rockets, cannon fire, and napalm. [17]

During the air attack, USS Liberty’s crew had difficulty contacting Sixth Fleet to request assistance due to intense communications jamming[18][/b]

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by this very same logic, a country who has been attacked should hold the offending country as an enemy forever. The us would be in trouble if this were the case.

ANother thing is that the media was not as obnoxious about bad news during this time period and so they weren't looking for every possible episode that they could exploit and make a mountain out of a molehill.

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Desert Walker


The Israeli military's unofficial tradition is a brutal disregard for human life. From its inception, the state of Israel has used military force to expand its sphere of power. OUR government has given Israel a blank check of several billions of dollars to fund its military and make it invincible.

Our government's friendship with Israel has necessitated that our culture come to think that Islam is PURE EVIL. Islam stands in the way of Israeli supremecy in the Middle-East. Most US politicians know this is FACT. They can't publicly admit it for fear of losing their positions of influence. The Israel Lobby is the most powerful in Washington.

This is why the USS Liberty attack was covered up. Because Israel's rogue military is defended by its government, and the Israeli government controls OUR government.

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Israel is not invincible.

If you think the Israeli lobby is the most powerful, what about the overwhelming number of laws that favor big businesses (or rich people)?

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Desert Walker

[quote name='jezic' post='994477' date='Jun 1 2006, 07:52 AM']
Israel is not invincible.[/quote]

As long as we are behind them in whatever they do, that nation is not vulnerable to elimination or effective retaliation by ANY nation in the mid-east.

[quote]If you think the Israeli lobby is the most powerful, what about the overwhelming number of laws that favor big businesses (or rich people)?

Can't you realize that they're one and the same?

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Kilroy the Ninja

So, your point is what? We should not back Israel, but we should back Islam?

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Desert Walker

[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' post='994524' date='Jun 1 2006, 08:49 AM']
So, your point is what? We should not back Israel, but we should back Islam?

Yes. Islam is under attack unjustly. This is a world-wide, geo-political initiative. What's the purpose you might ask? Well, most of the Arab nations are not as controllable as the globalists would prefer. They could all make MORE money if Islam's influence in that part of the world were ended. Israel is at the forefront of that push, on the front lines so to speak. They are after all geographically PART of that region.


It was a geo-political FRAUD.

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.....except that Zionist Jews, and many Jews who had lived in the Holy Land even after the Diaspora, -owned- most of the arable land. They turned a chunk of it from desert to cropland (the Negev in particular).

Israel is also the -only- stable Democratic nation in the Middle East. That alone is enough to justify backing them.

It's also a lot easier to build a Church in Tel Aviv than it is to build one in Amman (by that, I mean building one in Amman is -impossible-).

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The captain of the ship was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the attack. The ship was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.

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[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='994734' date='Jun 1 2006, 02:07 PM']

The captain of the ship was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the attack. The ship was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.

Ooo, ouch- the conspiracy theorist just got fish slapped :fishslap:

:popcorn: *waits for a comeback*

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Kilroy the Ninja

Just wanted to make very clear what your agenda is Desertwalker.

Good luck with that whole sympathy to Islam thing.

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God's chosen people......followers of a polygamist military leader
God's chosen people......followers of a polygamist military leader

Gee, I'm not sure which.

Seriously, anti-Semitism and the various branches of that tree are common in conspiracy theory. Certainly Israel is not perfect, but to say Islam is under unjust attack is ridiculous.

Has anyone noticed how often I use the word "certainly?"

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Guest T-Bone

[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='994734' date='Jun 1 2006, 12:07 PM']

The captain of the ship was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the attack. The ship was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.

Well, you know how incompetent the CIA is. Amazing that anyone was able to keep thier job after documenting something that was supposed to be covered up.

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[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' post='994524' date='Jun 1 2006, 09:49 AM']
So, your point is what? We should not back Israel, but we should back Islam?

If we had never backed either and stayed out of the Middle East to begin with, 9/11 would not have happened (that's about an 89% chance). Israel should not have been made like it was. They were in the wrong. The US should back Israel up now since the whole Middle East hates them (as it [b]should[/b] for disturbing the peace in the area). However, I see Israel as the better side than the Palestinians at this point. I hope they obtain peace somehow (impossible since Palestinians want soo much of the land).

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Desert Walker

[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='994734' date='Jun 1 2006, 01:07 PM']

The captain of the ship was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the attack. The ship was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.

You need to go to the official web site of that event. It was a coverup.

To accuse me of enti-semitism because I criticize a government, is quite similar to accusing me of hating pizza because I don't like peperonni (which isn't true btw).

Just becaue a government carries the label "Israeli" doesn't mean it isn't NON-MOSAIC.

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