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When parents go nuts


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I would talk to your mother and find out what bothers her about it. My mom, who is a very spiritual woman who trusts God, freaked out and still cries when I talk about the religious life. This will hurt your parents in some way, because growth hurts. I have discovered this, and we just have to trust the Lord.
If she still forbids you, ask her how long she will do this. My mom has forbidden me to enter a convent or get married until I am done with school. It is a sacrafice for me, but I am being obedient because I think Jesus speaks through my parents.
Pray for your mom and then ask her why she is forbiding you. You may be surprized.
Gemma, I totally respect your viewpoint. But I feel that if the Lord wants someone in a convent, he will get them there. If you fell in love at 17, you wouldn't get married just then... you would wait and discern until it made sense and you felt peace about it. Same thing with the convent.
This may be a cross for you dear but your mom will come around, and if she doesn't, God will open doors for you.
Hang in there.
God Bless You.

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Sorry to hear that your mom emailed them. Don't worry too much because nearly all vd's have probably had experiences with girls' whose parents are not supportive of their vocation...you'd be surprised, some of them were probably in your shoes before!

Keep praying & try to find a priest, religious, or just any friend wherever you are who will support you as you wait. Be patient and pray that God shows you his will in the little things.


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I went through something similar when I was discerning religious life. It put a HUGE strain on my family life, but it's a sacrifice worth making. Remember that Jesus says that those who put Him even above their own families will be rewarded in heaven. If you truly are called to religious life, it won't matter what your family thinks because your desire for that vocation will be too strong to ignore.

It's always good to choose your battles. That's not to say you shouldn't have a spine, but don't waste time trying to explain things that your family just isn't going to understand. I know, at least with my own family, that sometimes you just can't reason with people. It's REALLY hard for parents to understand religious life, even if they are Catholic because the lifestyle goes against everything our culture teaches us. It's such a radical way of living the Gospel that some people may call you an extremist or fanatic. Religious life is an inherently supernatural vocation... everything about it is meant to reflect the kingdom of God, not the ways of the world. If they're not acquainted with the things of God, they probably won't understand.

Do what God wants for you anyway.

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