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What does one wear


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Ok, stupid question maybe...BUT....what clothing should I be bringing?

I'm thinking a skirt for each day, for when we are in chapel, but other than that?

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I'm a person who wears skirts all the time so I blinked a few times when I first read this ;)

I would suggest in general that you follow two principles: the first is that you are a woman of God, the second is that you should be comfortable. So think loose but well-fitting, hems at least to your knee, and no underwear on display. Further make sure that it's stuff you can move about in, that's easy to pull on in the mornings, and that you feel comfortable in. I hesitate to propose anything narrower than that - even though I'm an ankle-length skirt person - because I really think this should be something you worry about once, and then you're free to concentrate on your retreat.

Prayers that it all goes well!


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[quote name='SeekingHisPlan' post='992871' date='May 30 2006, 11:25 AM']
Ok, stupid question maybe...BUT....what clothing should I be bringing?

I'm thinking a skirt for each day, for when we are in chapel, but other than that?
I think it depends on you. And it depends on the community. Clearly you have the mindset and foresight to think of what is appropriate to pack for when you're in church. I personally, think dress pants are appropriate, or even khakis. Likewise, a community may ask for you not to bring jeans or jean skirts. If you know other women who've been on retreat, you could ask them. Otherwise, you could defer to the vocation director, as she would be able to tell you more specifics.

Oh! And bring tennis shoes/sneakers/runners/gym shoes (depending on what part of the country you're from :P:) for recreation!

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I agree, some skirts, some nice pants. Probably not jeans. Nothing revealing. Your clothes do reflect the women you are, but you will have some down time too, so pants are appropriate. And a definite yes to comfortable walking shoes or sneakers

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It is probably best just to ask. Some communities insist that you wear skirts, but most just ask that you dress in a respectful, modest manner. I pray you have a blessed and fruitful visit!

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sorry, my sarcastic side won out when i read the title of the thread ;)

ditto everyone else's more sincere answers

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dont have shirts with sayings on them, it tends to be a sign of childish things. SKIRTS are good, no pants what so ever!!!!! Never wear a v-neck shirt. Just stick to dress up cloths and to regular t-shirts or ones with a crew cut neck. Don't wear make-up while on the retreat, it tends to get one introuble when visiting a community or even on retreat there.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Clean and modest... I know that in the winter time, I do not have many skirts for that time, so I bring pants then, but I do dress nicely for when I am there. I normally do not wear make-up at all, but I am sure a little wouldn't hurt any unless you are told to not bring any...

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You know, I have been on many discernment retreats, and I felt it best to just be yourself. If you always wear make up, by all means wear it. Now I am not saying really paste it on, but if it is YOU, then wear it.. If you are comfortable in pants, then wear them. You want to be modest but geez, in this day and age if a community gets upset because you are wearing some lip gloss and blush, then show me the door because I want to run from that group. Discernment means just that, seeking answers. they should also want to know who the real you is also.

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Haha, I'm not a skirt-y person. And I'm visiting a Cist. community in July, I dont own any skirts lol.

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As can be seen here, everyone has their own opinoins. It really depends on the person, but there is one thing you know for sure to reguard and that's MODESTY. Keep it simple. Be as modest as you can without making yourself uncomfortable. Skirts are great, flowy comfortable skirts are great but make sure you don't have a real clingy or immodest fabric if you get a light skirt. Don't bother with make up, the sisters don't mind, and Jesus certainly doesn't need your face covered up. Just keep it: Modest, simple, comfortable. ;) God Bless!

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if you wear makeup while you are there, just put on foundation other wise if you put on anything else it will look as if you are going out for dinner, as the Sisters told me when they asked me to put on makeup, long story!!!!!!!

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[quote name='SeekingHisPlan' post='992871' date='May 30 2006, 11:25 AM']
Ok, stupid question maybe...BUT....what clothing should I be bringing?

I'm thinking a skirt for each day, for when we are in chapel, but other than that?


Having just come back from two weeks at the convent...:)

I brought two ankle-length skirts and did laundry several times. Honestly, the sisters wear the same thing everyday. It's not necessary for you to be concerned about having something different for everyday -you're on retreat, keep it simple! Shirts, I brought 5 or 6, because I wouldn't re-wear those for cleanliness purposes.

Shirts SHOULD NOT be tight-fighting or "cap-sleeved" and should cover your mid-section with room to spare to allow for bowing and other movement. Tank-tops of course, are totally unacceptable. A word too about even knee-length skirts, while they are relatively modest, keep in mind that you will have to be more careful about keeping your knees covered etc... with an ankle length skirt, you don't have to worry and that is the beauty of it! Also, sandals are usually appropriate -they are comfortable and keep you cool with a long skirt on!

Personally, I find pants unacceptable. They are a reflection of the androgny of our culture -attempting to equate men and women in all ways, including dress. That being said, however, if you are going somewhere cool, bring a pair of loose cloth pants or long underwear, or even nylons to wear under a skirt to keep you warm!

Dress is another way that Christians need to be "counter-cultural" in order to be faithful to Our Lord. However, with a little effort you WILL look beautiful, classy, respectable, and feminine -who wouldn't want present themselves that way?

Have a blessed trip!

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